Finished Bioshock 2. Has its flaws but a damn good game. I'm amazed as I always dismissed it as a cash grab and thought that the Rapture events didn't need a sequel. If there was to be one though, then this is it!
Not only does it fit well, it's better than the first one in many ways. The levels are more focused but reward exploration big time. The characters and the voice acting were good in Bioshock but got cheesy at times; here they still take things seriously but inject some humor as well. Not every one is equally excellent but mostly thanks to the superb voice acting, I actually lol'ed quite a bit (Father Wales = hilarity). The story may not have as cool of a twist as "WYK" and while it is very flawed and incomplete (a damn shame), the ride itself is done much better. The choices throughout the game actually impact the game itself and the ending as well. Speaking of which:
[spoiler:330edcadcd]I loved the one where the girl looks back into the ocean and the well-dressed bodies start popping up all over. That was an epic and fitting ending to Rapture. [/spoiler:330edcadcd]
Anyway, glad I bought it. The only real issue is that the multiplayer is driving me insane refusing to work on my PC. I hear the whole PC release was handled ridiculously shitty.