Well, I hate Shadow Of War. Played it for like 3 hours today and it feels like you're meant to have literally just finished playing Shadow Of Mordor then jumped into this one because they're throwing you into the deep end right off the bat.
Like, it has that combat system of constantly hitting Y to counter enemies right, so I can't ever finish an enemy off before I have to fend off 5 more so fights drag on forever and when I think that thinks are looking up then all of the sudden more enemies show up. Because the first area is in a city under siege it means that there are so many nooks and crannies that I can't possibly pay attention to everything that's going on around me. So counter, dodge, dodge, counter, attack once a do a measly amount of damage, counter, counter, dodge, dodge, get hit by arrow you couldn't see, dodge, get hit by captain charging which I should have dodged but because I'm constantly hitting Y and A to counter and dodge I do not have time to use the left thumb to control the camera so I got blindsided, now all my health is gone and I'm dead. Oh and since the only way to heal is to drain enemies (which takes a revolting amount of time this early on) it means I can't do it. There is literally no timewindow for me to do this without being shot by arrows or blindsided by more enemies. And then the game has the gall to go "an enemy is going for the alarm". Bitch, WHICH ENEMY!? Which one out of the two dozen enemies in a city district where I can barely stay alive is going for the alarm?
It's been a year or so since I played Shadow Of Mordor so I'm rust to say the least and the game is not giving me any room to breathe. There is no lenient area to get your feet wet again. It's on the moment you finish the intro. And quite frankly, it's not brutal. It's unfair. Every second in a fight I have to pay attention to whether I should counter or dodge, whether I see an arrow flying or not, whether there is a champion near or not, whether the is a beartrap around me or not, whether the enemy I'm attacking is blocking my attacks so I have to alter my pattern. And one fuck up and I'm dead.
So I decided fuck it, I need to get my feet wet and get accustomed to this shit so I lowered it to the lowest difficulty. First place I went to, guess what happened? Three captains jump me.
It's like the game doesn't 'want' me to like it, like it's telling me to fuck off every chance it gets.
Gonna try it again tomorrow and see if I can adapt better but so far this has been absolutely horrendous.