Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

Here's what I've noticed so far on my playthrough:

  • Pronouns for female characters are often he/him. I presume this is an artifact of Russian using neutral pronouns, so the machine probably just defaulted to using he/him any time a pronoun was used.
  • Nuka Cola is often rendered as Core Cola or Kernel Cola. Saw this with early Nevada translations a lot, so this would be good to clean up.
  • Possibly unrelated to the playthrough: certain Flagstaff quests are having trouble with resolutions. The quest to get rid of the mine's overseer is a good example.
It's a really good translation, superior to the previous machine translations. I would recommend that @Violator reaches out to other Sonora translators from the original team and ask them if they're willing to donate their files.
Here's what I've noticed so far on my playthrough:

  • Possibly unrelated to the playthrough: certain Flagstaff quests are having trouble with resolutions. The quest to get rid of the mine's overseer is a good example.

so where exactly are you stuck with that quest? I never had a trouble finishing it...?

Mine overseer.
You first hear of the problem from a black slave that you need to heal first by using doctor skill or bag, talk to him to learn of the problem. next you need to speak in more detail with a black guy working in in the ore processing building, and choose the option to talk about overseer with Roy Faber. afer that You go speak with Faber and You'll find out that he's waiting for new candidates to replace overseer. the perfect candidate is someone without a job and has famili responsibility a.k.a two kids to feed. ( but prior to this you need to take & solve the quest from Mrs.Bradley to find her stolen purse and don't frame the thieves so to speak, to hnow about that family's problem. After the guy agrees to work as new overseer, you go tell this to Faber, Roy wants the new guy to kick out old overseer himself, you go tell that to the new overseer, he tells you to he needs help kicking out the old overseer, and tells you to meet him at the mining site, you aproch ad talk to old overseer (50 speech req for peacefull option) and old overseer walks away, you talk to new overseer, and he thanks you. Possibly there's a chat with Faber at the end as well, but I'm not sure. end of story.
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View attachment 27793
I've reinstall everything,but errors hasn't slove
Looks like they are warning You to holster Your weapon. Pretty common around Sonora that town guards float in red about holstering weapon, but actually do shit about it in the long run.

Anyways,about that Turboplasma You've got there, have you found it in DLC or in original part of the game, and just transported it to DLC?

I really like the way you come to aquire the turboplasma rifle in base Fo:Sonora..
Looks like they are warning You to holster Your weapon. Pretty common around Sonora that town guards float in red about holstering weapon, but actually do shit about it in the long run.

Anyways,about that Turboplasma You've got there, have you found it in DLC or in original part of the game, and just transported it to DLC?

I really like the way you come to aquire the turboplasma rifle in base Fo:Sonora..


First,complete special encounter "Mobile Fortress"
Then,go to Brotherhood,fix weapon on the table to get plasma rifle(or kill mutants in Inferno to get it)
Last,find the one(forgot name,you met in "Mobile Fortress") in the Brotherhood(2F?),he upgrade your plasma to turbo plasma
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First,complete special encounter "Mobile Fortress"
Then,go to Brotherhood,fix weapon on the table to get plasma rifle(or kill mutants in Inferno to get it)
Last,find the one(forgot name,you met in "Mobile Fortress") in the Brotherhood(2F?),he upgrade your plasma to turbo plasma

As I said
I really like the way you come to aquire the turboplasma rifle in base Fo:Sonora..

I *did* ment i *like* the way One gets turboplasma, *not* that *i'd like to know*, since i knew already..

And Please put that knowledge around spoiler tags, so we don't want to spoil the fun for everyone..

all i wanted to know was wether you got it form DLC or base game..
so If i got it correctly you got it from base game?
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As I said

I *did* ment i *like* the way One gets turboplasma, *not* that *i'd like to know*, since i knew already..

And Please put that knowledge around spoiler tags, so we don't want to spoil the fun for everyone..

all i wanted to know was wether you got it form DLC or base game..
so If i got it correctly you got it from base game?

Just finished out Dayglow. Definitely the roughest part of the translation about on par with earlier Google translate versions with phrases like "gulsky" and "guliyam" or "undead people" instead of Ghoul. This really needs a second pass. The Heap's name is also displayed variously as "a bunch" or "a pile" which causes issues with dialog getting jumbled up.
Just finished out Dayglow. Definitely the roughest part of the translation about on par with earlier Google translate versions with phrases like "gulsky" and "guliyam" or "undead people" instead of Ghoul. This really needs a second pass. The Heap's name is also displayed variously as "a bunch" or "a pile" which causes issues with dialog getting jumbled up.

that would be Ghoul's/Ghouls's for the "gulski" and Ghouls for the "gulyam", as For Private Heap I think they just made a c&p and didn't look even once at the translation of theese files, I specifically remember Translating the name of "Private Heap" in internal files for myself once, and Yandex did seam to do it correctly, so i don't know what's up with this, although i did notice this in the internal files that He's called either "a bunch" or "a pile". Actually even for someone unfamillar with the deep lore like *myself* Private Heap seemes a more reasonable translation than "a bunch" or "a pile", for that particular supermutant.
Just beat the game. The ending slides are easily the roughest part of the machine translation, worse than Dayglow. Definitely needs a second pass ASAP so as not to ruffle feathers.
So happy to be playing Fallout Sonora! BIG thanks for anyone involved in this.

So far the translation look pretty good to me, English is not my mother tongue, but having played F1, F2, F resurrection and F Nevada helps in understanding the small flaws or goofs in translation. I would agree with what someone else said, and that is that the translation feels a bit better than Nevada so far.

One question though: is it intentional or a bug that rubber boots don’t seem to protect against the radioactive goo when walking through it?
As for usable items ingame you need to equip them into handslot and use them on a given npc or scenery.
this applies to ruber boots, gas masks,junk, electronic junk, lockpicks,tinsmith night vision googles, electronic code crackers and few others.

when it gies for the boots themselves, they have a channve to lose certain % of durability upon traveling via radioactive goo, but only when used on the player or npc.
when equipped they have 100% durability, when durability drops or boots are destroyed, you can use another pair (same way via "use on" cursor), this will discard equiped boots, use-up one pair from inventory and reset the durability to 100%.


Since You've completed the campaign and DLC can you check now if it's possible to take more than 20lbs of equipment into the dlc if running the game with sfall with parameter CritterInvSizeLimitMode=4 and a decent CritterInvSizeLimit=2000000000?

Yes that’s what I thought too… But for some reason when I place new boots, found somewhere in a closet, in a weapon slot, just like we always do, they don’t seem to protect me and I get hit with every step I take…

This occurred in the radioactive mushroom quest in garage city btw, and the same thing happens in the sewers of Phoenix…
it's because you're doing it wrong.
it did not worked like that even in original falout2.

what You need to do in Sonora, is equip the boots in the handslot *and* click on them to get the *use-on* icon and apply the boots on the player's dude ( once you exit out of inventory screen ofcouse).Once they melt the don't protect you automatically, you need to equip a new pair yourself, by the use-on icon and apply on the dude. if you have onl one pair, they will vanish from your inventory, because they go on dude's feet.

in order no to soak up damage you'd be forced to manually replace heavily damaged but not completely melted boots with a new pair, the old ones don't return to your inventory but get discarded, and new ones will vanish from your inventory, and go on dude's feet, but all this has to be done manually, as i said, equip, close inventory click on the handlsot item with the boots, and apply on dude.

as for boots in vanilla Fo2 you never had to equip them in the item slot, you only needed to have them in your inventory, they would be used up automatically.. in Sonora the proces is a bit more manual, and simply standing in the goo for too long wil melt the boots as well.

I've been throug both areas, and i do know how it works, so quit saying it's a bug.. the mechanics just works differently, that's all..
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also @Violator

since nobody in the original translation team wasn't interested in certain parts of my work, since they claimed they: "already have it done very well" I'm passing credits.txt and quotes.txt over to You. Things i did mostly for myself: "because i could", yet there was no interest in theese files by the original translation team, hence I pass them over to You, so they don't rot on my dying hard drive, and so that you could fill your gaps in Your translation...

The possibility to obtain this translation knowledge isn't so easy anymore, as Wikipedia no longer allows to sneakpeak the article in another language like they used to. My files were made when that possibility was still present. Be mindful that certain movie titles were translated based on how they were named in the US nad dated on how they were released in US (in my translation) hence some title and dates mismatch, since those were different in Russia sometimes. the he files I translated were from ver 1.00 of the game, hence several new additions by Nevada Band that weren't present in v1.00


I've started playing since yesturday, but for some reason the none of the attack's during combat make any sound. It's rather odd. The characters still make noise when hit, but the weapons don't. That's one weird bug. Any advice?
Sorry to double post. It's been a few days so I figured no harm done. It seems that the above glitch only applies when my character is unarmed, however I have a new issue. I'm at the hunters camp i'm supposed to free from the savages. After freeing the lone surviving hunter and escorting him out, whenever I make it back to flagstaff or enter any encounter on the world map that doesn't involve combat the screen fades to black for some reason. Weird.

Update:Nevermind. What happened was that I reached the level needed for the drone that appears when the DLC Dayglow becomes available at the same time I rescued the hunter. I manages to bypass this bug by getting a random encounter with combat and beating it. Upon which I talked to the hunter and he said his fairwell. Must have been a bug the devs didn't anticipate.
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Hey, I recently installed the game and have had no issues so far except for one. All of the dialoge is in English, but a lot of item descriptions or area discriptions are still in Russian. Things like the character sheet being in Russian isn't a problem, but I don't know what items do or what my goals are withought a translator. Also I'm confused with a task in garage city. Lucas wants me to deliver a package to a caravan(I assume) but don't have said package or know where to take it. Any hints?