George Zimmerman, race and the NAACP

I guess this will be our conundrum until the utopian age arrives when and where intelligence IS the social status/currency.
problem with that thought is how would you balance/transfer intelligence to lower IQ people....

and be honest, would you really want to do anything to help people like jesse jackson and al sharpton, who only seem to have a purpose of shoving black kids in your face when a white or hispanic guy does something to a black kid?

i would say let the vermin burn. ( jesse and al of course )
My black friend T.J. says that white people aren't to blame for the black communities woes. Infact he says that the mass of black folk should be ashamed, if you consider what MLK would say to the current generation's behavior if he was still alive today.
Syphon said:
if you consider what MLK would say to the current generation's behavior if he was still alive today.

*wavy dream sequence doo doo doo*
Syphon said:
My black friend T.J. says that white people aren't to blame for the black communities woes. Infact he says that the mass of black folk should be ashamed, if you consider what MLK would say to the current generation's behavior if he was still alive today.

but... but...

what about WHITE GUILT!

we have to fawn over and roll over and give anything and everything to the black community! they are not responsible for their actions! they are not responsible for all the crimes they commit! they are not responsible for creating self-destructive music!

its all the white mans fault! how dare anyone try to absolve the WHITE MAN of his rightful GUILT!

/sarcasam off

people who advocate for "white guilt" by directly speaking to it, or indirectly by speaking to its talking points rather than it directly, are the problem. it is mis-direction in attempt to avoid the real causes of current socio-economic conditions, and it is NOT just blacks or minorities. again, that is more mis-direction.

talking about something as superficial as that is purposeful to avoid the real causes, and mis-directs onto a topic that is racist in its nature removing anyone not of that minority to call it the lie it is to talk about the actual causes.

so when people talk about white guilt for the current black or other minority socio-economic situation, they are doing it with the express intent to avoid the real cause and to remove the ability to talk about the actual causes. causes which would in part hold people of those minorities responsible for their actions.
TheWesDude said:
so when people talk about white guilt for the current black or other minority socio-economic situation, they are doing it with the express intent to avoid the real cause and to remove the ability to talk about the actual causes.
No, they view (rightly, in my opinion) historical racial circumstances as a vital part of the explanation. And as I've shown throughout this thread, that's pretty much the case. The fact that you repeat "real cause" over and over again does not mean that you've actually found that real cause.

And really, you have to be extraordinarily shortsighted to not see how centuries of oppression can't just disappear in 40 years, while some of that discrimination continues.

This doesn't mean that people aren't responsible for their actions. But from a sociological perspective, there are reasons for those actions. And to address those actions, you need to understand those reasons. You don't. You just say that it's a choice, satisified that you have solved the problem and found the "real cause", satisfied that you can justify to yourself not spending money on the issues.

Writing it off as "white guilt" is just a blanket dismissal. You're not engaging the argument, you're just using a cozy denominator to scoff and write it off. Even though guilt has nothing to do with it. I don't feel guilty about the oppression my ancestors caused because I have dick-all to do with it. But I can still recognize the effects it has in this day and age.

As I've noted over and over again throughout this thread, if the issue *is* the black inner-city culture (and that's a big if, not a given), then the solution doesn't change. Because that culture arose for a reason, and to change it you need to change circumstances.
Reducing poverty wouldn't make the situation worse, either, and it sure would hit closer to fixing the issue than changing the music people listen to.
DarkCorp said:
Not buying thug rap wouldn't make the situation worse.

While we're at it we should get rid that rock n roll music because it makes white teenagers into delinquents.

Do you not see the irony in your statement? We are on a board for a videgame that is pretty violent and (for the most part) we play other violent games. You saying "gangsta rap is the problem" is the same as an old man saying that "violent videogames are the cause of all problems,"
Sander said:
You just say that it's a choice, satisified that you have solved the problem and found the "real cause", satisfied that you can justify to yourself not spending money on the issues.

As I've noted over and over again throughout this thread, if the issue *is* the black inner-city culture (and that's a big if, not a given), then the solution doesn't change. Because that culture arose for a reason, and to change it you need to change circumstances.

the original causes were based in social and legal issues.

the vast majority of those issues have been fixed for over 40 years now.

the main issues left that perpetuate the cycle is the economic side.

racisim and discrimination that is left and is perpetuated is no longer on the large scale, but rather on the individual and the institutional level.

those will get better over time.

the core issues left for blacks, minorities, and even whites in poverty are caused by economic factors. they did not cause the plight, but they are what maintains it. in combination with their personal choices.

if your focus of any solution is not a combination of economic and responsibility for personal actions, then it would not solve the current causes.

yes, you do have to change the circumstances, and there are programs to help individuals who want to make choices to change and leave on the individual scale. but to change the circumstances for the whole entire "inner city" issue, you have to change the economic situation.
Just follow the Chinese approach to life - help yourselves. Blaming others for your dilemma wont achieve anything.
dont question the american way of life. Imagine if people would suddenly start to find their own solutions in life O.O

Yes laws have been put in place for 40 years and still the black community has not impressed the white population with many merits. Many say that once the whites left DET, the city collapsed there after, and blacks blames them for it. But if white's leave the area, why does the city (or any city) fall apart soon after? the black community needs to find independence from their counterpart should the population head to the suburbs.

I know that sounds terrible to say, really it does, but that's what I see. Look at Bradenton, FL (40 miles south of Tampa). Originally the town was mostly middle class, the westside and southside were rich types. Then the lower class grew and grew, encroached the area with low-income behavior such as crime and drugs and then resulted in the middle/upper class section being eaten away. Long story short, the lower income neighborhoods surrounded and overtook the land value and the rich moved 20/30 miles east in the country. Now you can go to and see that their schools have all dropped to "D"/"F" status because of the middle class leaving the city for Lakewood Ranch. Just one example. I'm not trying to draw a broad brush with limited experiences but I think it shows that migration doesn't help leave the helpless stranded. But isn't that adaptation and evolution? Darwinism? To overcome the situation by enforcing character and overcoming, or relying and dying?
I like how "blacks" are being discussed here.

We have blacks in Norway too, and I think Sweden has some.
Now, one place I know for sure has LOTS of black people is Africa.
I heard the Nigerian Airforce even has black jetfighter pilots, but that cannot possibly be true, can it? Can it?
sorry norwegian guy for exposing you to this. The only thing I can say in conclusion is FUCK cnn's 2month long zimmerman coverage and racial bullshit played night over night. It's hard to remember that news coverage is at privately-owned discretion. I'm over media coverage and am glad this exhaustive thread is over.
Your link to some meaningless experminent testing people's inner-dodgeball captain has nothing to do with the struggling black community. Your saying asians/whites have more ability to get to college on unproven terms over an unproven black man? I can't explain attendence discrepancies on a racial basis. Then again, the path to education and a competitive train of thought is something someone should improve upon daily and given the widespread stereotype on Black culture, right or wrong, probably givens admission an unfair bais toward non-african applicants. I dont know dude.

Is it wrong to think Asians are shoe-ins for college? Not really. THEIR stereotype is based around "tiger" parents who dog them for anything under a B grade. Their track record speaks for their bais.

Alright, let me turn your link against you. If you had to pick a crew of physicists, and only had a list made of names. You have 3 picks. Who you pick?

Yoshi Yamamoto - University of Tokyo
Andre Fredenburg - Berlin
Vladimir Romanov - St.Petersburg
Jose Sanchez - Mexico City U
Sander Sanderson(actual native american buddy)- Washington St
Bergi Schlovoken - Romanian MIT
LeRon Johnson - Kansas City
well lets see...

culturally, japan is asian which favors rigid study and framework.

not good for creative thinking.

germany is much less rigid, but it does still have rigidity. but a very good foundation.

worthy of consideration.

russia has produced some really quality scientists, and culturally not very rigid, could produce some creative thinking.

worthy of consideration.

mexico is full of druggies and drug lords and corruption and crime.

would not consider.

washington state is pretty good quality schools.

worthy of consideration.

romania? who?

not consider.

kansas city???? not sure how good their scientific credentials are, but they are probably more focused on sports and farming than in-depth physics.

would not consider.

so we have germany, russia, and washington state.

that would be my team.
Syphon said:
Alright, let me turn your link against you. If you had to pick a crew of physicists, and only had a list made of names. You have 3 picks. Who you pick?
I'd pick the ones with the best credentials. Why would one ever have to pick a team of physicists based on name and location only?