General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I liked the first one. Never got the hang of the controls, though, and never got further than the fourth level, I think.
Maybe I'll give it another try some day.
finished up Catherine so now i'm replaying Batman Arkham Asylum which i never finished the first time through, not sure why, its pretty short, hell i'm almost done with it i think. Next on my to do list is finishing Uncharted 2

Lots of PS3 games as i just got a new PS3 to replace my old 60gb unit that broke :(. so there is a backlog
Ravager69 said:
thegaresexperience said:
If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).

There you go. If I were you, I'd remove Wesp's patch, install newest Camarilla Edition and start all over. Trust me, it's a hell lot of a better experience. After that, you may try the Final Nights mod, also from that site.

Ok how would I go about uninstalling the patches? (as you can tell I'm not good with this stuff steam and years of console gaming has babyed me).

Also do I just install the newest one or all of them in a row?
Supreme Commander (the first, and not with the expansion either). Not a bad game at all, the very large scale and nicely implemented strategic zoom are nice, but it quickly gets very spammy and chaotic, not to mention ultra-strong defenses make turtling way too powerful. I also don't like how unit preservation (save for Experimentals, whose utility vary greatly) is discouraged, so much goes on and most units and production buildings are dirt-cheap. Also, the story and campaign sucks. ''Go kill that base! good. A huge base suddendly apears at your flank and lauches a mass attack. Recover and go destroy it. Rinse and repeat for two hours.''

Definitely not my kind of RTS, I prefer positioning, micro and unit preservation ala Company of Heroes.

Also, my Wild Mage just finished the Sahuagin (or whatever) City in BG2. It's really a fun class to play, but I seem to get way less Wild Surges than before, which is both good (less reloads) and bad (less hilarious stuff happening). My favourite moment was a weak summoning spell going Area of Effect; about twenty dogs immediately spawned and started tearing some poor schmucks apart.
yep i was pretty close to finishing batman, thats all done now. Onto Uncharted 2 and then my newest purchase, Dead space 2.
I started playing The Witcher 2, finished the tedious prologue and played around in the first "real" chapter for awhile. So far it feels like I have spent most of the time watching one long terribly cheesy cut scene and the rest combating the horrid controls and interface.

-The game feels like it's on rails, no exploration or freedom whatsoever.

-(optional) Quick time events?! lol

-The way you "search" for items in boxes/ cupboards/... is just awful. I have to stand perfectly still for a few seconds on one exact (invisible) pixel/ spot before I can press the action key, seriously?

-The "action music" is terrible and super annoying. (And there is no way to turn it off afaik)

Does the game open up later on? If not I think I'll just uninstall and replay the first game.
I don't get why you say it's on rails. Chapter 1 has loads of side-quests, and the wilderness is pretty free-roam. It's no sandbox, but neither was TW1 at any point in time.
The prologue gave me the impression that there was very little freedom. But I'm a little further into the first chapter now and fortunately the game has opened up. I'm glad to hear there are loads of side-quests. :)

I didn't read reviews and other opinions in order to avoid spoilers (I really enjoyed the first game) so I was not really sure what to expect.
Full House Poker was the latest game I played.

It's a nice poker game, your Xbox avatars are sitting in seats around the table and interact with the chips and cards which is cool.
started playing The Witcher 2, finished the tedious prologue and played around in the first "real" chapter for awhile. So far it feels like I have spent most of the time watching one long terribly cheesy cut scene and the rest combating the horrid controls and interface.

The Prologue is the worst part by far. Act 1 is better (albeit a bit tedious the second time around), and Act 2 is the best, very open and changes drastically depending one your decisions in Act 1. Even the writing gets better, somewhat. Agree on the interface (why do you have to wait 10 seconds to see the item's complete description? why?) and controls being unintuitive as hell. It's a good game imo, just not as ''OMG BEST GAME IN YEARS!!!'' as some find, and still better than the first.
That's because the Prologue is basically an exposition-heavy tutorial for the game. I certainly wouldn't judge the game by it. And you can even skip most of it if you really want to as far as I know.

I found the controls to be pretty standard albeit with a few quirks. Combat is better thought of in terms of Risen rather than your favourite action slasher. It also does get better as you put skill points into it at levelup. Riposte is pretty much a must-have even for a non-swordsman character because of a certain annoying scene in Chapter 2 that forces you to use swords only.
thegaresexperience said:
Ravager69 said:
thegaresexperience said:
If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).

There you go. If I were you, I'd remove Wesp's patch, install newest Camarilla Edition and start all over. Trust me, it's a hell lot of a better experience. After that, you may try the Final Nights mod, also from that site.

Ok how would I go about uninstalling the patches? (as you can tell I'm not good with this stuff steam and years of console gaming has babyed me).

Also do I just install the newest one or all of them in a row?

Sorry for not responding, wasn't on the forum for a bit. Just make a fresh install, then go with Camarilla Edition (I think 1.4 is the newest). After one playthrough you may try the Final Nights - BUT NEVER TWO AT THE SAME TIME. Sorry for caps lock, but it's important - either Unofficial patch, Camarilla Edition OR Final Nights, never mix them. Cheers.
I just saw some "Gyakuten Kenji 2" sprites at and decided to make an Ace Attorney marathon, I am already by the second game, the Circus case is freaking annoying, except for the last Scene with the culpcript. so I am doing that right now.
My friend has gotten me to pick up a copy of Halo Wars to play and help do co-op cheevos with. While the game certainly isn't the best RTS and lacks certain, really useful features (like the ability to put units into groups), it's still pretty damn fun, and draws a surprising amount of it's stuff from sources other than the games.

Though the vehicles do show up some issues with the existing UNSC war machine (like the lack of a proper APC/IFV, an extraneous LOS Siege Tank wanna be that I never used because regular tanks are awesome. And speaking of tanks it has the most goddamned satisfying explosions.

It's vs. multiplayer is a bit lacking in effort and balance though, what with each leader having relatively minor differences, and some being way more awesome than others (Captain Cutter), though the covenant all specialize in Zerg-rushing , since they don't need as much shit built to start pumping out tanks and aircraft and all the covenant leaders are actual units who fuck shit up in the first two minutes of the game, allowing them to really ruin a UNSC players shit before the game has even started. Especially considering they can teleport any goddamned unit to the leader's position from their base for free. And they only have one unique unit each, and no leader powers or anything like that.

The co-op multiplayer is the shit, though. You shares resources, but one player can control a base and then handle building a constant stream of units/upgrading units while another player can micromanage fights (or you can both micromanage fights at the same time).
Wintermind said:
Though the vehicles do show up some issues with the existing UNSC war machine (like the lack of a proper APC/IFV,

Real men charge enemy forces in lightly armoured jeeps and quadbikes. Only wusses use decently armoured vehicles, well apart from the Scorpion which appears to be able to solo the Covenent.

Playing Reach at the moment for the first time and they seem to really have to push how stupid the Humans are so they can fail.
While using ATVs really isn't a part of it, you haven't heard of maneuver warfare, have you?*

*not saying that UNSC actually do this correctly, throughout the series.

REACH sadly didn't follow pretty much any details of the Fall of Reach, which is sad, because the book had huge space battles and no silly teleportation machines. Also I miss the days when human ships didn't have anti-gravity generators built into them that allowed them to casually chill out in atmosphere. Or how the covenant could do that too.

Also, if you want stupid, wait till you finish the level New Alexandria. Which is like three levels after the one you linked.

Oh and they also mucked up a bunch of stuff with the forerunners and long established continuity that I really have no idea what they were going for.
I know that fast speed warfare can work but not when you're doing a head on charge at an enemy that can one shot (in the lore anyway) everything except the slow moving tanks and has decent air and artillery support.

I've got the Halo books and Fall of Reach is one of the best, mostly for the naval combat that felt fairly realistic-ish for a sci fi novel.

Onto playing EDF Insect Invasion, where you fend of alien bugs using a machine gun and a badass battlecry.
Just started playing Portal 2, and once finished, will move on to Red Faction: Guerilla which (surprise surprise) also has the EDF (Boy, its quite an overused name isn't it?)