General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Serge 13 said:
Finished Dead Rising 2. It was really really awesome.

Next stop is Final Fantasy 13. It's the first time I am playing a Final Fantasy game. Never was a big fan of jrpg's. But I decided to give this one a shot, even if it's only because of the pretty visuals and presentation.
I'll save you some time:Those pretty visuals is the only good thing(the intro alone rocked me)after that it's walk,fight,walk,fight,Ohh pretty cutscene :oops: walk,fight,walk,fight,then you get your powers then its:walk,fig-wtf just happend?Well,it worked!Then Bossfight,and die.Trust me:If you played StarWars:KOTOR(or any RPG in the last decade)you have already played Final Fantasy 13
If yo uwant to introduce yoruself to JRPGs better play Shin Megami Tensei, any of the PS2 games except for Persona 3 will do, or if you have the machine you could also play the classic SNES SMT games.
I did try to play 'SMT: Nocturne' once, it was ok but I didn't bother finishing it. The typical Jrpg games aren't really my thing I guess.
Walpknut said:
If yo uwant to introduce yoruself to JRPGs better play Shin Megami Tensei, any of the PS2 games except for Persona 3 will do, or if you have the machine you could also play the classic SNES SMT games.

How about the Disgae series or however the hell it's spelled?
Disgaea, yeah, they are a lot fo fun, but if you are not in the mood for silly shit, and I mean SILLY SHIT I wouldn't recmend yo uto play it, the combat system is pretty flexible, even having a lot of intentional exploits and stuff.
Walpknut said:
Disgaea, yeah, they are a lot fo fun, but if you are not in the mood for silly shit, and I mean SILLY SHIT I wouldn't recmend yo uto play it, the combat system is pretty flexible, even having a lot of intentional exploits and stuff.

Well I am playing Catherine now and it is about like that. I love Catherine a lot. Best story I have seen in a while.
Believe me the amount of sillly shit in every Disgaea Game makes Fallout 2 random encounters look serious.
Walpknut said:
Believe me the amount of sillly shit in every Disgaea Game makes Fallout 2 random encounters look serious.

I preferred Fallout 2 and it's goofy shit, but I catch your drift.
I like Fallout 2 and it's goofy shit too, and I like Disgaea, is just that a lot of people here are not into goofy shit so I was just warning you just in case.
Serge 13 said:
Bakura said:

Good lord. You're right! I'll swap it with another game first thing in the coming week. Bored the shit out of me after a few hours!
Your welcome.It takes 24 hours for the game to open up(or so I hear,never got that far.)and for FF 13 to stop holding your hand.I just saved you a hole day of your life.Oh and I`m currently playing Halo:Reach,because Rage is hurting my eyes.Probibly my tv being darker than space.
Reach main campaign was too short, lame and stupid, but the invasion or w/e they called it mode where you kill waves of monsters was pretty fun.

Good lord. You're right! I'll swap it with another game first thing in the coming week. Bored the shit out of me after a few hours!

If you wanna play a JRPG that's decent but not ancient or handheld-console, give Last Remnant a shot. It does, like every JRPG, get grindy toward the end though.
The past few days I've been playing Crisis in the Kremlin as a HardLiner. Well I finally figured out how to keep my economy growing I seem unable to grow the countries assets, nor keep the republics and bloc members in line. My reserves keep going further into the red, leaching away at my 3000 GNP (as of 1991). Finally, reducing military weapon spending to under 100 seems to always result in coup -- one that there is no other option than end-game.

Well, to be tried as an incompetent is still better than the director of the KGB placing a team of "doctors" outside my door to relieve me of my grave illness, by the end of the week.

Just say Joe, comrades.

[Edit] Well. Um. I . . . solved my problems:

Now playing:
Dead Island

And I actually like it so far. Only played for a couple of hours, though. Maybe will become bored later.
Rich Dickardson said:
Just a few minutes ago, I was playing TF2. Ridiculously fun game, in my opinion.

I know. It's nice to some variety in online fps's. I only own one "serious" online fps (Black Ops) and tired of it quickly. TF2 is more my speed. Plus, there's about 3 automatic weapons. That's it. I never understood the appeal of games where all you have to do is hold down one button.
I've also installed Garry's Mod. It insane how much you can discover just by goofing around.
Played and finished Battlefield: Bad Company 2's single player campaign again. It's great fun but the story is nowhere near the first game. The first Battlefield: Bad Comapny had one of the best single player campaings I have ever played.

Also, I swapped FF13 for James Bond: Blood Stone. Heard it's pretty decent. I just played the MP for a bit. Will give the game some more spins tommorow.
Guys, 'James Bond: Blood Stone' is very very enjoyable. I haven't had so much fun with a bond game since Goldeneye 64. The game has some decent stealth and shooting mechanics. The driving sections are quite annoying though.