General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

The only thing that can even remotely be called spyware is a small program that downloads custom, local advertisements to use in the game, and it's use IS explicitly stated on a separate card inside my box.

So no, it doesn't contain spyware.
I've been trying to get back into the original (Quakeworld) Team Fortress lately. I played a few league games and loved competing in Team Fortress Classic, but I found the sequels to it (TF2, FF) extremely disappointing on a competitive level, so I'm going back to the basics. I'm enjoying it a lot so far; the new (or old, rather) physics and the fact that there's no bunnyhop cap really make up for the weaker graphics. I hear they're changing a lot in FF (Fortress Forever, HL2 mod) for the better though, so maybe I'll check that out when they come out with their new patch.

maximaz said:
Overall, I'm really liking the game though. I expected it to be Oblivion with worse visuals, which would be ok but it truly surprised me. If I played it first, I'd be PISSED about Oblivion. The game could have a great sequel but it turned out a lot worse than MW. I have no idea how they could change so much for the worse. WTF were they thinking?

Agreed -- you know, a lot of people were pissed with Morrowind too, but at least I was still able to enjoy it. Oblivion on the other hand I could not enjoy on any level in any way. I guess that's just Bethesda for you, though I'm not sure how they fell so far downhill.
It's just too much the stereotype of bad shooters. Bunny hopping, griefing, irritating "run-n-gun" gameplay touted as "tactical", it's just not my bag.

I've been splitting time between COD4, OGR (Ghost Recon 1), and some Neverwinter Nights 2, which has been frustrating the hell out of me.
fireb0rn said:
I've been trying to get back into the original (Quakeworld) Team Fortress lately. I played a few league games and loved competing in Team Fortress Classic, but I found the sequels to it (TF2, FF) extremely disappointing on a competitive level, so I'm going back to the basics. I'm enjoying it a lot so far; the new (or old, rather) physics and the fact that there's no bunnyhop cap really make up for the weaker graphics. I hear they're changing a lot in FF (Fortress Forever, HL2 mod) for the better though, so maybe I'll check that out when they come out with their new patch.

He he. I've been playing QW duels recently.. left team games alone, the scene got slightly too hardcore for me. On a rare occasion, i will actually score a frag, even!

Fucking Swedish no-lifers. :X

Is it? I haven't played it for a while. Sorry.

Anyway, I didn't dig it. COD 4 is having a tough enough time keeping my attention with Hardcore mode. Random spawns piss me off so much, I don't know how I'm meant to enjoy a game where people can spawn literally feet away from you, behind you, and you can't hear for shit. The sound in this game really bugs me, it's so useless.
Madbringer said:
He he. I've been playing QW duels recently.. left team games alone, the scene got slightly too hardcore for me. On a rare occasion, i will actually score a frag, even!

haha, yeah, I definitely know that feeling. :|
Mikael Grizzly said:
a small program that downloads custom, local advertisements to use in the game ["and reports what in-game advertisements the player looks at, and for how long"]
Yeah, that isn't spyware...
I liked the demo of Stranglehold well enough, but I can see how it'd get a bit tedious...

I really don't see anyone's gripe with the BF2142 "spyware", which I don't believe fits the definition. If you don't like it, you don't have to buy the game. If you bought it without knowing about it, you have a few things to work at:
a) grow some balls and stop bitching about "ZOMG SPIWAIR", which does nothing, and
b) become a little bit more informed. I couldn't not hear about this story when the game came out, despite my best efforts.
Mikael Grizzly said:
The only thing that can even remotely be called spyware is a small program that downloads custom, local advertisements to use in the game, and it's use IS explicitly stated on a separate card inside my box.
And not on outside? Since when advertising in games is a norm?
Since racing games?

I know the ads are totally out of place, but I really think there's no reason to bitch about this. This isn't an OS where you're forced to see ten minutes long ads for obese midget scat porn, these are minute ads in a gorram game. Don't like it, don't play the game. No skin off EA's back.
I've been playing Zack & Wiki on my Wii. The game is just like those old Sierra adventure games, except it's split up into levels, and each level has a number of puzzles to solve to complete the level and get the treasure. But the puzzles are just like the old games.
Duckman said:
Civ 4: Beyond the Sword.

What a great game. Still!

BtS changes everything in that game, but for the better. I love the support they gave to espionage. Nothing fills me more with glee than watching the CPU lose their damn minds as things go crazy around them, and they have no idea it was me.

Just about the only thing I don't like in this expansion is the new narrator guy, but I mean how do you compete with Nemoy in that unless you're Morgan Freeman?
I would be playing Madden NFL 07 if Microsoft would make it backwards compatible for the 360! ... So instead, its been a mash of AOE:III Asian Dynasties, Mass Effect and Forza 2... Today has been one nice laid back gaming day for Maph.
Stag said:
I liked the demo of Stranglehold well enough, but I can see how it'd get a bit tedious...

It got so tedious in fact that I just sold it this afternoon and bought Crackdown ( second hand ). Boy, I sure was surprised when I opened it and noticed there was also a copy of Call of duty 4 and its manual within the box... :mrgreen:
MrBumble said:
Stag said:
I liked the demo of Stranglehold well enough, but I can see how it'd get a bit tedious...

It got so tedious in fact that I just sold it this afternoon and bought Crackdown ( second hand ). Boy, I sure was surprised when I opened it and noticed there was also a copy of Call of duty 4 and its manual within the box... :mrgreen:

You bought a second hand x360 game and there were 2 inside ?!
:lol: yeah

14 euros for both Crackdown and Call of duty 4. The COD4 dvd was slipped into the pages of the Crackdown manual and the COD4 manual was just there, behind the crackdown manual and the map...

I guess it was probably an error from the previous owner or from the store. I don't know. It was my lucky day 8-)