SuAside said:
If you'd ask Zimmerman why he carries a concealed weapon, chances are good he'd reply "because I can't carry a cop in my pocket all the time".
yes, and then situations like those pop up, where civilians face situations, that are best left to a cop, because those people are usually trained for such cases and should, as this is their profession, know how to handle the situation, in the best case, arresting the person eventually without killing either the criminal nor putting them self in danger. For example a police officer usually never really follows a suspect alone, which is what Zimmerman did, and he got in a situation which a police officers might had a chance to deal with, without using any weapons. As said, he is a civilian with a gun doing the job of cops.
I mean I am the only one who sees this if not as something terrible, but at least as somewhat questionable?
I mean you have to keep in mind what Tagz is saying here, we are talking about a situation where a person was shoot, gunned down, killed, he is dead.
What ever if that leaves you or others, that have the feeling it was Zimmermans "right" cold about, it doesn't change the fact that this boy had a family too, what ever if he was a thug or criminal, but now, maybe if a cop would have arrested him, who knows, he might have reflected about what he did, if he did something wrong, giving him a chance to turn his life for the better. I always thought this is something important, giving people chances to redeem themself and change their way of life. Now this chance is completely forfeit. And thats a tragedy. Because the boy is dead, and that has somewhat weight in my opinion. The los of a life is a tragedy, particularly when its such a young life, for the case he was really a criminal or suspisious person, you have a good chance to reach young people, compared to adult criminals and thugs. All they sometimes need, is to be reminded, that what they do, has consequences. But as said, that trains gone, and his family is left with questions over questions, why it happend, how has it happend? There will ALWAYS remain some doubts, and I am sure this will haunt his relatives for a long time.
I am not even attacking Zimmerman here, he might have defend his life, I simply don't know it. We might never really know what happened. But fact is, that he might have done a mistake here too, trying to solve things on his own, rather then calling the police, because call me naive, but I DO believe that we have them for a reason.