General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Sorrow said:
Nology5890 said:
C&C TS and RA2 draw you in a hell of a lot more than Generals and TW, for most fans of the franchise.
I dumped CC TS as soon as I finished the campaign. I found the gameplay boring and uninteresting.

The Dutch Ghost said:
So how is the reaction towards Syndicate Wars?
Whose reaction?

Mikael Grizzly said:
xdarkyrex said:
Also, is Syndicate any good?
Syndicate is a cult game. It's very playable but sometimes is annoying due to lack of transparency of buildings.

You forgot the Atlantic Accelerator.
As in cool or in annoying things about Syndicate :) ?[/quote]

Damn annoying. I can understand landing under fire, I can't landing under fire from forty or so enemy agents. D:
A cocktail of two brilliant online wonders - Trackmania United and Team Fortress 2. I bought trackmania on the off chance that it was decent, and fucking hell, one of the best things I've done in a long while, due to the pretty endless nature of the game, as well as the varied car classes.
SimpleMinded said:
Team Fortress 2... ALL THE TIME.

It's a damned addiction. I want to stop I swear. But one more round.
team fortress 2 i horrible... i played for like 6 hours total and thats when i didnt have any other online shooters
Battlefield 1942.

With the BattleGroup 1942 mod version 1.35.

Among the best WWII games of all time, considering its versatility. It reminds me of Fallout in that respect.
TF2 is horrible? How can you say that?
It's balanced, the maps are awesome and the teamwork just does wonders. The class interaction really makes a great set-up and gets people playing together.

What didn't you like about it?
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Beautiful game and with my new Q6600 the game runs pretty smooth. I just wish I had a nice monitor and video card to crank video settings to the max.
I don't remember Atlantic Accelerator probably because I tried to play American Revolt just after finishing the last mission. In American Revolt every mission is like Atlantic Accelerator.

One thing that I really didn't like in Syndicate was how the campaign worked - it allowed repeating unique missions and worse, rebellion forced player to repeat a mission instead of doing a separate anti-rebellion mission.

I wonder if any of open source versions of Syndicate will ever be finished...
SimpleMinded said:
TF2 is horrible? How can you say that?
It's balanced, the maps are awesome and the teamwork just does wonders. The class interaction really makes a great set-up and gets people playing together.

What didn't you like about it?
its just plain retarded, the only map i liked at all was 2fort playing capture the flag, sure there are classes but half of them suck, and the team co-op has nothing on other online shooters, IMO team fortress classic was much better but then again at least that game was serious.
Oblivion-Yeah I actually like this game, the mods anyways.
Call Of duty 4- cause when you really got to take a deagle to someones face.
SimpleMinded said:
TF2 is horrible? How can you say that?
It's balanced, the maps are awesome and the teamwork just does wonders. The class interaction really makes a great set-up and gets people playing together.

What didn't you like about it?

If you've ever played any other TF game, then you'd know it's done the same as what many are expecting will be done to Fallout 3. The game is not balanced. How is making defense by default impenetrable to the point of requiring the offensive class to use an invincibility skill balance? That's plain lazy design.

The maps in the game are terrible. There's one decent map: gravelpit. But that's it. They didn't even rip many maps at all from tfc or qwtf; the players are stuck doing it!

Besides that, how can anybody call TF2 a Fortress game when the majority of the maps use command points? The game is balanced around command points despite TF always being a CTF oriented game. CTF maps are already extremely difficult to play since the defense is so overpowered. But then again I guess you can go invincible so it doesn't really matter.

I don't get how you can say class interaction is good. It's all designed around the fact that you can't do anything without a medic (aka: godmode) since the defense is so ridiculously overpowered. At best, replace a medic with a spy to sap the sentries (which kill you nearly instantly), but even that's hardly viable. You cannot accomplish anything without a medic. If that's their idea of teamwork I'd rather play without it.

The fact that anybody even bought the TF2 hype just goes to show how ignorant so many gamers are. Its primary selling point (apart from bad graphics) was that it was getting rid of grenades because grenades = spam!! What most people don't realize is that grenade spam was never even a problem in the first place.

Let's look at this question, it's really simple: how do people spam grenades?
They throw their grenades. Since they're throwing their grenades they will eventually run out. That means they can't throw any more grenades. So how is grenade spam even possible?
The only possible way a person can spam is by sitting on a grenade pack. Grenade packs are placed into the maps, they are not hard-coded into the game. Instead of removing grenade packs from the maps, they took the easier route and simply removed grenades from the game and came up with the lie that it was the best measure to get rid of spam, which it absolutely is not.

Even if you think that upon getting rid of grenade packs spam would still be a problem, you're mistaken. There's really no problem with grenade spam at all: it's extremely easy to avoid and it means the enemy after spamming the grenades will cause no threat. If you run into this 'grenade spam' everyone gets all caught up about then it's your own fault. Either your server isn't playing the proper sized maps for how many players its holding or you simply need to avoid the grenades. People may as well have complained about being shot with guns.

Grenades added so much to the game that their removal essentially ruined it. I guess I can't call it lazy design since it sells well and is great for hype, but it certainly doesn't create a game with depth as was in the older TF games. But it's just an example of how they're dumbing down the series for mass appeal. I'm not even going to get into how they removed bunnyhopping or any speed increase of any kind. TF games were traditionally very fast games, btw. TF2 is probably the slowest FPS I've ever played.

But then again if you like it, you like it. The class system is enough to appeal to most gamers. It's a decent game if you don't consider it a part of the TF series, but overall I found it was pretty boring and essentially being used to milk more cash from ex-TFC gamers. Most TF players consider FF (Fortress Forever) the actual sequel to TFC rather than TF2, anyways.
Cody, all I'm seeing is angry statements, no real reasoning. Also, about that seriousness comment, what? Does it have to fucking be loaded with US soldiers and Ala enthusiasts to be a decent fucking game? I welcome a unique art style, and as usual, this has payed off. Hell, i bought darwinia for the same reason, turned out to be a decent game as well as gorgeous.
I've been playing lots and lots of Guitar Hero 1+2, Tekken 5 DR Online, Call of Duty 4 and, to top it all off, Fallout 2 with Killap's Restoration Patch/Mod.
There's something very wrong when your favorite hobby turns into a second job because there are so many awesome games I have to play!
I feel so tired... and yet, satisfied...

*edit* Oh god Super Mario Galaxy finally arrived in the mail. I won't be able to leave my flat for a loooooong time...
Baldur's Gate + ToSC & Shadows of Amn + ToB. Saw the four pack in the shops, and thought I'd give it another go after Per was praising it. But damn if it's just as boring as I remembered.

I've installed tutu and since it doesn't use BG1 saves I thought I'd import my character, but my Fallen Paladin/Necromancer gets turned into a plain dual class fighter/fighter (WTF?) with mage spells.

So dilema, carry on a 5 year old save game from the city or start a new in tutu?
BG1 SUCKS. Horribly. Too much candyness, gameplay is too lame (I don't have the patience to write exactly what is lame, but trust me)

BG2 + ToB is far better, but I never replayed it, because I don't think it's worth it. Game itself is wort to play it one time.

Mask of the Betrayer (NWN2 expansion) is fun, although combat looks like taken from Star Wars (high level spells if you know what I mean).

I myself play Call of Duty 4 (multi is far better than in CoD 2), Fallout 2 + killap's mode(almost finished it) NWN2 + MotB and some browser games