General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I played the leaked beta of HR, and I will say 23 August can't come soon enough. What I experienced was just as good as ol' Deus Ex, with better graphs (obviously) and an even more solid artistic direction.

Also, I prefer Project Nevada to Arwen's. A bit too drastic at times, I found. Making skills meaningful is all fine and dandy, but being forced to level up Barter to sell something for more than 5% of it's value is a bit of an overkill.
ramessesjones said:
Wintermind said:
FFT is pretty much the only Final Fantasy game worth a damn. Even if the story is essentially totally linear, it's basis (the War of the Roses) is actually interesting and the characters are quite nice. Which version are you playing? The original PSX version or the PSP update/relrease, FFT: The War Of the Lions?

And if you're not actually playing on a console/handheld, you might want to look into some mods that patch it up/balance things a bit more properly.

I was playing the PSX version on the PS3, I lost my disk, so I downloaded the one from the PSN store. I heard the PSP version updated a few things, so that might be interesting to look at, but I don't have one, although I'm sort of interested in seeing if I can get one cheap to play Persona 2: Innocent Sin (although it sounds like they have censored it some). I still like FF3/6 also (although that has a lot of nostalgia going for it), and I think FF2/4 and original FF where good games for when they came out, even if they aren't great now.

I prefer 2-D PSX games though (or combo 2D-3D things like Persona and Tactics), as 3-D from that area mostly looked like crap.

After finishing FFT, I decided to play Tactics Ogre for the first time in a while as well. So far it does some things better and some things worse. Pure 2-D means no rotatable camera, which can be rough sometimes and the job system in FFT is cool, but the battles in TO are more tactical because your characters aren't overpowered, you have 10 man teams instead of 5, the enemy squads are also larger and you have permanent death. Also the localization seems much better and you're given some real choices to make. Also if I remember correctly TO retains its difficult late in the game, FFT was kind of the joke in chapter 4, including the end boss, especially after the horrible fight against Wiegraf/Velius at the end of Chapter 3.

FFT is very linear, as are a lot of games in the genre. One thing I really liked about Alpha Protocol was the flexibility of the order you could do the missions and how the various choices and objectives you met on the missions affected later missions, I think this sort of structure would work really well in SPRG type game, as they are also largely objective and mission based.

The localisation is vastly improved, but the dialog is bit more like Shakespeare. It can take a bit to get used to, but all in all it's pretty awesome. They added some cool cutscenes and voice acting for the cutscenes, some extra easter eggs/special characters and you can make anyone into a Dark Knight, Gaffgarion's class. Oh, and some of the names are changed. Belouve is still Belouve, Ramza is still Ramza, Delita is Delita, but Algus became Argath, and a few others.

Oh, and "wizard" and "priest" became "black mage" and "white mage" unfortunately.
So on top of playing Jagged Alliance 2 (with 1.13 mod) I'm also playing E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy.

It's VERY buggy, and they're very noticeable. People go on about how New Vegas is buggy but god damn, this is something else. It is otherwise a fun game, haven't had any crashes yet per say, but researching doesn't work properly at times, the AI is retarded (though not a bug, it's still stupid how they can see you in pitch black from a mile away while you're crouching and shoot you with their perfect accuracy).

The best bug yet has to be on the escort missions, the guy you're supposed to be protecting dies? No worries - the game doesn't go "mission failed", it lets you continue and finish the level. You'd probably think "oh, so they changed the storyline to fit when you fail the escort mission?" but no, the guy who you're supposed to protect in the last mission and died, is suddenly alive for the next mission, which is also an escort mission (and then proceeds to die again because his AI is horrid and doesn't defend himself very well). :lol:

Game is like a mixture between Deus Ex (cyberpunk and general RPG mechanics), System Shock 2 (more of those RPG mechanics and skills), STALKER (bugs and horrible Engrish translation) and then comes Borderlandsish gunplay and single-player MMORPG-like quests to make it feel all quite dull in the end (though with that comes the not necessarily bad thing: co-op) . For an Action "RPG" it is very stat heavy surprisingly, unlike Borderlands. There are probably 20+ stats to invest in and there are Augmentations ala Deus Ex to also level up. But there is so little weapon variety, and 75% of them are handed to you at the start of the game so apart from the skills and techs there's not much to look forward to end-game (apart from the super-expensive and rare Blade Runner pistol).

Also, very heavy Blade Runner vibes from this in general, several locations in some of the levels look straight out of the film.
Ausdoerrt said:
Surf Solar said:
Installed Icewind Dale II and rolled an entire party of Drow characters. Let's see when I first encounter real problems due to the low levelling.

Every time I install IWDII, I run out of steam halfway through. It somehow manages to be more repetitive and worse-looking than IWD1.

On topic - DDO is melting mah braaain.

Hm, it's the first time I play IWD II (was cheap on GoG) but having completed IWD I witha lot of joy, I can't say the second one is worse. Ok, I only completed the tasks in the first town (after the goblin siege) and I really enjoyed the encounters so far. The graphics are very nice, not sure what you mean with worse-looking. It's on par with IWD I , gorgeous, atmospheric maps, the best after Torment the Infinity Engine ever spawned, imo. Also, I love the look and feel of the new Interface there. Maybe it goes downhill after that, but at the moment I am immensly enjoying it, and that comes from a Realtime with Pause hater. ;) One really notices that Sawyer put a bit more thought into the encounter design, everything is challenging but never unfair. It's much better than to create artificial difficulty by HP bloat and spawning wave after wave of the same trashmobs.

@aenemic :

Well I knew what I will get with the purchase of IWD II ;) It's a dungeon crawler and it never hides the fact that its main purpose is combat. But even with that standpoint, it is still a pretty straightforward game, with lots of different dialogues depending what race, class, feats you chose. I enjoyed IWD I's pacing a lot more than it was in Baldurs Gate I/II and IWD II so far holds up my expectations. Also, as in IWD I, I fucking love the sounddesign of the game. To this day, there are no better enviromental sounds for any game I played.
Also, I probably should have touched on the lore/story for E.Y.E...

IT'S AN ABSOLUTE MINDFUCK! From the very beginning, even if you read all of the dialogue you will have NO IDEA what is going on because of the poor Engrish narrative coupled with the old "main character has amnesia and doesn't remember shit" (and sometimes even bugs getting rid of key segments of a mission, the escort mission guy for example). If you're looking for story here, good luck finding it - and I don't even mean this in a sarcastic way, it probably does have a story but it's just too hard to figure out.

Still, fun game.
Wintermind said:
Are you a wookie, JPanzer?
He better not be a wookie. I personally hunt wookies with only my vibrodagger. Silly bastards never even notice I'm there because they are so entranced with their crossbows, always staring down their scopes no matter what.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. After I patched it up (Wesp5's) and got it running it's a really good game. The combat is weird (forcefully switching to 3rd person for melee combat was annoying at first though and I'm not that far into the story yet, but it's shaping up to be a great game.

If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).
thegaresexperience said:
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. After I patched it up (Wesp5's) and got it running it's a really good game. The combat is weird (forcefully switching to 3rd person for melee combat was annoying at first though and I'm not that far into the story yet, but it's shaping up to be a great game.

If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).

If you want first person melee, the unofficial patch you have installed actually comes with that.

Head on over to your VTMB folder, and you'll see a folder called Extras. Inside that folder will be another called first-person-melee.

Open up that folder and then copy and paste all of the contents into Vampire\Vdata\Items. Overwrite when prompted.
I love installing old games on my PC; they warn me about their humongous installation of 300 mb, and suggest me to check if my hardware is up to date, because I may have to update them hahaha. Something I don't like is when they need DOSBox, gotta download that program.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
thegaresexperience said:
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. After I patched it up (Wesp5's) and got it running it's a really good game. The combat is weird (forcefully switching to 3rd person for melee combat was annoying at first though and I'm not that far into the story yet, but it's shaping up to be a great game.

If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).

If you want first person melee, the unofficial patch you have installed actually comes with that.

Head on over to your VTMB folder, and you'll see a folder called Extras. Inside that folder will be another called first-person-melee.

Open up that folder and then copy and paste all of the contents into Vampire\Vdata\Items. Overwrite when prompted.

It doesn't bother me too much anymore, I've actually gotten used to it and it makes it easier to fight and the option for 3rd person is great for sneaking and getting the jist of your surroundings.
I'm playing Batman: Arkham Asylum right now. It's ridiculously easy and at times reminds me of old PS1 games but still, it's Batman and probably the only superhero game I've ever played that doesn't completely suck. Looking forward to the sequel which is supposedly less linear.
Walpknut said:
I love installing old games on my PC; they warn me about their humongous installation of 300 mb, and suggest me to check if my hardware is up to date, because I may have to update them hahaha. Something I don't like is when they need DOSBox, gotta download that program.

Or when it shows you how much memory you have left but get's confused about hard drives over 5 gig.
I sometimes reinstall the early Command and Conquer games just for their installation programs.
thegaresexperience said:
If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).

There you go. If I were you, I'd remove Wesp's patch, install newest Camarilla Edition and start all over. Trust me, it's a hell lot of a better experience. After that, you may try the Final Nights mod, also from that site.
I got Tomb Raider Anniversary a few weeks ago, just beat it. It was pretty cool. I was expecting a pure remake in a new engine, like MGS: Twin Snakes, but the new levels were pretty unexpected and surprisingly entertaining.

My only gripe is the controls were way too simplified, push three button and you flip through the air and do all sorts of super cool maneuvers. With the grid based controls gone it was less of redoing a particular jumping puzzle until you got it down to a scientific equation and more of just mashing a few buttons to supercool awesomeness your way through it.

Also, the game was way too easy. I beat anniversary in 12 hours, it took me about 30 hours to beat the original
I still have a soft spot for the original Tomb Raider. It's chunky fun.
