requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Halo Combat Evolved for the PC.

Yeah I was bored and wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Hey, just keep in mind this was the launch game for the XBox, and isn't exactly new. Also, it was the first console FPS game actually worth a damn. Some things don't hold up as well in the face of game development since then, but much does. The story especially, if you really pay attention, is better than most you'll encounter in an FPS.
Bah... just don't want another Halo detractor, as most hate it just because it's popular. If it wasn't as popular, most wouldn't be so adamant about pointing out its flaws. It ain't perfect (then again neither was Fallout), but it's a very enjoyable game... if you like FPSs, of course.
As for me... Halo 2 on legendary, and Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. Yes, I know, but cut me some slack. I actually enjoy the arcadey volleyball action, and some of the other games are entertaining. The visuals certainly don't hurt, of course (although I don't like the gravity-defying breasts, oddly enough... they're just a bit
too gravity-defying sometimes; c'mon developers (also looking at you, Soul Calibur people), breasts just don't bounce like that, even when they are that big!).