General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Ilosar said:
System Requirements Lab only has the data for minimum specs for TW2; it will only check if you pass them (it's mostly bullshit anyway, it said my old laptop couldn't handle ME2 while it ran just fine). But I can say you should be able to run it, albeit certainly not with many options on. Might want to tone down the resolution a notch depending on your monitor.


Still, I guess I should save money for the upgrades first. This is the first game that I really want to experience in the best way I can.
Pretty much every annoyance I had with Vanilla is fixed with OL (Besides the constantly respawning bandits on the border of the Garbage and Agroprom, every time you change maps). It's like I'm playing a completely different game.

Yeah, and a lot of those changes migrated to CS and CoP later as well.

It's too bad most of OL's good features are stolen from AMK.

Obvious troll-post is obvious. Borrowing features with proper crediting isn't "stealing". By your logic, most of AMK's good features are also "stolen" from smaller mods and early official builds.

I'm wondering if anyone does anything with the 1935 Build GSC released. After a lot of bugfixing and polishing it could acutally be a very nice game on its own. Although, as far as I know, the people from OL took quite a few things from that build.

I've seen a bunch of fan-made fixes, but nothing mod-wise. Never really cared enough to try them out, but here's a link:
I just finished Alice:Madness returns. What a let down. How typical of a Chinese company, can't finish a project to save their lives. There is no ending! How anticlimactic can one get?

Anyway, I was reading some mecha stuff, so I went back to play Front Mission.
Front Mission, that's a nice one, still on my list of games to be played when I feel up for a Tactics-like game. I did play Evolved for a while, which to the series' long-time fans is no doubt the equivalent of FO3; I wonder why it's so hard to make a GOOD mecha action game?
Ausdoerrt said:
Obvious troll-post is obvious. Borrowing features with proper crediting isn't "stealing".
Except for the longest time, OL didn't credit AMK for any of it (in-fact they took credit for it) in the first place. That was only after they were called out on it.

OL's developers thought that since AMK was only in Russian at the time they could get away with it.
Ausdoerrt said:
Front Mission, that's a nice one, still on my list of games to be played when I feel up for a Tactics-like game. I did play Evolved for a while, which to the series' long-time fans is no doubt the equivalent of FO3; I wonder why it's so hard to make a GOOD mecha action game?
They used to make a number of them with the Mech Assault games and StarSiege, my personal favorite. The mechanics have evolved well in the Front Mission series, I've only played about half of 1 and all of 4 but 4 is really well done.

A buddy of mine started playing Tactics Ogre a few months ago and has been raving about how much it's like Final Fantasy: Tactics and how good it is.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is for sale on Steam for $4.99 so I picked it up and will start playing that soon. I'm mostly playing TF2 these days...
UncannyGarlic said:
A buddy of mine started playing Tactics Ogre a few months ago and has been raving about how much it's like Final Fantasy: Tactics and how good it is.

Considering even the Kodex likes Tactics Ogre I'm guessing it's pretty good.

Playing Halo: ODST now I have a 360 again from it's great migration to my brothers university. My favourite Halo game is the one most Halo fans don't like.
THe only problem with ODST was that firefight didn't have matchmaking.

Tactics Ogre is supposed to be like FFT except it's story wise it's a lot more cohesive and even optional character get into the main story. If you happen to have a PS3 you can buy it for like ten bucks, and play it on that or a PSP. Ditto the original FFT, with it's a wonderful old dialog.

Oh, and specifically it's Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Tactics Ogre has had a bunch of games, going all the way back to the SNES, if not earlier.
Installed Icewind Dale II and rolled an entire party of Drow characters. Let's see when I first encounter real problems due to the low levelling.
Catherine. probably the first japanese developed game i've played in years. Good story, puzzle gameplay is compelling enough to keep me going and if nothing else its completely different then anything else i've played in a long time.
Surf Solar said:
Installed Icewind Dale II and rolled an entire party of Drow characters. Let's see when I first encounter real problems due to the low levelling.

Every time I install IWDII, I run out of steam halfway through. It somehow manages to be more repetitive and worse-looking than IWD1.

On topic - DDO is melting mah braaain.
Ausdoerrt said:
Surf Solar said:
Installed Icewind Dale II and rolled an entire party of Drow characters. Let's see when I first encounter real problems due to the low levelling.

Every time I install IWDII, I run out of steam halfway through. It somehow manages to be more repetitive and worse-looking than IWD1.

On topic - DDO is melting mah braaain.

same here, I think I've installed and started playing that game close to ten times by now and I have yet to complete it. it always starts out fun, the character creation is great and the combat pretty interesting. but there's just no story and no enjoyable environments to keep me playing.
IWD1 is great though, I think I've run it 2 times, and each was lots of fun. The background art is amazing, and every area/dungeon has its own unique flavor.
I just installed Spore and started playing it again, and I've found it a lot more fun than I did in '08. Possibly because I didn't have any expectations for it this time. This is a pretty fun game to play casually, although it lacks the addictiveness of the Sims.

Going to slide down a slope in a minute.
Wintermind said:
FFT is pretty much the only Final Fantasy game worth a damn. Even if the story is essentially totally linear, it's basis (the War of the Roses) is actually interesting and the characters are quite nice. Which version are you playing? The original PSX version or the PSP update/relrease, FFT: The War Of the Lions?

And if you're not actually playing on a console/handheld, you might want to look into some mods that patch it up/balance things a bit more properly.

I was playing the PSX version on the PS3, I lost my disk, so I downloaded the one from the PSN store. I heard the PSP version updated a few things, so that might be interesting to look at, but I don't have one, although I'm sort of interested in seeing if I can get one cheap to play Persona 2: Innocent Sin (although it sounds like they have censored it some). I still like FF3/6 also (although that has a lot of nostalgia going for it), and I think FF2/4 and original FF where good games for when they came out, even if they aren't great now.

I prefer 2-D PSX games though (or combo 2D-3D things like Persona and Tactics), as 3-D from that area mostly looked like crap.

After finishing FFT, I decided to play Tactics Ogre for the first time in a while as well. So far it does some things better and some things worse. Pure 2-D means no rotatable camera, which can be rough sometimes and the job system in FFT is cool, but the battles in TO are more tactical because your characters aren't overpowered, you have 10 man teams instead of 5, the enemy squads are also larger and you have permanent death. Also the localization seems much better and you're given some real choices to make. Also if I remember correctly TO retains its difficult late in the game, FFT was kind of the joke in chapter 4, including the end boss, especially after the horrible fight against Wiegraf/Velius at the end of Chapter 3.

FFT is very linear, as are a lot of games in the genre. One thing I really liked about Alpha Protocol was the flexibility of the order you could do the missions and how the various choices and objectives you met on the missions affected later missions, I think this sort of structure would work really well in SPRG type game, as they are also largely objective and mission based.
Playing Fallout New Vegas with Arwen's Realism tweaks. My reaction to said tweaks is very simple.


Also playing Deus Ex in anticipation for Human Revolution. Anyone else getting that?