Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Soviet Travolta said:Grabbed Jagged Alliance 2. Having played Fallouts and FOT, i always read how superior was combat supposed to be in JA2...So it was time to give it a try, and all.
Can't say i'm hooked for now. While i kinda appreciate the cheesy 80ies action B-movie mood (damn the music you have on the laptop is spot on!), i feel terribly lost in front of the interface, even after reading the manual. And of course, the anguish of creating a character and composing a squad while you still barely get how stats will function when ingame. It seems i got used to those modern friendly learning curves...
I'm gonna try harder getting used to it, but i'd be curious to know if anyone had this first impression too.
yeah, I know exactly what you mean. while I have huge respect for JA2, knowing what kind of game it is and having played it a couple of times, I just can't get into it.
if I had played it when I was younger and still had the time and patience to learn how such a game works, it'd be different. but I first tried it only recently and while it's a lot of fun at first, things really felt a bit overwhelming after a while.
gonna try it again someday, maybe with a walkthrough at hand. I know, it's cheating...