General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Half Life 2 was good for the specific time it came out on, but we have those kinds of games by the dozen right now (they are actually TOO common nowadays) and the shooting mechanics are primitive compared to most modern shooters, so playing it right now for the first time makes it a very underwhelming game for all the hype it gets.
HalfLife 2 sucks? What copy of the game are you playing? I'm pretty sure it's a very ignorant view to think the game is all about Gordon being a god exclusively.
PC, Steam.
what makes you think HL2's story is not that stupid?
and if HL2's story isn't that stupid, why Valve don't make HL3?
of HL2 ep3?

Half Life 2 was good for the specific time it came out on, but we have those kinds of games by the dozen right now (they are actually TOO common nowadays) and the shooting mechanics are primitive compared to most modern shooters, so playing it right now for the first time makes it a very underwhelming game for all the hype it gets.
I'm agree that there are tons of same kind of games in these days.
well, actually, for me, at least it's better than modern shooters thanks to level design and puzzle.
what makes you think HL2's story is not that stupid?

Grandfather Clause, the story just seems stupid now because of the abundance of FPS's, for it's time, HL2 was huge. It still is huge and the story is engaging, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean the story isn't engaging, it just isn't engaging to you personally.

and if HL2's story isn't that stupid, why Valve don't make HL3?
of HL2 ep3?

Because Valve can't count to three. :grin: But seriously, it has nothing to do with the story. Nobody knows why Valve hasn't made HL3 but I HIGHLY doubt it's because the story is bad.
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what makes you think HL2's story is not that stupid?

Grandfather Clause, the story just seems stupid now because of the abundance of FPS's, for it's time, HL2 was huge. It still is huge and the story is engaging, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean the story isn't engaging, it just isn't engaging to you personally.

and if HL2's story isn't that stupid, why Valve don't make HL3?
of HL2 ep3?

Because Valve can't count to three. :grin: But seriously, it has nothing to do with the story. Nobody knows why Valve hasn't made HL3 but I HIGHLY doubt it's because the story is bad.
I think why HL2's story was dumb to me is because of stage design.
HL2's stages are connected each other.
but for other connected stage FPS like HL1, STALKER, etc are connected and it's not hard to know that. HL1's stage is facility of Black messa and STAKER's stage is around of Chernobyl. and at both game, it's not hard for player to understand that stages are connected.

but HL2s stage? unlike HL1 or STALKER, there is no idea that stages are connected each other. and there no probabily to player(or Gorden) to know the way.
even if Gorden knew it, 20 years of time could change much of things.
at STALKER, we have the map and at HL1, Gorden is employee of BM and there's a chance for player to look around BM at very first part of game.
Welp, finished my efforts to 100% GTAV and "own everything under the sun" sooner than expected. Hell, I reached the max money cap (which I didn't even realize there was a cap until I hit it!) BEFORE finishing every Assassination mission, so in a way it leaves me a bit miffed that I spent so much time being so frugal when I could've splurged a helluva lot more. XD So now there's literally NOTHING more to do in GTAV except wait for an easter egg mission to unlock, do random activities to pass the time, and replay missions to get Gold Medals. All in all, pretty much done with the game (yet again), so it's back to Ninja Gaiden Sigma and achieving that top 100 world ranking for Master Ninja difficulty! =D Beat it on Normal once again, and now I'm re-doing my previous attempt at Hard... this'll be a while.

I asked a friend who played NG3 if he had heard anything about its remake, Razor's Edge, because a little reading on it stating that it had MANY "improvements" (mostly restoring mechanics they removed) over NG3, though he had not. I wasn't necessarily a huge fan of NG2/NGS2- or hell, I kinda prefer much of the original XBox NG over NGS! -but my compulsive desire to "complete" all things often extends to owning full series, so I've had the inkling to own that game for a while now. Either way, what matters is that NGS is a fan-fucking-tastic game, and it's demanding as hell, so I'll have AMPLE "distraction" while sweating my ass off on my exercise bike! =D
Now I'm playing Divinity: Original Sin and Ironclad Tactics. Latter is great lane based CCG set in alternative steampunk American Civil War.
I'm playing Sacrifice an old title from 2000 made by both Shiny and Interplay. It has unique gameplay in RTS, but with one wizard that forms the center of your forces whom you control from 3rd person. It also has a REALLY cool setting with wacky characters. Definitely the sort of thing made when companies were more experimental in game design (or today with indie devs and/or crowd-funding).

The Vault Dweller
I'm playing Sacrifice an old title from 2000 made by both Shiny and Interplay. It has unique gameplay in RTS, but with one wizard that forms the center of your forces whom you control from 3rd person. It also has a REALLY cool setting with wacky characters. Definitely the sort of thing made when companies were more experimental in game design (or today with indie devs and/or crowd-funding).

The Vault Dweller

I still got an old PC Gamer with the review of that game.. Wanted to try it but never did.

I have played Halflife 2s.
Fxxx... this game is really sucks.

story? zombie apocalypse by head craps? miserable life under combine's repression?, revolution against combine? or SF?
it's all about Gorden is god.
every moment, everyone praise Gorden.
who the hell praise HL2 to have a great story?

shooting is really not funny.
well, after episode 1, double shot of shotgun makes it little better though.
but repeating wave battle gave me a cancer.

stage designs are actually good.
puzzles of HL2s are enjoyable.
but it's far from the masterpiece comparatively to HL1 or Deus ex 1 and 2.

while HL2 and episode 1 give me a cancer, episode 2 was fun for me.
it's defense against strider situation is fun and challenging and it have good stage design.

TBH i did love HL2 when it was released BUT i liked EP 2 far more than EP1 + HL2 toggether. Same thing with the first HL. I had more fun in the demo level than i had in the game since the map layouts in the main game felt meh compared to the demo :)

Speaking of half life. If you got the time you should try out the mod Azure sheep. It is pretty much how blue shift should have been! And it is one of my all time fav mods i think!
Unlike some people I think Half Life 2 still holds up. If you don't think so I urge you to look up the game Homefront and see how the first levels of both compare. It's a shame so few companies learned from the excellent and intelligent design of Half-Life 2. Yes it's just a shooter, but in my opinion it is one of the best. I don't think it's fair to say that modern shooters have copied everything from it. Name me a game with equal level design, puzzles, story, pacing, characters, dialogue etc. And most modern shooters use cinematics and setpieces. I think most modern fps design comes from Modern Warfare moreso than HL2.
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While I don't think HL2 is best or something, I'm agree that it still hold up.
because there are more cancer generating FPS than HL2.
it's at least far much better than Bioshock infinite.

but compare to HL1, Thief series, Deus ex 1 and 2, etc, well.. I can't think HL2 is the best.

TBH i did love HL2 when it was released BUT i liked EP 2 far more than EP1 + HL2 toggether. Same thing with the first HL.
Totally agree with you. EP2 is real awesome except for ending.
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Concerning episode 2's ending, look at my attachment.


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I don't think Half life has that much complicated story or setting.
as far as I see, it's near to old school FPS: simplely all about making player a hero.
and for teleportation, I don't think G-man choosed Alyx for that.
if the teleportation technology is important, they simply care more about Isaac rather than Alyx.

Currently, replaying WL2 and RIsen 2.
since I already finished WL2, it's not hard to proceed to LA.
still great, every community have awesome quests.
I mean main scenario or main quest of town.
but it would be better to be more complex.
well, still it's more than Fo1 for me but sadly, there aren't much connection between communities.

Risen 2 is one of the most underrated RPG.
it's quest is actually good.
combat is more challenging and complex compare to other games from PB.
graphic and musics are awesome too.
only thing makes me sad is size... it's too small..
Risen 3 is much bigger than Risen 2 and also a good RPG but for me, combat and exploration are seems like watered downed from Risen 2.
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I'm playing Sacrifice an old title from 2000 made by both Shiny and Interplay. It has unique gameplay in RTS, but with one wizard that forms the center of your forces whom you control from 3rd person. It also has a REALLY cool setting with wacky characters. Definitely the sort of thing made when companies were more experimental in game design (or today with indie devs and/or crowd-funding).

The Vault Dweller

I still got an old PC Gamer with the review of that game.. Wanted to try it but never did.

I bought it off Go find it there.

The Vault Dweller
Started Jagged Alliance 2 Gold with 1.13 mod for very first time, it's mindblowing. The possibility of creating my own commando of 6 specialists right on start is a pretty neat feature, now going through Drassen fights like a hot knife through butter. I had finished several other versions of this game before, considering the stand-alone Wildfire published by Zuxxez Ent. to be most challenging so far.

Speaking of half life. If you got the time you should try out the mod Azure sheep. It is pretty much how blue shift should have been! And it is one of my all time fav mods i think!
Sounds good! Half Life is one of very few FPS games which gave me bad nausea, I really don't know if that's due to some colour pattern or what, so perhaps this mod will allow me to play it. Strange enough, I had played many other FPS games before and after HL without any troubles - spent several hundreds of hours on LAN parties with Unreal, for instance.
because there are more cancer generating FPS than HL2.
it's at least far much better than Bioshock infinite.

Nah, it's more like CoD that is the cancer-causing FPS's, at least BSI has good writing and atmosphere.

I played Mercenaries 2 again after jumping through 9000 hoops to get the game to work. It was fun, glitchy, but fun. I don't know if the latest update fixed the freezing problem but I don't really care now because my copy works, and that's what matters... to me. :lol: Also, the achievements for that game were super glitchy. I somehow ended up with the $1M achievement after getting about $280M on my profile, it's been years since the game was released and they still didn't fix that? :confused:

I just bought an used PS3 to play Persona 4 Ultimax, it should be arriving in 2 weeks.
Writing doesn't matter for FPS or TPS doesn't it?
what matter for FPS is shooting and pathfinding.
BSI? repeating wave battle makes me angry.
tried BS1 little bit and I think BS1 is far much better than BSI so far.
You are setting the bar waaaaay too low there to call BSI a well written game. And I have already gone into detail on wh yI think the story on that game is absolute shlock that thinks it's too smart for school. Not to mention the gameplay is barebones and mostly consisting of horde battles and the only Boss Battle is repeated 3 times in a row.... And the "final boss" is a generic mob rush.