Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Dante's Inferno.
It is...interesting, to say the least. Especially if you have ever read the Divine Comedy or The Inferno in particular.
It is a shameless God of War rip off, that much is clear. The issue being that unlike God of War with every game having great pace and build up Dante's Inferno throws it all out in the first few hours and then the later part of the game is very "meh".
The combat is pretty easy to get the hang of (God of War is definitely more challenging) and the puzzles are incredibly simple. The story is average at best and yet again something God of War completely roflstomps it in.
The main redeeming part of this game I would say you should rent it for is the atmosphere and scenery. It is pretty cool at first to get to see each circle of Hell and how the dammned are being punished. Meeting famous historical sinners and judging them is also a bit cool.
Definitely worth a rent as I said before, I cannot recommend dropping $60 on it. It is also worth a note that you could easily get 100% the Trophies/Achievements with three or so days on this game.
It is...interesting, to say the least. Especially if you have ever read the Divine Comedy or The Inferno in particular.
It is a shameless God of War rip off, that much is clear. The issue being that unlike God of War with every game having great pace and build up Dante's Inferno throws it all out in the first few hours and then the later part of the game is very "meh".
The combat is pretty easy to get the hang of (God of War is definitely more challenging) and the puzzles are incredibly simple. The story is average at best and yet again something God of War completely roflstomps it in.
The main redeeming part of this game I would say you should rent it for is the atmosphere and scenery. It is pretty cool at first to get to see each circle of Hell and how the dammned are being punished. Meeting famous historical sinners and judging them is also a bit cool.
Definitely worth a rent as I said before, I cannot recommend dropping $60 on it. It is also worth a note that you could easily get 100% the Trophies/Achievements with three or so days on this game.