General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

LA Noir

I play the action and my sister plays the detective parts

Its flawed, but great nonetheless.

This type of game would be awesome in a Se7en type atmosphere.
Courier said:
Civ V has been drastically improved with the last couple patches, I think I actually enjoyed playing it this time. I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for a lot of deep strategy, but if you're looking to just kill a couple hours it's a decent game (now).

Is the A.I half decent now? My main gripe when it I played it at launch was that they were pretty stupid when it came to... well everything.
Alphadrop said:
Is the A.I half decent now? My main gripe when it I played it at launch was that they were pretty stupid when it came to... well everything.

It's tons better, right now I'd say it's probably even better than the Civ IV A.I., the only problem with it is that it still doesn't seem to understand embarking units and running a navy. Still, in land combat the A.I. is getting pretty good. I've started seeing the A.I. doing some pretty smart things such as early warrior rushes.
Cool. Shame about the navy thing, it's so easy to cripple them with blockades or just use battleships to grind away at their cities.
Walpknut said:
Well, I am looking to expand my PS2 library, especificaly RPGs, Adventure Games (action or visual, both are fine), No Final Fantasy, I already have Godhand (is awesome) all the SHin Megami tenseis, DQ 8, so what games would you recomend me to get?

Hm..., PS2 you say?

How about Shadow Hearts series? The 3rd one was weak, but the first 2 was great. It's very dark and gothic.

Ar Tonelico series was also interesting but only if you like anime.

Suikoden 3, 4, and 5 are on PS2.

Romancing Saga was quite interesting and unique.

Radiata Stories was cute.

Rogue Galaxy was alright, but fairly predicable.

Did you also finish the Devil Summoner series?

Well, these are the only ones off the top of my head that I've played. Feel free to ask more questions about them.
I am still playing League of Legends. Yes it's free, multiplayer, and very well-balanced as well as diverse. I think everyone should play it.

The Vault Dweller


For those that do know I main as Singed.
Ausdoerrt said:
That's something I can agree with - though at least the conditions are explicitly stated and understandable, unlike, say, in Last Remnant.
Do you have the original version or the International Zodiac Job System game? I'm positive that in the original version that the only way to find out how to spawn the rare monsters (not rare hunts) was guides/FAQs.

Ausdoerrt said:
No, but it's common in FF games to make the strongest weapons obnoxious to get one way or another. A lot of the stronger stuff in FFIII in Eureka is easily missable w/o a walkthrough, in FFV you can even miss a whole class. Leaving it up to random numbers isn't the nicest thing, but it's not like we haven't seen similar stuff before, nor is the game unbeatable without it.
The issue that I have with it is that you lock yourself out of getting it within the first hour or two of gameplay. Yes, other Final Fatansy games have made the super equipment a pain to get but at least some of them do something interesting such as FFIX. That said, at least you can get the Zodiac Spear reliably.

Ausdoerrt said:
Still a better lead than Squall or Cloud.
The difference is that Squall and Cloud were actually relavent to the plot, Vaan and Penello really were not. I will give Penello that she had a personallity, even if it was riding the character appeal of the extremely loud, annoying, and clumsy young female. Vaan is a completely flat character who does nothing for the plot or the game.

Ausdoerrt said:
So you set arbitrary restrictions on your gameplay that imply grinding in any game, but then were angry that the game doesn't make it easy. I can't help but see the bias in your assessment (not to mention that, frankly, evaluating any game on how it plays for a 100% completionist is a bad idea - Planescape or Witcher 2 would get failing scores because you can't 100% them :P ).
If the content is not well designed then it should not make the game. The mehods of spawning rare monsters are tedious crap which plain are not fun to do. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy challenges and the actual fights agaisnt the rare monsters were generally more interesting than against regular enemies but certainly not enough to compensate for the grind of spawning them. 100% completion means doing as much in a playthrough as possible with the exception of content only available through either/or quest paths of which you complete all of the paths selected. I like to get the most out of my experience with a game which should mean experiencing all of the content to it's fullest.

Ausdoerrt said:
FFXII is more in the vein of the "classic" FF, and adopts a system similar to I, III, V, Tactics, TA, where every character is more or less fully customizable. You will most likely end FFIII (NES) with two sages and two ninjas with little distinction between each, for example. I don't see why it's a "problem". It's not, it's a design decision. Having full control of the roles your party members play is quite fun, if I say so myself. I'd be okay with it if you said "I don't like it when games do that", but you word it as if it's a universal problem, and such design needs to be eliminated. Excuse me, I quite like it.
I have no problem with classes and systems similar to that, I have a problem with a system that turns every character into virtually the same character by the end of regular gameplay. Hell, every character has the exact same license board and the only difference between characters is a neigh insignificant difference in starting stats. It's the same complaint that I have with Fallout 3, what's the point of choices if you ultimately become a jack of all trades? I'm not saying that you don't have characters assigned to more or less different roles throughout the game, simply that the characters assigned to those roles are irrelevent as they are all the same. This is not an issue with any class based system I've played, though I don't claim to have played them all.[/spoiler:7ccf52c611]
I'm currently working on the grind to 50 in Rift and playing the occasional L4D2.

League of Legends: The community is much more reasonable than the hardcore DoTA community as well but I never really got into DoTA so it's not really my thing.
The Vault Dweller said:
I am still playing League of Legends. Yes it's free, multiplayer, and very well-balanced as well as diverse. I think everyone should play it.

The Vault Dweller


For those that do know I main as Singed.

I'm playing it from time to time for like year + few months. Mainly 3/3 with champions like Kayle, Tryndamere, Shaco & Malphite. You're on US/EU?

And I'm still trying to complete Planescape Torment(Progressing very slow) + UFO:Extraterrestrials.

Last one isn't bad, but I like UFO:TTS and AI much more.
Apparently early in development all the cores were going to play larger parts, but they decided to focus more on Wheatley and make him the main core you're interacting with.
Well that explains the amount of lines they have compared to the amount of screen time they get.
Also I love the defective turrets, so much characterisation in the game it has most other AAA games beat despite the cast mostly being robots.
Started Alice: Madness Returns, mixed emotions so far. Maybe it's because of music, which was superb in the first one, and here is rather bland
Walpknut said:
Well, I am looking to expand my PS2 library, especificaly RPGs, Adventure Games (action or visual, both are fine), No Final Fantasy, I already have Godhand (is awesome) all the SHin Megami tenseis, DQ 8, so what games would you recomend me to get?
Valkyrie Profile 2 is really good; it has a cool combat system that I'd suggest watching some videos of and the exploration is turned into 2D platforming puzzles. The plot is mostly good too, though I hated the twist at the end, a twist which all players of the first game apparently would have seen coming.

If you're willing to try TRPGs then I'd suggest the Disgaea games. The dialogue is full of jokes and the gameplay is very solid, with a good class system.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is also a really fun game, though you need to be forewarned that you "recruit" characters back onto your side on the second disc and you only get two of four with no way of swapping them out for the other two. The combat is action oriented, vaguely like the Tales series. Again, good plot and gameplay.

If you're looking for interesting ARPG combat then Kingdom Hearts I & II are solid. The plots/dialogue are pretty atrocious, in large part because they are aimed at small children. That said, I enjoy the gameplay quite a bit, if not in part because I can see the potential of where they can take it in the future. It is generally on the too easy side. Also if you don't like either Final Fantasy or Disney then this game would be pure torture since it's pretty much the worst of both.

Rogue Galaxy bored me a bit, too repetitive without really anything to make the gameplay very exciting. It's a solidly average/mediocre game.

Xenosaga tends to get a lot of recommendations as well but at least the first game can't make up it's mind whether or not it's a game or a movie (or a book if you count it's glossary). I believe that there is at least one 1.5 hour cutscene with a save after 45 minutes so if long (I believe unskippable) cutscenes are not your thing then this is not a game for you. Personally I gave up on it.

Xellos said:
Started Alice: Madness Returns, mixed emotions so far. Maybe it's because of music, which was superb in the first one, and here is rather bland
That's too bad, especially since the atmosphere (sound design, art direction, world design, character design, etc.) was so great and made a mediocre game into a worthwhile play. How much has the gameplay improved? Is it in the same place compared to the current market that the first game was compared to it's market?

This summer sale is bringing some really bad new players into the L4D fold. I hate getting stuck with one good player and two crappy ones, half of the time one of which seems to want to just grief. Still fun games though.

I've also noticed that the TF2 skill curve has plummeted with the free to play thing, granting me amusement when I plat for the first time in months and top a server.

Still working on Rift, still a slow grind.
^Hey thanks for the recomendations, I am gonna look for Valkyre Prfile 2 (a friend recomended it too), Disgaea in the DS was pretty fun, so I am gonna look for it too, a firend actualy told me he HATED Xenosaga but he loved Xenogears, so maybe I'll look for it, als Star Ocean.

I will skip Kingdom Hearts, I like Disney old stuff but I can't stand Final Fantasy (specialy the newer games) thanks again.
I've also noticed that the TF2 skill curve has plummeted with the free to play thing, granting me amusement when I plat for the first time in months and top a server.

If you go to certain clan servers, the skill level jumps up. Not sure what exactly those would be, I usually just join whatever a friend of mine who's been playing the game for a while plays, and he usually goes for those servers.

Valkyrie Profile 2 is really good; it has a cool combat system that I'd suggest watching some videos of and the exploration is turned into 2D platforming puzzles. The plot is mostly good too, though I hated the twist at the end, a twist which all players of the first game apparently would have seen coming.

Hmm, should replay first game first, then, I guess... Glad they kept the exploration the same, and the added map should be helpful (first game could be very frustrating at times w/o one). Watched some gameplay vids, and have mixed feelings. On the one hand, seems like they kept the combo system from VP1, finishers and all; on the other hand, the in-battle movement and camera looks awkward and not really necessary in general. That's the impression from the vids anyway - would have to play it to know for sure.
Ausdoerrt said:
If you go to certain clan servers, the skill level jumps up. Not sure what exactly those would be, I usually just join whatever a friend of mine who's been playing the game for a while plays, and he usually goes for those servers.
It definitely does, my old stomping ground was empty today (presumably because it was work hours since I had the day off) so I just played on a random Valve pub. It was still a lot of fun, I ended up competing with the other decent person on the server for the top score once I got auto switched off of his team, which isn't something I normally do. It was a nice contrast with L4D which was obnoxious with new players joining expert games...

Ausdoerrt said:
...the in-battle movement and camera looks awkward and not really necessary in general.
I haven't played the first game so I can't compare. Enemies have attack radii so you try to avoid it or, for enemies with different attacks, aim for the radius you want. You also can destroy different parts of enemies and get different drops for doing so which means where you attack and how you combo will effect that.
Well, it's hard to tell since I'm only 3-4% through the game (as in-game counter says). The fact is that so far it lacks this "psychedelic" feel of the first one, more candy like at the moment. Hope it changes soon.