Vault Fossil

Tagaziel said:Spec Ops: The Line
Damn. Just... Damn.
My precise reaction. It does get a bit heavy-handed, but still... damn.
Tagaziel said:Spec Ops: The Line
Damn. Just... Damn.
No on all accounts, but that's kind of a typical reaction to it from a LoLer standpoint. LoL dumbed the gameplay down, so when players switch to HoN or DotA, it's overwhelming. Secret Shops and Side Shops have an integral purpose designed for strategic placement of Heroes and your purchases/builds. Couriers and scrolls just allow for infinitely more variation and possibilities than being forced to return to the base, and having free but slow return abilities. Rushing Aghanims is a very, very noob tactics that most players simply don't understand that there's more to their spells than just damage. Levels between 16 and 25 also mark more than just "more stats", because they define a match based on the abilities of the players. If you choose a lineup that gets stronger than your opponents lineup as time goes on and their peters off, then if you can hold off until your side reaches 20+ you're in good shape. Meanwhile if the other side can finish the match early, your plan won't work. Everything has its purpose, which is why I liken the game so much to chess. It's very, very complex, and it emphasizes planning everything you do, and not "wasting your moves".Ilosar said:Nice of you, but I actually got my key and tried it a few weeks back. Maybe I'm just too used to League, but it didn't hook me. Too many ''features'' that seem just there because they always were and the community would cry is they removed them (Secret Shop, Couriers, levels beyond 16 beind boring stat-ups). Towers are also kinda useless, since they don't auto-target champs like in League. You die slightly too fast. The game is less readable and the interface less clean.
I don't know, maybe playing more would solve some problems. But I'm still playing league, and now ME3 occupies my time.
EDIT: oh, and no Ability Power. Playing a caster? Rush for Aghanim's, else you're useless as soon as people start getting more health.
Well, no. The Red and Blue (and don't forget, Black) buffs were LoL's "answer" to Runes, not Secret Shop. HoN and LoL took the same approach to the Secret Shop; there isn't one. There's no alternative, there just plain isn't one. You can get all the good stuff at base. The whole POINT of the Secret Shop was that some of the most potent ingredients for the better recipes could only be found outside of the safety of your base, so picking them up could put you in a vulnerable state. Even if you used a courier instead, it would put that courier at risk of getting sniped, which would inconvenience the entire team, instead of just you. I'll never understand why HoN STARTED with Secret Shops, only to remove them from the game. Then again, I don't understand why HoN did damn near EVERYTHING it did to the already-flawless formula it copied.Ilosar said:Recall is the only aspect I would say they did dumb down (as Secret Shop has been replaced with the all-important red and blue buffs). But I prefer it to couriers so meh.
It's really no different than being a fan of or participating in any popular and competitive sport. There's pointless trash talking and sporting/mature commentary in all of them. Soccer hooligans are a perfect example. There are composed, respectful fans of Football (Soccer), and there are juvenile, destructive, violent ones. As Purge often said, "It takes thick skin", and that's really all it is. If I gave those whiny little nitwits any attention, it would just serve to validate their trollish existence. Instead, I focus on my own enjoyment of the game, where their spiteful rants have no meaning. Heckle all they want, it's just them being haters, and I'm being a good gamer. Game on. =]Wintermind said:I'll never understand why people play dota-likes. I played LoL for all of five minutes before I began receiving a series of hatemails, and responded with broken english and general confusion which only generated more hate, because I had the fuckmothering gall to try their game.
mobucks said:Like what? I only played Crysis 1. I'm betting the "open world" thing is gone.
Did you play Warhead? Was it like Crysis 1 or the other two? Was it any good?
Wintermind said:No, dota-likes all have the single worst community in any game I've ever seen. People genuinely get mad when you're new to the game, and flip a shit if you do A) Worse than them, becuase you're not pulling your weight, B) better than them, because you're stealing their kills and hampering their personal growth, or C) exactly the same as them, because you're being a smartass.
Peoples hurtful remarks don't really mean anything, but if I want to induce rage and hate I actually want to earn it, not accrue it simply from being present.
I am now playing Jagged Alliance 2, for the billionth time, with the Arulco Revisited Mod. Fun stuff.
I envy you. I heard Awakening is well-made game. I played Thracia 776 and it impressed me.Walpknut said:Got Fire Emblem Awakening this satruday as a birthday gift. I have been playing that game too much in the last 2 days. Normal on classic Mode, so I lose characters if they die but I don't get my ass handed to me at all times (played on Hard for the first 4 chapters).
Well actively pursuing resentment is an activity I've never indulged in, so I'll just take your word on how you feel about getting it "without trying".Wintermind said:No, dota-likes all have the single worst community in any game I've ever seen. People genuinely get mad when you're new to the game, and flip a shit if you do A) Worse than them, becuase you're not pulling your weight, B) better than them, because you're stealing their kills and hampering their personal growth, or C) exactly the same as them, because you're being a smartass.
Peoples hurtful remarks don't really mean anything, but if I want to induce rage and hate I actually want to earn it, not accrue it simply from being present.