Oh, right, I ended up removing Tomb Raider and I'm considering removing Witcher 2 as well.
Been busy filtering the games I care for and the ones I don't.
Tomb Raider Underworld
A bit too dated for my taste.
Tomb Raider Anniversary & Tomb Raider Legend
I honestly just bought these three games cause they were on sale for 0.83 euro a pop and I had just gotten off of the reboot which I enjoyed so I figured I'd give them a try but at this point in my life I don't want mediocre games that I'm unsure about. Either you hook me right away or you're not making the cut. I don't think the earlier Tomb Raider games are for me.
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Way dated. The gameplay is repetitive, boring and clunky and the story is downright stupid at times. The mystery isn't enough to keep me interested.
Just Cause 3
I already played Just Cause 2. This is just more of that. And a timesink at that. And I just didn't have fun playing it. The only fun I had was in attack helicopters mowing shit down. Everything else felt badly done. The way enemies respawn, how guns work, how cars steer and even how the hook works with the parachute felt off.
Alan Wake
Pretentious crap. Also for a game where the writers creation come to life they sure loved to just use crazy dudes with axes over and over again. What a waste.
Duke Nukem Forever
Serious Sam is better.
Ew gameplay.
COD: Modern Warfare 1 + 2
I only bought them when on sale because I wanted to see why these games were so popular and managed to secure COD as a franchise going forward but I had no actual interest in the games and after playing the first one I just lost interest right away.
Resident Evil: Revelations 1 + 2
I didn't even play these. I just looked them up on youtube and the gameplay looks awful. I don't even like REvil 4's gameplay and this looks worse than that. Only bought them because, again, they were on sale.
Star Wars KOTOR 1 + 2
I don't like real time with pause when it comes to isometric games and I sure as hell do not like it when it is played out in third person either. The combat is godawful and boring. I watched a video of someone beating a boss and it was soooooo booooring. Oh and I dislike Star Wars. Only reason I bought them was sale and because everyone keeps harping on about them. But I don't like them. That combat format is not exciting nor strategic nor even entertaining to watch.
Game Of Thrones
Has same combat as up above but more polished, gave it a fair chance. Still hate the combat formula.
Metal Gear Revengeance
Sale. And it was during a time when I wanted to broaden my horizon so I bought it blindly. Looked up its gameplay on youtube. No thanks.
So yeah that's 16 games trimmed off of my backlog.
I really really hope I don't go on a shopping spree because "OHMYGODITISONSAAAALE!!!" ever again. A lot of these games just aren't for me and I have no idea why the hell I even bought them. But it feels good to have trimmed it way down.
Playing Darkness II right now and having a blast btw.
Not a whole lot of games left.
Hard Reset
Hitman Absolution
Obscure 2
REvil 0
REvil 6
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Jade Empire
Wolfenstein: New Order
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
The end of my backlog can now be seen at the horizon and by god it is beautiful and I can't wait to get there.