General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Well the only one in in the three mods I mentioned that adds different eastern european factions is Eras Total Conquest, and each time frame has different ones:

970: Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia
1080: Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Serbia
1200: Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia
1300: Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Teutonic Order
1400: Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Teutonic Order
1500: Hungary, Poland, Teutonic Order
1547: Austria, Poland-Lithuania, Prussia

There are more campaigns than that, for the e-european countries, and there is many more factions in each era in the game, I highely recommend Eras Total Conquest if you're up for actual historical factions. Just visit this web address to find out all the features, factions and etc. for Eras Total Conquest, that wikia also has a lot more info on other mods in the Total War series as well:
Atomkilla said:
Thanks guys. I'll check those mods, one by one, see which one I like the best. Quite a lot of them are there.
I'll browse their features later, but before I do that, I have to ask you - does any of the mods (one of those you listed, or some other) add Serbia as a faction? I hate that in both Medieval games, Serbia (and other countries in the region) possessed some, well, quite large territories at the time, but they are completely ignored in both games.

I felt the same about CA excluding switzerland from the game. :x They rather added aztecs, which where apparently oh-so-vital to medieval warfare :roll:
I get quite annoyed at that, i'm not swiss, but I don't see the point of removing a rather historically significant faction. It is isn't in any of the Total War games up until Napoleon Total War, and even Era Total Conquest, a mod which 'strives' to be factionally correct doesn't include it, sometimes I wonder if developers have their head screwed on right. For god's sake in Medieval 2 TW, they had the aztecs (pointless in main campaign) and the Timurids (which didn't even reach that far west), they could've easily removed both of them in favour of better factions like the Swiss Confederacy, Norway, Serbia, Bulgaria the list goes on...sorry for rant.
Black Feather said:
I felt the same about CA excluding switzerland from the game. :x They rather added aztecs, which where apparently oh-so-vital to medieval warfare :roll:

But the Swiss ARE medieval warfare. Eet makes no sense.
trying to play Crysis 2 but it keeps crashing when I try to reload my latest save. restarting the level every time isn't exactly enjoyable.

so I'm finishing off F.3.A.R. instead. pretty good. nowhere near the first game in the series, unfortunately. but I hardly expected it to be.
Played through FEAR 3 with a friend, which was a truly awesome coop experience. The only problem I had was that you can't play Insane right off the bat, so we had to go with Fearless (which is supposed to be Hard, I guess) which was really, really easy.

Looking forward to a second run through, switching it up this time so that I'm controlling Fettel. Blasting apart enemies with crimson psychic bolts, possessing a guy, killing his allies who happen to be occupying the same cover, and then exploding him like some fantastic meat balloon all look quite fun. I was more than a little jealous during my time as the Point Man.
trying to play Crysis 2 but it keeps crashing when I try to reload my latest save. restarting the level every time isn't exactly enjoyable.

Weird, I thought they fixed that. Is your game all patched up?
Figured I just had to use that insane Steam sale to get something new, so I chose Just Cause 2 (nono, Zero Punctuation didn't affect my purchase, what makes you say that??).

It's very, well, fun, in a good way, it doesn't attempt to be anything else than a sandbox game where blowing shit up for no good reason is the main appeal (unlike GTA4, at least imo). Any complaints about unrealism are swiftly forgotten when I can tether two helicopters together and watch them crash into each other while zooming atop a descending airplane (still haven't been able to reproduce that particular stunt).

And I take back what I said in another thread regarding sandboxes that can't be good-looking. The game world is absurdly massive, you can probably fit Morrowind, Oblivion and possibly Fallout 3's world into Panau, and this time there's no suspension of disbelief about crossing what is supposed to be a massive province in 30 minutes on foot (admittedly, there's less content per location, no indoor sections as far as I know). Yet the outdoors of each location manage to be fairly unique (minus the very much understandable prop recycling). Best sandbox ever, albeit going from snowy maintains to a desert in summer is a bit weird.

In other news, I went the Neutral/Evil (not the alignment, a combination of the two personas; pragmatic villainy if you will) Wild Mage route for my second BG2 playthrough, and I already killed the whole party with reproducing Fireballs, polymorphed a panther into a rabbit, and changed Korgan into a female, with only a few quests done out of Irenicus Dungeon. I have a feeling this will either turn out to be very entertaining or very, very annoying pretty soon.
JC2 is a fun and absolutely gorgeous-looking game. I still have it installed, though not playing it anymore since it got a bit old doing the same stuff over and over again. Still, definitely worthwhile. Make sure you try to visit that giant blimp hanging out in the air above Panau :D

@BG2: Haha, are you abusing that special Wildmage spell? It's got pretty high failure chance on lower levels I think. Regular spells shouldn't fail all that often.
Ausdoerrt said:
Sounds like a weird adaptation of the RPwP idea. I do like the sound of part-targeting and how you described item-collecting.
I actually prefer it to RTwP since it allows you to take your time and respond to what's going on but it everything happens in real-time when you take actions. I'd say that it's a superior method of combining turn-based with real-time than RTwP. The item-collecting gives me mixed feelings since I really love the idea but it does add some tedium if you have to collect large amounts of any specific item or multiple stacks from the same enemy.
Black Feather said:
I felt the same about CA excluding switzerland from the game. :x They rather added aztecs, which where apparently oh-so-vital to medieval warfare :roll:

I haven't played the games but are at least swiss mercenarys accounted for? Or are mercenary forces in general not included?
I'm thinking of replaying Fallout 3 after Icewind Dale. But bear with me now, I want to be a total asshole. Like, nuke the Citadel and nuke the Megaton. Only thing I wonder is will it be at least a little fun. And possible, because on most quests I need to be goody goody or the game breaks.
C2B said:
Black Feather said:
I felt the same about CA excluding switzerland from the game. :x They rather added aztecs, which where apparently oh-so-vital to medieval warfare :roll:

I haven't played the games but are at least swiss mercenarys accounted for? Or are mercenary forces in general not included?

There is one rather mediocre swiss pikemen mercenary unit, but given that the swiss had a huge part in the evolution of infantry warfare this is hardly enough...ahh i remember Medieval I fondly...

If i were a scotsman i'd be pretty pissed too i think, since the entire scottish faction is basically a reenactment of "Braveheart". :lol:

But that sort of thing has always been a flaw of the total war games. At least they improved the AI immensely in Shogun 2.
At least they improved the AI immensely in Shogun 2.

Did they? to this day I still have cavalry charging my pikemen and lone archer bataillons trying to take on half my army. They do use their swordsmen much better I found, not comitting them until a sufficient breach is created. But the campaign was still easy enough; I played as the Date, and nothing short of massed arquebusiers (very rare to see the AI have those) could beat my Dai-Katana hordes. Things got much more chaotic after the Shogun declared war on me (having two long-time ally go into a pillaging spree deep inside my territory was brutal, next time I just killed everybody off, much safer), however.
Ilosar said:
At least they improved the AI immensely in Shogun 2.

Did they? to this day I still have cavalry charging my pikemen and lone archer bataillons trying to take on half my army. They do use their swordsmen much better I found, not comitting them until a sufficient breach is created. But the campaign was still easy enough; I played as the Date, and nothing short of massed arquebusiers (very rare to see the AI have those) could beat my Dai-Katana hordes. Things got much more chaotic after the Shogun declared war on me (having two long-time ally go into a pillaging spree deep inside my territory was brutal, next time I just killed everybody off, much safer), however.

Yes it's still pretty easy in mid-game ... but imho diplomacy works for the first time in S2, that is until this damn realmdivide event turns everyone against you, rendering diplomacy useless. I also never noticed the battle AI protect its archers that well.
Gone back to Vegas for a bit, just to get Honest Hearts out the way before showing SCIENCE! my grenade launcher.

Tried Alpha Protocol but the controls are really turning me off, well more that the camera really turns to the wrong frikkin direction half the time.

Also Breath of Death VII just got released on Steam, guess I should play that as well.
Alice: The Madness Returns. It's fairly obvious that it was made by a Chinese studio. It's just a sloppy game. The controls are clunky and quite a few stretches of the game was very tedious. A few major gripes, one is that due to some stupid part of the game play mechanics, music is almost nonexistent because we must listen intently for the sound effects. In fact, playing this game sometimes feels like a training session for zen meditation. There is nothing going on and you are just going from one jump puzzle to the next with clunky controls. It feels like the studio was more interested in the background and the graphics than the game play itself. The story and characters are interesting but aren't really enough to keep one going through the tedium. It feels like a badly made Mario game.

Another thing (just a personal preference perhaps) that bugged me, if you are going to force us into these giant collection quests (yes, very mmo like, now I think about it), the least you can do is offer better rewards for them. You could offer some weapon tweaks or better selections. There are also some games that are similar to this that gives accessories that give bonus powers or interesting moves should you wear them. As it is now, it feels like a jumping puzzle game (Mario with adult themes perhaps) with a giant fetch quest attached to it.

And typical of a Chinese company, this is the first game (that I've personally played) that gives me a big trophy for finding their logo in the game.
Black Feather said:
C2B said:
Black Feather said:
I felt the same about CA excluding switzerland from the game. :x They rather added aztecs, which where apparently oh-so-vital to medieval warfare :roll:

I haven't played the games but are at least swiss mercenarys accounted for? Or are mercenary forces in general not included?

There is one rather mediocre swiss pikemen mercenary unit, but given that the swiss had a huge part in the evolution of infantry warfare this is hardly enough...ahh i remember Medieval I fondly...

That sounds horrible. I mean I'm not even big on warfare but this is wrong in so many ways.

Considering what an impact said mercenarys had on both europe and our own country (and down the line lead to other siginificant changes) this is pretty disapointing. Might as well pretend swiss doesn't exist.
Oh well. It's just a game. Not really historically accurate game, to be honest. Just look at the Rome: Total War which is a perfect example of historical fiction. I bet there are some mods which add Swiss and concentrate more on "realistic" medieval europe instead of conquering Aztec forts :lol: