Wintermind said:
No, dota-likes all have the single worst community in any game I've ever seen. People genuinely get mad when you're new to the game, and flip a shit if you do A) Worse than them, becuase you're not pulling your weight, B) better than them, because you're stealing their kills and hampering their personal growth, or C) exactly the same as them, because you're being a smartass.
Peoples hurtful remarks don't really mean anything, but if I want to induce rage and hate I actually want to earn it, not accrue it simply from being present.
Well actively pursuing resentment is an activity I've never indulged in, so I'll just take your word on how you feel about getting it "without trying".
But really, there are worse communities than DotA's, or the ARTS and MOBA scenes, in general. I've played every DotA clone of the past decade, so I've had AMPLE exposure to them, trust me. I'm not saying that you WON'T encounter some seriously childish, massively egotistical douchebaggery, because you most certainly will. I'm simply stating that it's not unique to DotA, and that there's plenty of players who AREN'T like that. Granted, you have to be ranked at such a high bracket that you only play against the same thousand people, and even then you'll encounter sore loses and whiners 5% of the time. But compared to the beginners bracket, where you are GUARANTEED to run into this? The level of maturity displays a staggeringly marked improvement.
But if there's ever some form of exposure to the genre that you feel would "encourage" you not to detest it, because you'll consistently see players being decent and generous, and actively express the importance of not being rude asshats, check out and watch a couple of his videos. He's a DotA player any non-professional-level DotA player should aspire to be. Good at the game, polite and anti-troll, surrounded by gosu asians, and has a voice the ladies go nuts over. Actually, now that I summarized all of that, I'm feeling somewhat resentful... that lucky bastard. XD