Water Chip? Been There, Done That

NightFire will always be my favorite. The opening sniping mission, oh god yes!
Wait wha? Haven't heard about either of those. Gonna have to check it out (even though I'm sure they'll ruin everything that made the original Halo and Metal Gear Solid great).Guiltyofbeingtrite said:Anxiously awaiting Halo's remake and Metal Gear Solid HD.
I actually just picked up the ICO/Shadow of the Colossus HD rerelease on PS3. I just beat Deus Ex HR and am starting up ICO. Only played about 30 mins, but so far it's pretty interesting. Gonna start SotC after I beat ICO.Shadow of the Colossus. Not as challenging as I had anticipated but I'll casually play it once a week or so.
The heck? Didn't know they released Tactics on the iPad either. One more thing to check out.Final Fantasy Tactics on iPad is taking up a lot of my time[...]
Kyuu said:Wait wha? Haven't heard about either of those. Gonna have to check it out (even though I'm sure they'll ruin everything that made the original Halo and Metal Gear Solid great).Guiltyofbeingtrite said:Anxiously awaiting Halo's remake and Metal Gear Solid HD.
I actually just picked up the ICO/Shadow of the Colossus HD rerelease on PS3. I just beat Deus Ex HR and am starting up ICO. Only played about 30 mins, but so far it's pretty interesting. Gonna start SotC after I beat ICO.Shadow of the Colossus. Not as challenging as I had anticipated but I'll casually play it once a week or so.
The heck? Didn't know they released Tactics on the iPad either. One more thing to check out.Final Fantasy Tactics on iPad is taking up a lot of my time[...]
Ah right, the HD Collection. I actually had seen that... and was terribly disappointed that the original Metal Gear Solid wasn't in there. Ah well, can still play it in all its terribly pixellated glory.Guiltyofbeingtrite said:To clarify, MGS is just MGS2, MGS3, and Peace Walker in HD format for 360 and PS3. Using the latest versions, Subsistence, etc.
TorontRayne said:Just played Persona 4 earlier. I am actually impressed so far.
Persona 4 is oen of my favorite JRPG, well SMT itself is oen of the few JRPG series that are worth playing. I advice you to have some music ready, the game is 80 hours long and the music even if you likeit (wich I didn't except for some specific Boss Battle songs) will get annoying quick. or just use the Mute Button.The Vault Dweller said:TorontRayne said:Just played Persona 4 earlier. I am actually impressed so far.
That series has always had my attention since it seems very different from most JRPG's in some very good ways. I actually have the fourth and will play it eventually. Supposedly the second Persona is the best and the first and third are ok.
The Vault Dweller
Really ? Your almost done ?Shit.I need some money.No costumes ?Even X-men games had the old costumes. PS:anyone heard of a game called Project Eden ?TorontRayne said:Beat Arkham City and now I am working on completing everything. I hate that the costumes for Batman are all DLC and not unlockable. Not one fucking costume, cmon?! Trying to decide what to do next......