General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Playing through the entire Jedi Knight series again (Except for the first one, because it's a shitty DOOM re-skin). I love me some Star Wars.

Finished Dark Forces 2, Jedi Outcast, and am currently wrapping up Jedi Academy.

LinkPain said:
Started FNV as unarmed...let's see how it works out. It was easy to shoot things from afar, especially on Mount Doom (Black Mountain). Now I have to get in there. I'm also thinking of taking Terrifying Presence just for fun, it adds to my character, a real bonus.

Unarmed in FNV is just as awesome as it is in Fallout 2.

A few tips:
-Go get Love and Hate as soon as you leave Goodsprings if you're up for it. It will easily carry you all the way to the point where you're able to get a Ballistic Fist.

-Get Veronica to teach you the Scribe Counter ASAP. It's the only Unarmed perk worth a damn, and will be your #1 go-to move to kill Deathclaws.

-If you plan on clearing out the Quarry Junction Deathclaws near Sloan, do it as EARLY AS POSSIBLE, because for some reason they scale like fucking crazy (they hit for 200+ through full Remnant power armor around level 30) and will fuck your shit up if you wait until late game to do it.
Playing through the entire Jedi Knight series again (Except for the first one, because it's a shitty DOOM re-skin). I love me some Star Wars.

Finished Dark Forces 2, Jedi Outcast, and am currently wrapping up Jedi Academy.

Funny, I was also in a bit of a Star Wars oldie relapse, but for me it's more about the shootiness than lightsabers. Currently on Republic Commando (it's short but decent, writing is too good for what's it supposed to be and hey 5$ on Steam) and BattleFront 2 (A Battlefield Star Wars reskin, land battles are decent even with the blatantly cheating AI but space battles are tons of fun) and of course both KOTORs (with restored content on KOTOR2 to boot), which will take a good while.

Also, melee characters in New Vegas are great, a bit weak at first but once you get perks, HP and DT you just run up to people and cave their faces in with your Super Sledge. Beating the Legendary Deathclaw never felt so good.
I've always prefered blasters and shooty shooty in Star Wars as well. One of my fave games is still Dark Forces, differing tastes I suppose and I tended to use just guns in multiplayer Outcast and Academy.

Battlefront 2 is great if rather shallow fun. However all it's problems are redeemed due to the Ewok hunting mode.

Currently reinstalling Sims 2, Sims 3 is good and all but there's something about Sims 2 that's just fun.
Finished OWB and enjoyed it more than I thought I would so I finally caved in and bought Honest Hearts.

I also started playing SWAT 4 coop with a friend last night.
I love the tense atmosphere, the fact that one shot can be lethal
(= restart because you can't save/ respawn)

Most fun I had online in a long time. Can't wait to try out Stetchkov Syndicate.
How many fellers can you play with in Swat 4? Would love to play it with other people.
"Excuse me sir, you're in my spot."
Hehe, apparently coop supports 5 players.

I haven't tried the other multiplayer modes but there are still a good number of servers online.
Honest Hearts. Enjoying the survival aspect, always loved digging for old stuff and turning it into something useful. trying to find all the interesting stuff before finishing the main quest.

Then, it's time for OWB.

I'm glad they released these DLCs, main game had me bored after the first playthrough. Now I can immerse myself again into New Vegas.
Meh, I deleted KOTOR after a few hours of use. I never cared much for the universe, and the game itself felt like a much more clunky version of NWN (and considering NWN was pretty clunky already, that pretty much killed the game for me).
I hate forced tutorials. Both KOTOR games suffered from terrible, terrible forced tutorials for like six+ hours of gameplay.

Of course I fucking love star wars, so I'll play through all of it again.
Wintermind said:
I hate forced tutorials. Both KOTOR games suffered from terrible, terrible forced tutorials for like six+ hours of gameplay.

Of course I fucking love star wars, so I'll play through all of it again.

I found Peragus to be pretty nice and dark piece of tutorial. Liked it all way long. Can't say the same thing about first KOTOR tutorial. Well, I loved 2nd game much more anyway.
Alphadrop said:
Currently reinstalling Sims 2, Sims 3 is good and all but there's something about Sims 2 that's just fun.

Do you have any of the expansion packs for 2? If so, maybe the reason you find 2 more fun is because of all the great expansion packs like pets or seasons. I can't imagine how much time I'm going to spend on sims 3 once pets is released.
I have all the expansion packs for both. The base mechanics are actually fairly different, with more emphasis on your sim just living rather than working towards something in 2.
Also 2 seems a lot more wacky and relaxed. Playing it again everything seems so much more expressive. Night clubs are full and bustling, people are wandering around, holiday destinations feel like holidays rather than goal orientated areas full of dungeons.

3 is slowly working towards that but it still lacks the Maxis charm, Ambitions added the zany jobs back and Night Life added the clubs so it is going in the right direction. Also 3 doesn't have University, if it did I would probably play it an awful lot more, Generations only has a pale shadow of University.

Looking forwards to Pets, wonder what the special creature will be, maybe werewolves again.
Alphadrop said:
maybe werewolves again.

Ugh. I thought the late night vampires were too twilighty. I hope they fix that and go for traditional werewolves.
SmartCheetah said:
Wintermind said:
I hate forced tutorials. Both KOTOR games suffered from terrible, terrible forced tutorials for like six+ hours of gameplay.

Of course I fucking love star wars, so I'll play through all of it again.

I found Peragus to be pretty nice and dark piece of tutorial. Liked it all way long. Can't say the same thing about first KOTOR tutorial. Well, I loved 2nd game much more anyway.

Except you always have to play peragus first, and it's always holding your hand throughout. Fine once maybe twice, but after that? Always having to go through Taris/Dantoonine or Peragus/Telos gets old fast.
Wintermind said:
SmartCheetah said:
Wintermind said:
I hate forced tutorials. Both KOTOR games suffered from terrible, terrible forced tutorials for like six+ hours of gameplay.

Of course I fucking love star wars, so I'll play through all of it again.

I found Peragus to be pretty nice and dark piece of tutorial. Liked it all way long. Can't say the same thing about first KOTOR tutorial. Well, I loved 2nd game much more anyway.

Except you always have to play peragus first, and it's always holding your hand throughout. Fine once maybe twice, but after that? Always having to go through Taris/Dantoonine or Peragus/Telos gets old fast.

You don't have to. The only thing you must do is download mods for it. KOTOR2 is quite unplayable without 'em anyway(Loads of cut content);41139

But it's the thing that hurts most oldschool RPG's. Just look at BG2 Irenicus prison. Long, boring and not really funny.