General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

It's good; but I like this one [the intro] better—also the LP as well:

I've probably watched the whole playlist about seven times so far.

Holy fuck I miss that guy. This and his Fallout and Fallout 2 playthroughs were top tier content back in the day. Still are, to be quite honest.
In the RTS genre or in general?
I really have not played that many new games this year. Most if not all of them were releases from years ago such as Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2.

Okay, I will give this a try.
I know it is going to be very cheesy, but I hope it is more enjoyable than the load of cliches that Starcraft 2 became in the end.
In general I think you should try it.

If you are playing Dark Alliance 1 and 2 you will be moving up if you play Red Alert 3. Yes it might be cheesy but it intentionally went for a B movie feel from the start. Granted I am talking from a singleplayer point of view.
If you are playing Dark Alliance 1 and 2 you will be moving up if you play Red Alert 3.

I didn't think Dark Alliance 1 & 2 were that bad. Definitely better than FOBOS, and it gives ideas of what a more competent design team could have done with a Fallout on the Snowblind engine.

Yes it might be cheesy but it intentionally went for a B movie feel from the start.

No problem with that, especially after the bullshit Starcraft 2's storyline went into with its ridiculous space fantasy angle.
It kind of made me realize that SC1 and BW's storyline were never really that good either.
At least SC2 had variety in levels/missions.

My favorite RTS will probably remain Homeworld Cataclysm, and that one's campaign is basically a long Star Trek episode (old Star Trek).
Problem with HW1 are the controls and the shortage of resources. The Remastered version ported HW1 to the HW2 engine with new graphics, but the designers did not seem to understand the differences between HW1 and 2 such as how weapons work, or formations.

Granted I am talking from a singleplayer point of view.

And that is the gameplay I am going for. I have never been much of a multiplayer gamer though I liked L4D 1 and 2.

I had considered picking up C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath during the recent Steam sale, but I read on the forums how a patch EA had released nerfed the economy of the single player campaign in order to fix balancing problems in the multiplayer mode.
There are ways to fix that patch problem but I felt I couldn't even bother as C&C4 basically makes the storyline of that sub series feel stupid.
Finished the main story of Dragon Quest 6 DS and this remake actually made me like this game much more. Party chat system and just overall more dialogue for the playable characters made me like them more (they're nothing special, but at least i know their personalites now), and the much better menuing and UI removed a lot of the annoyance of the original.

I read counts online that the game was made too easy, but i pretty much struggled in the same areas and in some of the same bosses (i didn't struggled with some i did in the original because i knew about the bullshit already and i was prepared). In fact, some bosses i thought were a little too easy in the original actually gave me shit here, so i don't see how the game was made more easy to the point of being too easy.

I'm thinking of going back to Dragon Quest 11 and replay that in the 2D mode with some Draconian Quest modifications after i finish Dragon Quest 6 DS postgame.
@The Dutch Ghost have you played Grey Goo? I liked the campaign very much. If you play on the highest difficulty it's a very engaging struggle throughout.

Red Alert 3 is ok or even quite fun if you like over the top goofiness. I was of course very disappointed at the time since Red Alert 3 is to the franchise what Fallout 3 was to it's franchise, a travesty and a missed opportunity. The game is also full of hot babes, it's ridiculous. It's not a serious game so you must take it for what it is and just enjoy the show, then I think it can actually be quite fun.

e: My thousand post.
Yeah if you aren't attached to all that lore he does not care about it should be ok.
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Now I kind of feel like a Fallout 3 fan telling Red Alert 1 & 2 fans that established lore doesn't matter.

I know a bit about the C&C mini series as I have looked into it in the past.
I don't mind the goofiness of Red Alert 3, but I think a reboot or an alternative continuation of Red Alert that is more serious regarding the plotline and the units (some really advanced units, but not too much weird science ones) would be a good move.
Established lore does not matter to people that aren't trying to get immersed in some fake world. You can have fun and skip the mindless dialog like in D:OS.

If you are not deeply invested in C&C canon & lore you're dead to me.

A funny thing is that the C&C community couldn't understands Fallout fans annoyance with Fallout 3 back in the day. Likewise the Fallout fans couldn't understand why C&C fans didn't like Tiberium Wars. It's the outside perspective.
Being overly invested in lore is detrimental to your mental health. It's why Roshambo killed himself.
If you are not deeply invested in C&C canon & lore you're dead to me.

heh, were you talking to me?
But I actually do know a degree of C&C lore, I was just never really into the games in general. I did like C&C Renegade.

A funny thing is that the C&C community couldn't understands Fallout fans annoyance with Fallout 3 back in the day. Likewise the Fallout fans couldn't understand why C&C fans didn't like Tiberium Wars. It's the outside perspective.

I actually remember very little about this.
I know of course that Westwood was planning to introduce the aliens that were hinted at in the previous games would have appeared in C&C3, and there was some concept art of what their units would have looked like. I think at least it was concept art of their units as these could also have been new GDI units (I remember a metal gear esque walker mech)

And I know Tiberium Wars was done by a completely different team as Westwood Studios by that time had already been dissolved.

Were fans annoyed because of the style changes? I vaguely recall that some people were annoyed about making GDI's units more regular or mundane again. Tanks and such when in TS GDI started using mechs.
There is just so little we know about Westwood's planned C&C3.
I don't think we even got to see the design documents unlike those of Van Buren.
Tiberium Wars wasn't Red Alert so it was not liked. Red Alert is all that matters.

Tiberium Wars wasn't Red Alert so it was not liked. Red Alert is all that matters.

For a long time I actually preferred the Tiberium series over the Red Alert.
The sci fi themes, but some of the goofiness of Red Alert also threw me off.
Also it sometimes felt that the designers and the fans really had a boner for the Soviet Union.

Main reason why I now interested in RA3, other than wanting something I can play my old machine can run, is because I feel C&C4 effectively killed the Tiberium series.
C&C4 was meant to be the end, but from what I saw and read it completely failed at creating a satisfying end. Gameplay and storyline.

I can see the comparisons with Fallout now and the decline.
Why did all the good franchises of the 90s go to shit in the 2000s or 2010s?

BTW, I remember an article on TV tropes that talked about how sometimes a sub series of a franchise becomes more popular than the main series itself.
The franchises went to shit because they tried to expand the base due to increasing budget. Thankfully Fallout and Command and Conquer were generic enough to be replicated in other forms. Dark Reign will always be my favorite C&C ripoff.

The only original PC discs I still own from my youth:

Dark Reign
Wing Commander 3
Diablo 1 and 2
I sold a lot of my old games as they took up so much space and I did not do anything with them.

Back in better days I also bought a lot of old titles that I for some reason always wanted to have but never played.
This was years after these titles had already been released.

I still have a few shelves full of old games.
Most of my PC games were sold in high school at a garage sale so I could buy a PSX. It was worth it. I sold those PSX games around 2006 for an absurdly low price to buy another console. I don't sell games anymore but I don't buy many physical copies either. The only PC box I own is for Witcher 2 and I am shocked they even sold it on disc.
heh, were you talking to me?
But I actually do know a degree of C&C lore, I was just never really into the games in general. I did like C&C Renegade.
I'm joking obliviously but I'm a huge fan of Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun and I do believe that there could have been a much better sequel than the C&C3 we got. It's the same situation as with Fallout 3 compared to Fo1&2. Tiberium Wars is just some weird retcon that twists the lore. It's a good game but not a good sequel, I would say.

Biggest crime: they removed the organic component of tiberium and all the mutations it caused. In Tiberium Wars tiberium is just a green crystal.