General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Walpknut said:
Right now I am re-beating Persona 4 I am gonna see If I can get all the 24 Social Links in one run, and trying to beat SMT Digital Devil Saga 2, I don't know I am not feeling this game, the first DDS was my least favorite SMT, and this one is I may go back to replay Nocturne, probably get a different Ending than last time.

I have been considering playing Persona 4 again. Right now I'm trying to decide between a few games I haven't beat yet:

Persona 4
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts 2
Escape From Monkey Island(PS2)

I can't decide....hmmm :question:
Re: PS:T, the real way to play the game is to approach it like what it is - a fucking amazing fantasy novel. Seriously this game has one of the biggest scripts of any RPG, could have even been the biggest to date at the time of its release. You should start with high Wisdom and Intelligence, and enjoy the storytelling. This is not an Action-RPG, it's a true RPG. You play the role of an integral character in an involved script-based fantasy story.

EDIT: Essentially the opposite of Fallout 3 ;)
Anyone play Bastion? Thinking about picking it up from Steam. Looks like something I could really get into.
TorontRayne said:
I have been considering playing Persona 4 again. Right now I'm trying to decide between a few games I haven't beat yet:
I'd scratch FFXII off of your list, the game is pretty horrible. I got a lot of enjoyment out of Kingdom Hearts 2, though it never challenged me. I haven't gotten around to starting Persona 4 or Escape from Monkey Island so I can't speak on those.

Bastion is pretty fun from what I've played but the best part is really the narration. I really wish that more games would take it's approach to narration as it makes the game. It looks beautiful and I think that it will age quite well aesthetically. The gameplay is pretty average and I'm not really far enough to say whether or not it get's hard enough to kill me so I'm not sure on the difficulty. All in all, it's definitely worth $5.
Bastion is very nice yes. I bought Orcs Must Die! during the sale the other day. Pretty fun incarnation of a 3rd-person tower defense game.

Also re-playing Freespace 2. God that thing RULES!
Also get the Bastion soundtrack, tis so sweeeet.

Rummaging around a charity shop today and ended up buying Thief 1 + 2, Uprising 2 (been trying to find a replacement copy for years) and Super Bubsy for a total of 3 quid.
Brought the last game just because I need more PC platformers, no matter how Bubsy.
My dream is to still come across a boxed copy of The Neverhood or Jazz Jackrabbit 2, a retro gamer can dream.
Never played any of those game but I heard FF12 was alright and the persona series has always interested me so I would tell you to go play them.

Never got into Kingdom Hearts.
FF12 felt like playing an off line mmo set in a medieval version of Star Wars Episode I and II with all the annoying fake accents bad deliveries and pretty non sensical setting, but that is just me.
Walpknut said:
FF12 felt like playing an off line mmo set in a medieval version of Star Wars Episode I and II with all the annoying fake accents bad deliveries and pretty non sensical setting, but that is just me.

I liked the setting. I did find the main character to be a whiny bitch, but that is pretty much with every FF game.
He's meant to be a whiney bitch, they added the main character in quite near the end because they thought Balthier wouldn't connect enough with the core audience. A bland, boring whiney hero with very little point to the entire game, he's essentially Tidus 2.0, who was also meant to be the character the core audience connected with.
Alphadrop said:
He's meant to be a whiney bitch, they added the main character in quite near the end because they thought Balthier wouldn't connect enough with the core audience. A bland, boring whiney hero with very little point to the entire game, he's essentially Tidus 2.0, who was also meant to be the character the core audience connected with.

I think I like Balthier more than any other character in FF XII. I hated Tidus with a passion, and at least 5 of my friends didn't even play FF X because of Tidus! The best part of FF X was Auron and the heavy metal music during the last boss, other than that not so much.
What gets me every time is the annoying, nasal voices they pick for FF main characters. Why?!
Would they make Cloud or Squall have that same 12 year old teenager voice? The past couple of FF games have been disappointing for me. Who names a female lead Lightning? What is up with the sequels like FFX 2 and FF XIII 2? I think Square has lost some of their magic over the years.
Walpknut said:
FF12 felt like playing an off line mmo set in a medieval version of Star Wars Episode I and II with all the annoying fake accents bad deliveries and pretty non sensical setting, but that is just me.
The gameplay and underlying system is what bothered me. I really didn't mind the plot aside from Vaan and Penelo. Both were added to appeal to the targeted Japanese audience who they felt wouldn't connect with Basch (not Balthier) given the reception of Vagrant story. The plot didn't bother me, it wasn't anything special but it wasn't anything horrible either. It would have been nice to have access to all hunts and marks at all time rather than having to go back to turn one in and get a new one (if I remember right). Also, if you were playing 100% completion, you got overleveled early and maxed out the license grid by a third to half-way through the game not to mention it screws up the game's pacing. The license grid is crap, it's completely inferior to the Sphere Grid of FFX and results in every character being effectively the same by the end of the game (by which point most players will have maxed it out on every character). I've already listed my complaints before elsewhere so I better stop here.

TorontRayne said:
I hated Tidus with a passion, and at least 5 of my friends didn't even play FF X because of Tidus! The best part of FF X was Auron and the heavy metal music during the last boss, other than that not so much.
I know a few people online who live Tidus and Yuna but I can't figure out why. They were the most one dimensional lead FF characters to date at release. The best part of FFX was the beginning until you meet Wakka/leave the ruined Zanarkand. If you shut off the game at that point I'd argue that you have one of the best feeling JRPGs ever made. Unfortunately that is the point where you get introduced to what the rest of the game will be like. All that said, the game is mechanically sound, it's main problem was that characters who weren't involved in the battle didn't get experience. It's a game let down by too many random encounters, bad level design (so many corridors that you simply run straight through), and crap in terms of setting, plot, and character design (with a couple of exceptions)

TorontRayne said:
The past couple of FF games have been disappointing for me. Who names a female lead Lightning? What is up with the sequels like FFX 2 and FF XIII 2? I think Square has lost some of their magic over the years.
I heard that FFXIII was good after the what, 30, 40, 50 hour tutorial? The problem is that you shouldn't have to play for hours before a game becomes good. I think the decline in quality has partially if not largely to do with the changes in staff. I think that they are too unwilling to make new, original IPs when it comes to RPGs as well.

EDIT: for some older FF discussion with some different opinions on FFXII.
I have been considering playing Persona 4 again. Right now I'm trying to decide between a few games I haven't beat yet:

Persona 4
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts 2
Escape From Monkey Island(PS2)

TBH, go with the gut feeling. For fear of starting another lengthy argument that leads nowhere, let's just say Garlic has a strong personal bias against FFXII, so you should take his opinion with a grain of salt. I've been playing it on and off, and found it to be one of the most enjoyable games in the franchise.

KH2 usually gets more fan love, but personally the whole Disney thing is just a turn-off for me.
Dammit, I can't kill the Sheriff in VtM:B.

Why did I put all my points into attractiveness instead of firearms? It seemed like a good idea at the time. I didn't want to have an ugly Toreador.