General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I very recently finished Diablo. For the very first time.


Yes, that would be the original Diablo from the mid nineties of the previous century.

Yes, that would be single player only.

.Pixote. said:
Did you enjoy it?

I sure did.
But I doubt I would have ever finished it if I could play other games. See: my old laptop can only play old games, stuff like AoE and StarCraft and Diablo. It can't handle Fallout or Arcanum or Planescape Torment - which would be my first choice, entertainment-wise.

The fact that your Diablo character can only walk is a huge disappointment at first, but you get used to it really quickly.

All in all, I llike Diablo better than Diablo 2 (which I have also finished SP): it's darker and it's about as long as a hack and slash game should be. Diablo 2 was way too long IMO.
90 hours into New Vegas already, which is crazy. I was extremely skeptical but I'm so freaking impressed by this game now. It still doesn't scream Fallout to me but damn! So many options, so many choices, hell, at times I DO even get that old school Fallout vibe.

If it weren't for the horrible engine that makes shit look silly and some unavoidable carry-overs from Fallout 3, like the unfortunate change in art direction from the old ones, this would have been fucking it. The best RPG in a decade if you ask me.
World of Tanks. It's pretty damn good, easily up there with LoL as the two best free to play games I tried. Gameplay is solid without being overly complex, production values are quite high, and few things beat the fun of driving a goddamn tank.

That said, it's really quite grindy. Almost a month of on-and-off playing and I've only unlocked one Tier 5 (out of 10), and the first three tiers are very quickly done. Worse, the stock tanks pretty much all suck, so that brand new Panzer IV is slower and less powerful than the smaller tank that comes before it on the tech tree until you upgrade the engine and gun. It also means you then get matched up against Tier 6-7-8 tanks that can smoke you in one shot, so getting that PIV up to snuff can take quite a long time.

Also good times with Darksiders II. Still trying to finish the Crucible in one go on Apocalyptic, but it's really hard.
maximaz said:
90 hours into New Vegas already, which is crazy. I was extremely skeptical but I'm so freaking impressed by this game now. It still doesn't scream Fallout to me but damn! So many options, so many choices, hell, at times I DO even get that old school Fallout vibe.

If it weren't for the horrible engine that makes shit look silly and some unavoidable carry-overs from Fallout 3, like the unfortunate change in art direction from the old ones, this would have been fucking it. The best RPG in a decade if you ask me.

Good to see someone enjoying New Vegas. Makes me wish I didn't play the game to death, so I could enjoy it again. Try some of the mods out if you get a chance.
Dragon age 2 , but i can't enjoy it anymore , Witcher 2 spoiled me.

Now DA2 seems like the sanitized brainwashed happy go lucky suburban kid.

Damn you TW2 !
TorontRayne said:
Good to see someone enjoying New Vegas. Makes me wish I didn't play the game to death, so I could enjoy it again. Try some of the mods out if you get a chance.

I got the ultimate edition so I'm guessing that I'm not even half done (I tend to do EVERYTHING and explore EVERY corner when I like a game). And after that, I'm planning another run or two. Possibly an evil Caesar run with just one main specific weapon class in mind, and a "what I'd really do" run with energy weapons and Wild Wasteland perk. I'll probably give Sawyer's mod a go in one of those. THEN, I'll probably load up on mods and do another run. Fuck, I think I'll play this for all eternity.
maximaz said:
TorontRayne said:
Good to see someone enjoying New Vegas. Makes me wish I didn't play the game to death, so I could enjoy it again. Try some of the mods out if you get a chance.

I got the ultimate edition so I'm guessing that I'm not even half done (I tend to do EVERYTHING and explore EVERY corner when I like a game). And after that, I'm planning another run or two. Possibly an evil Caesar run with just one main specific weapon class in mind, and a "what I'd really do" run with energy weapons and Wild Wasteland perk. I'll probably give Sawyer's mod a go in one of those. THEN, I'll probably load up on mods and do another run. Fuck, I think I'll play this for all eternity.

After playing NV i figured you could easily get 3-4 playthroughs on story choices alone.

Most rpg's have two, two and a half at most.
Jethro Tull made the soundtrack for Dwarf Fortress 30 years ago without realizing it.
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maximaz said:
TorontRayne said:
Good to see someone enjoying New Vegas. Makes me wish I didn't play the game to death, so I could enjoy it again. Try some of the mods out if you get a chance.

Fuck, I think I'll play this for all eternity.

I know I did. A few hundred hours at least. Much more than I spent on Fallout 3 or Tactics. That was without mods too. I'm tempted to re-install it...must fight the urge...

Edit: I see Walpknut did the same. :lol:
So, I gave a friend Portal 2 with a coupon I got off steam so I only had to spend 4 dollars on it, and so he lent me his account to play the Mass Effect games, I have never been too itnerested in them (not much of a fan of Space Opera).

So I have been doing that for the past month. I only played the second one and the Third one.

While I have to say I may have been kind of unfair for not even paying them any mind, they are nto that bad. They are most definetly not full RPGs, and the story has some rather weak stuff, but I had fun at least.

Might buy them in the next Steam Sale. Except ME3, because that one is only on Origin.

some funny Pics

I Played a FemShep. Went for the Butch hardass look.


Jacob, that dude is ill, leave him alone.


alec said:
I very recently finished Diablo. For the very first time.


Yes, that would be the original Diablo from the mid nineties of the previous century.

Yes, that would be single player only.

I haven't even played it once. I bought it for 1 Euro some time ago, though.

Right now I'm Playing VtM:Bloodlines again and it's still awesome.
So, I gave a friend Portal 2 with a coupon I got off steam so I only had to spend 4 dollars on it, and so he lent me his account to play the Mass Effect games, I have never been too itnerested in them (not much of a fan of Space Opera).

So I have been doing that for the past month. I only played the second one and the Third one.

While I have to say I may have been kind of unfair for not even paying them any mind, they are nto that bad. They are most definetly not full RPGs, and the story has some rather weak stuff, but I had fun at least.

Might buy them in the next Steam Sale. Except ME3, because that one is only on Origin.

You should definitely play them in order. In particular, you absolutely need saves from the first two games to fully enjoy ME3, you miss out on a ton of content if you use default settings, including locking yourself out of several important choices. I can also say Origin is really not as horrible as some people make it out to be. Claims of it being spyware have more or less been debunked, and in practice it's just another Steam, which while annoying is not a deal-braker IMO.
Buxbaum666 said:
alec said:
I very recently finished Diablo. For the very first time.


Yes, that would be the original Diablo from the mid nineties of the previous century.

Yes, that would be single player only.

I haven't even played it once. I bought it for 1 Euro some time ago, though.

Right now I'm Playing VtM:Bloodlines again and it's still awesome.

"It would be awesome if like, they combined nachos and pizza, and called them piznachios... mhan I could go for some piznachios right now."

My sister has never played a PC game in her life but she still quotes the above sometimes when shes hangin out over at my house.
Ilosar said:
You should definitely play them in order. In particular, you absolutely need saves from the first two games to fully enjoy ME3, you miss out on a ton of content if you use default settings, including locking yourself out of several important choices. I can also say Origin is really not as horrible as some people make it out to be. Claims of it being spyware have more or less been debunked, and in practice it's just another Steam, which while annoying is not a deal-braker IMO.
Well I had the ME2 save, I was able to Broker/Intimidate Peace between the Space Gypsys and the Geth, and I have been fiddling with the save editor for the past week to see what changes. And I have to say, I like Wreav better than Wrex, he is a complete asshole.
But Wreav is an absolute Douchebag, And with him,
[spoiler:346423e57c]the Genophage cured results in Eve rallying all the other females in a chastity Strike. Which I think is a more interesting ending.[/spoiler:346423e57c]