Tagaziel said:
TheWesDude said:
martins mistake was leaving his house with intent to confront zimmerman.
if he had not done that, there would have been no altercation, and he would not have been killed. and the juror who spoke out agrees with that assessment.
that is why he was innocent. and that is why a wrongful death would not qualify. martin started the fight when he got home safely without any issue or confrontation from zimmerman.
trial transcripts, watching the recaps every night from the trial, and watching the juror interview.
you see, i work nights. and on the TVs there they have fox news and cnn on some of the TVs with other things.
if you read trial transcripts, or recaps of that prosecution witness jeantel or whatever, that was her testimony on the stand.
her testimony during the case was that martin had reached his dads house, and then went out to confront zimmerman. if you do read the transcripts, what you do is replace "cracka" with zimmerman as, per her testimony, that is how both martin and her referred to who eventually turned out to be zimmerman.
the fact that several of you did not know this really makes me think you guys are even more uninformed than you really think. THAT fact is why zimmerman was innocent.
the prosecution failed to prove that zimmerman acted with a criminal mind when he was following martin, but the prosecution ended up proving martin was acting with one.
really, having to explain this like a week later tells me you guys are not actually accurate on what you know, but rather following what your media says regardless of bias or facts. and yet you accuse me of such. hilarious really.