Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation


Nuclear Russia
Hello everyone, so the mod will be out soon and as far as I am aware there is no translation for this one yet, so I guess its up to us again.
Now I don't wish to lead the project, I made a lot of mistakes, said few things I shouldn't have to people working very hard on the project, I'm bad at working with the game's engine, and it was very stressful, with the result of moving myself from the translation entirely at the end because of the burn out.
I still love the developer team behind the mod and I'm sure it will be a nice addition to our classic Fallout games, so I want the rest of the world to experience the game like us Russian members of the community do.
It would be best we concentrate our efforts at one place, and start working on the translation asap. I hope all people from Nevada translation team come back, their experience is most valuable.
I will start translating day 1 the mod releases and that's all I want to do with this one, someone with good management skills and time should lead our efforts and get everyone and everything organized.
So lets do this people, if anyone is interested lets come together and give this mod a proper treatment.
I'm not a Russian nor I got any experience tinkering with game's inner working to know how translating work, but I'. confident in my English to at least probably help proofreading and bug-hunting as translated versions starts coming out, so the least I can do now is raising awareness by shitposting in RPG Codex.

So now... paging both @ironmask, @Foxx, and @0wing because it seems like you guys are closely following the mod's updates. Especially Foxx. Also, is there a possibility to contact the mod author to help smooth things up?
I don't think I could help with this translation besides also proofread and shitpost the codex. I have tried learning Russian, but I'm a lazy fucker. Maybe we could make a separate thread on the RPGcodex asking for help on the English translation like this one maybe. I also don't know how to contact the mod Arthur except for maybe using VK.
I'm ready to fuck up a team lead role, no problem. But day 1? Shouldn't we play 'Sonora' to completion first?
Do you plan to have some way to give donations?

Nevada is a giant mod (3rd playthrough right now and still finding new stuff), so the least I could do to repay for your hard work would be with a beer on me for all you guys (and a second one for work on Sonora).
0wing that's great you willing to look over things, I'm sure you'll do great considering how much you did for the project especially in the beginning when it needed people the most.
Yeah, saying day 1 was unreasonable, we should play it thoroughly first, but I guess we should be fine in a week.
Lot of people are responding already, I hope @Snikers and @TheChosen1 respond, they were very consistent.
Also @Keyboard Gecko and @Foxx they really put everything in a nice wrap and put an exclamation mark on the project fixing and finishing pretty much everything, so hope they help this time again. And I contacted @_Pyran_ so he will help with the installers and everything.
Btw nice to see you all guys.
Если никто не против, то я могу координировать проект перевода уже сейчас. Для начала это будут системные файлы и катсцены. Разделим их по возможным переводчикам. Буду выкладывать файлы по потребности, но кто не любит спойлеров - просьба не писать. Также очень нужно соблюдать конфиденциальность.

В личку.
@Foxx is in development team, this is a great opportunity to start working right now. You decide guys, I would honestly follow anyone of people that worked before but the advantage of @Foxx knowing the mod inside out is tremendous.
@Foxx is in development team, this is a great opportunity to start working right now. You decide guys, I would honestly follow anyone of people that worked before but the advantage of @Foxx knowing the mod inside out is tremendous.
Уточню. Я не работал над игрой (как и многие) - это закрытый проект. У меня другие обязанности :)
Нет, спойлеров я сторонюсь, и примкну после выхода Соноры.
Нет, спойлеров я сторонюсь, и примкну после выхода Соноры.
There are game files there , with almost no spoilers)))
If you can help , thank you. They'll write to you.
There are game files there , with almost no spoilers)))
If you can help , thank you. They'll write to you.
My weekends starts at sunday, so I can and will page you or Nevada Band directly somewhere during that time.
Состоялся релиз. Все финальные тексты доступны и не запакованы. Лично я отхожу в сторону (по определенным причинам), переводчики решать вам кто будет координировать проект. С интеграцией готового перевода в инсталлятор помогу.
Bros... We're coming home. Just a quickie description translation from torrent tracker.
Fallout: Sonora - the story of ordinary peasant who's pushed on difficult path by misfortune. An ordinary person finding themselves on crossroads. Crossroads between two sides of the light. Between the past and the future. The Sonora desert waits for you, villager. What will you do with your freedom?
  1. Non-linear story
  2. Around 100 quests
  3. New worldmap: 12 big locations, 7 smaller ones, 11 special encounters
  4. Authentic depiction of locations
  5. 1,9 Mbytes of text (First Fallout was 1,7 Mbytes)
  6. New BGM from Alexey Trofimov, original F:Nevada composer
To quote @Black Angel :
"Version 1.0 (original) - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4Te2/xa3pW6hYh
Version 1.0 (original + hires + sfall) - https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5868346
or https://yadi.sk/d/mMFMLVLQZZdZhw"
I'm ready to fuck up a team lead role, no problem. But day 1? Shouldn't we play 'Sonora' to completion first?
I guess that depends on how much spoilers matter to you. It doesn't bother me a whole lot (at least so far) to be translating when I'm barely through the second location in the game.

I've begun translating a few dialog files using my rough skills plus both Google Translate and Microsoft Word's translator. It's not going to be perfect because I'm nowhere near fluent, but it's a start.