General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

between xmas and new years i love to replay old games:

this year
the Thief trilogy :P + fan made missions
today: Thief : The Dark Project
Going to try to get GoW going on my rig, should be able to handle it.
I'm expecting the gameplay to be just as pisseasy as everything else converted from xbrick controllers to mouse+keyboard. I'm truly hoping to be let down.

But thanks to radnan, I'll probably ditch that and go for my old Thief series aswell, 'tis been a long time since last time.
Gears of War is nice if you expect nothing more than a nice shooter with shiny graphics...oh and sometimes a cool post-apocalyptic setting.

Right now I'm playing Arcanum...again...It's just awesome how this game is still able to surprise me. The setting is perfect, the characters are cool ( too bad some of them lack a bit of depth ), the quests are awesome...I just love it.
I'm getting a late christmas present from a friend... a DVD burner and Two worlds... so I guess I'll be playing that game in a few days
MrBumble said:
Gears of War is nice if you expect nothing more than a nice shooter with shiny graphics...oh and sometimes a cool post-apocalyptic setting.

Right now I'm playing Arcanum...again...It's just awesome how this game is still able to surprise me. The setting is perfect, the characters are cool ( too bad some of them lack a bit of depth ), the quests are awesome...I just love it.

I knew that my rig was old, but that I had to update my CPU drivers (Athlon 64FX 3000+) to was really annoying, since there apparently are'nt any for my processor, so I'm stuck with

Game lags like crazy no matter the graphic settings, so it's really nice and shiney with lagg all over the place.

*Cuddles his X800 pro*

Going to play Thief again I think.
Starwars said:
For Per I'd just like to say that the NWN1 OC is very shitty, and I wouldn't recommend going through it.

I can't very well buy the game and not play it, can I? I think I'm a little more than halfway through now. Thanks for the mod recommendations though. Further thoughts:

* I really like the implementation of the D&D rules - for this character anyway. I'm playing a two-handed slasher thief using the barbarian henchman for "flanking" and it's working just like it's supposed to. I also get to be sneaky and trap-disarmy on occasion.

* Speaking of the henchman, his AI really sucks. Sometimes he'll stand there refusing to fight; sometimes he'll run away across half the map to attack some enemy. I usually just let him go and get killed in that case.

* It's true that the campaign isn't stellar. There was one funny moment with an undead guy that made me chortle, but most of all it made me realize that a game should be brimming with such moments, not just one in a hundred dialogues. There are some other nice things but far too few: I liked the visual effect in the spirit realm, and Charwood was nicely eerie for the brief part before entering the castle.

* Random loot is random. I didn't like this in Icewind Dale and it's even worse here - you could get a weapon or piece of equipment that suits your class perfectly, or you could get a ring worth a few gold pieces. Meaning you'll get almost all of your new equipment from shops. At least in IwD you had more characters needing a wider variety of items.

* Stupid bug: at one point I got stuck next to a wall. I could run along the wall but not out of the room. Had to use the town portal to escape and go back into the dungeon.
Been sucked into EVE Online. Probably just because it's been too long since I've had a good sci-fi, spaceship faring experience. Not enough of those around nowadays... kinda reminds me of Escape Velocity too, which is a good thing.

Oh, and I'm partway through Mass Effect. It's decent. Good graphics, character art (Bethesda should definitely take a lesson or two), combat system is both good and kinda eh at the same time (doesn't feel RPGish is mostly my complaint). Character development and dialogue range from okay to bleh. The generic pallete-swapped planets (for none plot-central worlds) that look and feel dead are a big bust. The "exploration" is pretty lame (which sucks, since that's one of my favorite activities). No stealth concept at all (always been big on playing stealthy characters myself). Story goes from meh to somewhat interesting to bleh and back again. Equipment progression, shops, and the way money is handled in general is just shit. I mean really. In many ways they need to go back to their old RPGs and look at what they did right back then... from BG to KotOR.

Like Wrex and the Quarrian. Spaceship combat would've been nice (supposedly planned for the sequel), something in the vein of Skies of Arcadia's excellent (in my opinion) ship combat, though of course that may be too turn-based for Bioware's liking.
Right now I'm playing

-Destroy all humans 2 ( funny shit )
-Mass Effect
-Rainbow six Vegas ( what a FUGLY game ! )
just finished mass effect, beat bioshock and gears of war and found the 3 games pretty kickass. i played around 35% of quake 4 but i gave up on it because it was kind of unappealing in places, played a little less then half of prey but thaqt game is one big headache.

also over the holidays ive replayed command and conqueror renegade, age of empires 2 + expantion(again), played a bit of tiberian sun+ firestorm, found it boring just like last time and i also played a bit of red alert 2 + yuri's revange but it was also boring like last time.

and i dont have any games to play at the moment :P
I just played Guitar Hero on easy... and pwnd... Then I felt as if I did not entertain myself one iota.
-Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigher (best FPS i have ever played)

-Scarface (cool have a mansion, a Ratller ect.)

-BF2+Special Forces+Euro Force+Armored Fury

-Fallout 1 (finaly!)

-Company of Heroes (best strategy game ever!)
Good games to play:

-H&D 2

-Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (waiting a upgrade in my PC to play Double Agent).

-Shadow Ops Red Mercury (REALY good history, worth a play!)
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne

Played it. When reached the half of the orient (China-Babylon), my HD has a problem and i lost everything. Never played again.