Mr Fish
Slippy sloppy, The
Oh I hated RE6. I felt like it was treating me as if I was mentally challenged with its "gameplay" and the amount of ACTION scenes and plot armor dripping off of Leon and whatsherface made me hate everything about it. The final straw was when the game told me to hold down a button to proceed the game for no good reason as it could have been a cutscene and then when the helicopter started failing the plot armor meter started dinging like crazy.
- - - -
I'm really cutting down things left and right and honestly it feels liberating. The backlog used to be so huge a few months ago but now I'm tired of dealing with things that don't interest me solely for the reason of "oh you have to give them a try" or "you spent money on it" or "but it's a waste to remove it". Either a game hooks my interest or it doesn't. My patience is extremely low for my perception of mediocrity. And I'm less than a dozen games away from the Steam backlog being done. It's a strange mindset I'm in. Wondering what actually matters in my life. Granted, it's video games. It shouldn't matter too much. But it helps put things into perspective. I haven't had this kind of a mindset before in my life. Maybe way back when I first got depression but that was over a decade ago so I can't remember. I'm excited to reach the end of the line.
More cuts:
Cities Skylines
I didn't like the controls or the tiny HUD's text that was mid-gray on white background, I had to squint to read anything. Also I already have SimCity4 which I enjoy enough as it is. I don't see the reason to keep this one around.
Alice Madness Returns
It required me to create an EA account. Not origin. An EA account. I'm not creating another account.
Don't Starve
This game has such damn potential to it but every time I go back into it I get pissed off at the design decisions regarding "difficulty". I don't like these kind of indie roguelike games who stroke their chubs at the thought of not handholding the player to the point of creating an experience that is arbitrarily difficult. Especially considering the RNG elements. I don't need a game that keeps luring me back into it, thinking that maybe this time will be different, only for it to start slapping me in the face with its unwashed pecker.
Life Is Strange
I... I just really... Really... REALLY do not care about a bunch of highschool drama. I'm also tired of the telltale design at this point. You're creating an interactive cinematic experience. Not a game. So stop trying to shoehorn "gameplay" into it. I don't want to walk around and have to manually interact with things. It's clear you aren't interested in giving us actual gameplay so drop the pretense and give us a movie that occasionally has choices in it. I'd much rather just sit back and enjoy a story where I get to dictate certain outcomes than... This. I have Tales From Borderlands and Walking Dead Frontier left to play which is in a telltale format. Dunno if I'll be able to play them either. Borderlands and Walking Dead are things that interest me but... I really do not like this kind of "gameplay" anymore.
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Oh and I finished Darkness II. It was fun. But I feel like I jumped midway into a story, and it ended on a kind of a cliffhanger which makes me feel like I have to go look up the comics now.
I also soft-finished Hard Reset (its original ending, not the now-ending) It's all right. Better than DOOM and I think that's pretty sad. But it was fun, up to a point, then it got real repetitive. I only played it for like 4.5 hours so, yeah, not a super long game and even then I think it needed an hour trimmed off of it. But the first 3 hours were fun at least.
- - - -
I'm really cutting down things left and right and honestly it feels liberating. The backlog used to be so huge a few months ago but now I'm tired of dealing with things that don't interest me solely for the reason of "oh you have to give them a try" or "you spent money on it" or "but it's a waste to remove it". Either a game hooks my interest or it doesn't. My patience is extremely low for my perception of mediocrity. And I'm less than a dozen games away from the Steam backlog being done. It's a strange mindset I'm in. Wondering what actually matters in my life. Granted, it's video games. It shouldn't matter too much. But it helps put things into perspective. I haven't had this kind of a mindset before in my life. Maybe way back when I first got depression but that was over a decade ago so I can't remember. I'm excited to reach the end of the line.
More cuts:
Cities Skylines
I didn't like the controls or the tiny HUD's text that was mid-gray on white background, I had to squint to read anything. Also I already have SimCity4 which I enjoy enough as it is. I don't see the reason to keep this one around.
Alice Madness Returns
It required me to create an EA account. Not origin. An EA account. I'm not creating another account.
Don't Starve
This game has such damn potential to it but every time I go back into it I get pissed off at the design decisions regarding "difficulty". I don't like these kind of indie roguelike games who stroke their chubs at the thought of not handholding the player to the point of creating an experience that is arbitrarily difficult. Especially considering the RNG elements. I don't need a game that keeps luring me back into it, thinking that maybe this time will be different, only for it to start slapping me in the face with its unwashed pecker.
Life Is Strange
I... I just really... Really... REALLY do not care about a bunch of highschool drama. I'm also tired of the telltale design at this point. You're creating an interactive cinematic experience. Not a game. So stop trying to shoehorn "gameplay" into it. I don't want to walk around and have to manually interact with things. It's clear you aren't interested in giving us actual gameplay so drop the pretense and give us a movie that occasionally has choices in it. I'd much rather just sit back and enjoy a story where I get to dictate certain outcomes than... This. I have Tales From Borderlands and Walking Dead Frontier left to play which is in a telltale format. Dunno if I'll be able to play them either. Borderlands and Walking Dead are things that interest me but... I really do not like this kind of "gameplay" anymore.
- - - -
Oh and I finished Darkness II. It was fun. But I feel like I jumped midway into a story, and it ended on a kind of a cliffhanger which makes me feel like I have to go look up the comics now.
I also soft-finished Hard Reset (its original ending, not the now-ending) It's all right. Better than DOOM and I think that's pretty sad. But it was fun, up to a point, then it got real repetitive. I only played it for like 4.5 hours so, yeah, not a super long game and even then I think it needed an hour trimmed off of it. But the first 3 hours were fun at least.