General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Its all about taste, i guess. I like as much authenticity as possible, thats why i always end up with some mod like Europa Barbarorum in Rome or Stainless Steel in Medieval.
Been playing Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition lately with some friends. Tis always fun to mess around with all characters despite only fully knowing my mains, which would be Adon and Cammy. I've heard about Yun and Yang breaking the balance that there was, but having played against a friend who is more of a fighting game aficionado than me, I don't feel that's the case. I can see how people might think otherwise, but they're beatable. Plus I rarely run across them when playing online.

Also briefly played MvC3 today.
I'm just waiting for old world blues. Until that day comes I'm just getting trophies in super smash bros. brawl, playing some of my files in new vegas, doing an unarmed run in fallout 2, and playing pikmin 1 and 2.
Been playing Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition lately with some friends. Tis always fun to mess around with all characters despite only fully knowing my mains, which would be Adon and Cammy. I've heard about Yun and Yang breaking the balance that there was, but having played against a friend who is more of a fighting game aficionado than me, I don't feel that's the case. I can see how people might think otherwise, but they're beatable. Plus I rarely run across them when playing online.

Could never really get into SFIV. It's a lot of fun to just use the cheat to unlock all charas then mess around with friends, but I could never care enough to actually try to learn to play better, or go through single player mode. Guess I'm more of a GG/BB fan.

Anyhow, I finished 3 Disciples 2 campaigns out of 5 in the last week or so. I seriously need to stop playing this game, I almost regret installing it as it's eating up all of my time.
Hmm, maybe if I locate the game. IIRC I borrowed it off a friend to play MoTB, and never bothered to copy it for keeps since I'dnever replay it. Ohwell. Looks interesting though. Are all the chapters complete??

Talking about NWN2 modules, has anyone tried this one? Looks cool, but... Well, you know. It's an ambitious idea. They'll probably finish it in 20 years at the current speed.
Played a Shadowrun session today, might not be a computer game but I did get to shout my signature at the DM.

Sadly the stick did not survive.
Ausdoerrt said:
Hmm, maybe if I locate the game. IIRC I borrowed it off a friend to play MoTB, and never bothered to copy it for keeps since I'dnever replay it. Ohwell. Looks interesting though. Are all the chapters complete??

Talking about NWN2 modules, has anyone tried this one? Looks cool, but... Well, you know. It's an ambitious idea. They'll probably finish it in 20 years at the current speed.

Yep, its complete. I never played any other NWN2 module (In Singleplayer), so i couldn't say anything about Purgatorio.
Kerbal Space Program

KSP is a game in which you build a rocket for three little green dudes and attempt to get them into space. More likely, you're just sending them to their doom.

It's currently a beta and under active development, but is already amazing fun. Planets you can fly to are a planned feature but for now all there is to do is see how far you can go. The base game is rather spartan components-wise, but there are mods that add extra components out there. Well, here, anyways.

One of the great things is that the Kerbals each have their own (basic) personality that affects how they react to the progress of their flight. Bill understandably freaks out when things seem to go awry (98% of the time), Bill is a pussy and is almost always screaming, and Jebediah is near fearless and will sport a shit-eating grin up to the second before his fiery demise.

Here's some footage:
Ausdoerrt said:
Could never really get into SFIV. It's a lot of fun to just use the cheat to unlock all charas then mess around with friends, but I could never care enough to actually try to learn to play better, or go through single player mode. Guess I'm more of a GG/BB fan.

Heh, it's strange. I can actually get into Guilty Gear but not BlazBlue. Either way, I stick to SF since I played that with my cousins all the time as a kid in the arcades.


Finished playing Dungeon Siege III. I found it to be good, for what it's supposed to be. Story-wise, I've always enjoyed Obsidian's work and I feel that they didn't disappoint here at all. Well, aside from the fact that there is no difference in the starting point of all characters.
Strange indeed, they aren't significantly different form each other. If anything, BB is a bit more friendly to "casual" players. GG does have the advantages of an older game, like better balance and more characters.
i am planning on replaying Persona4, the aniametd series is coming out in october, I am VERY esceptical about it, but I want to replay it anyways, I also want to remember that I like that game for different reasons than the rest of its Fandom likes it for, oen of the most criticaly acclaimed games of that year, one of the most misunderstood ones, when you have people defending the main villain of that game and writing pretty idiotic and too j-rpg animu-esqe interpretations of the game you know you have a misaimed fandom.
LA: Noire. I've been playing it almost non-stop for few last days :D People opinions vary, but IMO it's a very great game and kind of new experience. All cases in homicide were simply great.
Maybe this game isn't really groundbreaking and has its bugs(lots of texture glitches - had the same thing with GTA4 on console) but keeps me totally entertained. Oh, except the console controlling :-/

Funny thing is that in first 2-3missions it was totally obvious who's lying and who's telling the truth. I thought it will stay that way and therefore suck. Nothing like that - with time it became way harder and I'm still doing mistakes. Los Angeles is simply gorgeous. Rockstar made a fine job here as well!
Well I am done trying to give Final Fantasy XII a chance, it sucks ass, terribly sucks ass, it just expects me to go grind for and hour before throwing me a monster that does 100 damage for no reason and make me lost the grinding, in SMT you got monsters that could fuck you easy but you have strategy and tactics in those games, there is a way to beat everything that involves thinking and getting appropiate spells and monsters, here I just select the basic attack button and just watch as my character just moves by itself and attacks things, alone, no actual input for me, there aren't any actual tactics, I have no skills that are better than just using the basic attack, in summary the combat system just sucks, is boring, repetitive and just expects you to grind for hours, this feels like a freaking mmo, except without the annoying 13 year olds around, no wait, my character is an annoying 13 year old, so yeah it's just like a mmo.
The towns are just awfully designed, they might have all flares and detail, but they are superfluous, everything looks the same, yo uhave to be looking at the corner of the screen to actually know where you are going, and I feel like I am in one of the Star Wars prequels. The voice acting sucks too, I would have preferred it to remain without voice acting.
SmartCheetah said:
LA: Noire. I've been playing it almost non-stop for few last days :D People opinions vary, but IMO it's a very great game and kind of new experience. All cases in homicide were simply great.
Maybe this game isn't really groundbreaking and has its bugs(lots of texture glitches - had the same thing with GTA4 on console) but keeps me totally entertained. Oh, except the console controlling :-/

Funny thing is that in first 2-3missions it was totally obvious who's lying and who's telling the truth. I thought it will stay that way and therefore suck. Nothing like that - with time it became way harder and I'm still doing mistakes. Los Angeles is simply gorgeous. Rockstar made a fine job here as well!

Team Bondil made the game, Rockstar was just a helping hand. ;)
But I agree with you. It's a good game. Often times I screwed up cases, or framed (I believe) the wrong suspects, because I wasn't entirely sure or interpreted interviews/clues wrongly. I wouldn't mind playing more games in this style.
Finished playing Outcast. Digged out Azrael's Tear from the cupboard. Man, need to catch up on the golden oldies!
Black Feather said:

Bloody awesome ...

I strongly approve, when you get into fights it becomes really good :D

Started FNV as unarmed...let's see how it works out. It was easy to shoot things from afar, especially on Mount Doom (Black Mountain). Now I have to get in there. I'm also thinking of taking Terrifying Presence just for fun, it adds to my character, a real bonus.