Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Ehehe, good old angsty alec. Congratulations to the closing in on death and all. I hope the rest of your life is half as good as half of what the first half should have been but wasn't.
The_Vault_Dweller said:

That's just gross. Is the pedo in the middle supposed to be alec?
Luke said:
The_Vault_Dweller said:

That's just gross. Is the pedo in the middle supposed to be alec?
You're right, that is gross. Not only do those feet almost certainly belong to minors, they are also ugly as hell. Good ol' wishy-washy alec would never suck on those toes, I tell you. Hell no, alec's got a better taste in feet than that. Now, if one were to confront me with a pair of feet that look like these

I sure as hell wouldn't say no. Oh boy, imagine the possibilities... <drool> :obsessed:

Oh and by the way: thanks for all the warm and friendly congratulations, you guys. You know I need them. :roll:

P.S. I'm sorry Kharn, it won't happen again, it's just that these things are kinda hard to resist. I'm sure you'd understand if you were a heterosexual.