Vault Fossil

Update on Medieval 2: the Mongols are kicking my ass. I managed to capture Jerusalem (which was defended with a full stack) with about half of my men left. Next turn, a horde of 4 full stacks of super-elite units (seriously, their basic infantry are as strong as dismounted knights and carry bows??) are dumped right outside the city. Needless to say I only have small Aleppo and no leader left in the Holy Land. Situation in Europe is fine and dandy, but I need Jerusalem to win. Damn these fucks. At least I seem to have inflicted enough casualties that they have 2 full stacks left, and Aleppo is fully staffed because I have all of France, half of Italy, and most of the Holy Roman Empire under my control bringing tons of money into my coffers. My units are just not advanced enough to beat crazy strong horse archers on the open field, so behind the walls with you guys.
Also, a bit of Metro 2033. It's not a bad shooter at all, but I find it a bit too linear and dependant on scripts (the part with Khan was boring, you just follow him and do as he says). The jury-rigged weapons are really nice however, even if the Volt Driver seems like a giant game-breaker, killing anything in one shot.
Also, a bit of Metro 2033. It's not a bad shooter at all, but I find it a bit too linear and dependant on scripts (the part with Khan was boring, you just follow him and do as he says). The jury-rigged weapons are really nice however, even if the Volt Driver seems like a giant game-breaker, killing anything in one shot.