GGL previews Fallout 3

Salkinius said:
I believe that a great FPRPG could be done... I believe the dialogue will we ten fold better than that in Oblivion... I believe Bethesda has made an effort in the choice and consequence area and I believe the graphics will be awesome... I just hope they don’t have a cross hair or that you can shoulder aim the guns in RT... All I can say is that I hope there will be real radio stations...
You seem to be very confident about the things you believe in or you hope they're the right placed shot.
Sander said:
Fallout is an RPG franchise, not a hybrid franchise. They could name this Fallout: Finally in First-person for all I care, but it simply should not be called Fallout 3 when it isn't a real sequel to the first games.
Now, this is something important to remember for anyone posting here. If you don't realise it, then you're spinnin' your wheels here.
Salkinius said:
Let’s hope it will be a true RPG as well. We don’t know, do we?
I am not "we". If you like to use plural for yourself, do it in some other place.
Salkinius said:
We can assume and speculate from the bits of information we have.
I saw the Kubelwagen chasis, and I want the Tiger Tank, no more no less. Also, some people seem to see farther than others, no matter what quantity of informations is provided.
Salkinius said:
Idiot talking much?

I don’t think it’s the entire planet’s radio stations you are able to listen in to. It’s just the game world’s radio stations.

The name Galactic News Radio is only a name, which doesn’t really mean that they are broadcasting to the entire galactic. It’s just a name, and a very 50’s one to go.

Galaxy News Network is from Fallout 1, smartguy. And nobody's saying it's literally galactic.
Anyway, isn't it somewhat odd that a pre-war news station is operating at all 200 years later?
Several quotes and comments about radios and readio transmission will follow. I haven't had time to note down which previews they are from... I'm sorry about that.

And it would be unforgivable not to elaborate on the PIPBoy's inbuilt radio. Able to pick up stations as you travel around, important quest information can be picked up by listening in, as well as hearing the latest news (i.e. The trouble you've been causing, reported in-game!) You can even meet the DJ at one point. And alongside this is a music station playing the '40s jazz that's become associated with the series. At least twenty songs have been licensed for the game, and, wow, they sound beautiful. The title piece, this time around, is a lovely song by Bob Crosby, Bing's lesser known brother.

Nothing in this preview specifies that what you hear will be specific for your character. You'll hear news of the consequences of your deeds, but that's it.

Before meeting up with Burke, Pagliarulo's Pip-Boy acquires a radio signal from the Galaxy Network News tower that plays some music. Howard comments that Bethesda has licensed about twenty songs from the 40s for Fallout 3, and that you can pick up these radio stations by wandering the wasteland and keeping an eye on your Pip-Boy for a signal. Additionally, the radio can also be used as the initiation of a quest chain, or, if tuned properly, as a way to eavesdrop on some raiders when they talk to each other.

The highlighted part doesn't say that the quests are directly for you, it says that it is indirectly for you

Besides the usual "walk up to someone and receive a quest" system, players can also pick up side quests by listening to their radio on their pip boy (a sort of communication and storage device attached to your characters arm) in various locations.

nothing here either which points to the radio transmissions being specific for you.

On your tenth birthday, for instance, your parents present you with your very own Pip Boy, a device you wear on your forearm that acts, among other things, as a radio, a radiation counter and an in-game character sheet. As you make your way through the game, you'll learn to rely heavily on the information your Pip Boy provides, so it's nice to see it introduced as part of the story.

You can also use the Pip Boy to listen to the radio. Bethesda has licensed 20 songs from the 1940s that play throughout the course of the game on one of the Pip Boy stations. Even better, there's a DJ on that station who can fill you in on local events. Once you start having a big impact on the world, you might even hear him referencing your own actions.
While it's pleasant enough to listen to the radio and hear someone talk about how important you are, there are more important uses for the radio. The Galaxy News Station helps to keep you up to date on the goings on in the world. More significantly, you might even be able to use the Pip Boy's radio to pick up isolated transmissions in the wasteland. Some might lead you a new quest, others might alert you to the presence of a nearby Slaver patrol. We're not sure yet if you'll have to actively seek out these transmissions or if the game will alert you when there's something interesting to listen to. Either way, it's an intriguing way to introduce new content into the story.

This is the only quote that may help Sanders argument.

And, I do hope Bethesda gives us an explaination about the politics and factions of the world since there seem to be a way to communicate with the world and recieve news.

I do however feel that news about the world will bring another flavor of the holocaust that suffered the world.

Special effort has been put into the Pip-Boy 3000, which includes an in-game radio with about twenty authentic 1940s music tracks. Among the artists represented are The Ink Spots, the vocal group whose song "Maybe" was used in the introduction to the original Fallout. In a nod to the game's original team, which had wanted to use the Ink Spot track "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" but was unable to obtain the license, that song is used in Fallout 3's intro.
In between tracks, a DJ speaks on what's happening in the world of the wasteland. Occasionally, you'll be able to hear about events that lead to an optional quest, or learn more about characters or events of which you are already aware. It is even possible to meet the DJ in person, after which he will discuss your exploits on the air as well.

Here is an explaination to why the DJ would refer to your exploits. He has interviewed you. So all is all and well. A game where you aren't making an impact on the world you play in, isn't really a fun game is it?
Ooh, more trolling. How neat.
1) I never claimed that the radio directed its transmissions at you.
2) I never claimed that the quest transmissions you can pick up are for you.
3) I did claim that the radio stations are player centric as it is commenting on your exploits. Which is true, as confirmed by the IGN Preview which you rather interestingly ignored.

Also, I find your signature rather ironic.
Sander said:
Ooh, more trolling. How neat.
1) I never claimed that the radio directed its transmissions at you.
2) I never claimed that the quest transmissions you can pick up are for you.
3) I did claim that the radio stations are player centric as it is commenting on your exploits. Which is true, as confirmed by the IGN Preview which you rather interestingly ignored.

Also, I find your signature rather ironic.

1. that's how I interpreted what you were saying
2. that's how I interpreted what you were saying
3. Why shouldn't a radio broadcast the news of Megaton getting nuked? (for example?)

I just hoped they make the radio transmissions not only commenting on your exploits. I wouldn't like the news you've made to be the only news.

Why is my sig ironic? I realised that the radio would broadcast world news? Which is strange because it would mean that there are ways of communication which would mean that there would be some structure of power of some sort.

Galactic News Network is just a name a radio station might have taken because it's a well known name.
Nim82 said:

Fallout was always designed (and meant) to be a computerised PnP game, complete with a comic book art style and intentionally turn based combat... That was what FO was about for most of us, and that is what Bethesda have trashed - and they admit that themselves. FO3 was one of the last chances for traditional isometric turn based gameplay to be brought to the fore, via an established brand name and a dev with marketing clout. Instead, Bethsoft have decided to use the license as an excuse to resurrect their run and gun games of yester year, and throw in some gravity guns.

It may be an ok game, but it isn't what Fallout was about. Buying into it would be rewarding them for killing off a niche game.

Truly AMEN to that. This is what I've been trying to say since the first preview in the game informer.
Salkinius said:
1. that's how I interpreted what you were saying
2. that's how I interpreted what you were saying
Then you have a reading problem.
Salkinius said:
3. Why shouldn't a radio broadcast the news of Megaton getting nuked? (for example?)
Salkinius said:
Why is my sig ironic?
I'll let you figure that one out yourself.
Radio Station, hm? Someon remembers the oblivion gates in Oblivion? For me it sounds like the same.. "go and find at least 5 radio station and free them from the enemys!"..
Sander said:
Salkinius said:
1. that's how I interpreted what you were saying
2. that's how I interpreted what you were saying
Then you have a reading problem.
Salkinius said:
3. Why shouldn't a radio broadcast the news of Megaton getting nuked? (for example?)
Salkinius said:
Why is my sig ironic?
I'll let you figure that one out yourself.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you keep bashing me when I admit to have interpreted you wrongly and when I admin to being wrong about the world news part? You've won the discussion. I admit you doing so... what's your fucking problem??

I know the answer to that one... read my sig once more.

Lexx said:
Radio Station, hm? Someon remembers the oblivion gates in Oblivion? For me it sounds like the same.. "go and find at least 5 radio station and free them from the enemys!"..

Aren't you bringing out the worst possible fears there? The radio station could possibly be over used, but if they are a subtle fragrance to the game, it could ultimately enhance the game experience. (and that's my best possible hope :D )
Salkinius said:
Aren't you bringing out the worst possible fears there?
It's hard to make something worst than the design-idiocies Beth already has made.
Salkinius said:
(and that's my best possible hope Very Happy )
Again, hopes. *sigh^3* I hope they won't name it Fallout 3! I hope it'll be a decent or a very good, hell - it might even be an excellent game, but what I really, really HOPE is that it won't be named Fallout 3.
lisac2k said:
Salkinius said:
Aren't you bringing out the worst possible fears there?
It's hard to make something worst than the design-idiocies Beth already has made.
Salkinius said:
(and that's my best possible hope Very Happy )
Again, hopes. *sigh^3* I hope they won't name it Fallout 3! I hope it'll be a decent or a very good, hell - it might even be an excellent game, but what I really, really HOPE is that it won't be named Fallout 3.

What you have is not hope, it's an unsubstantiated faith that it will not be called Fallout 3. I, on the other hand, have hopes about the radio stations not being a total screw up, because I have not seen any signs of it being that way, not they way I interpret the preview anyway. I have my worries, but not enough to claim it crap.

That's something that goes for anything in the game except the super mutants, which I, from what I've seen is a total screw up. The nuclear rocket launcher is another one.
Salkinius said:
What you have is not hope, it's an unsubstantiated faith that it will not be called Fallout 3.
You'd be better reading Beths staff interviews and analyse them a bit more, Dr. Freud. Then you'd know what's it all about. But, then again, I guess I'm more interesting than Beths imps.
Salkinius said:
That's something that goes for anything in the game except the super mutants, which I, from what I've seen is a total screw up. The nuclear rocket launcher is another one.
Only two of those? Good! I abandoned every hope about finding someone liking the "toilets of youth" around here. Cheers, I'll take a beer.

It's pointless. Stop it. I know I will.
Haha yes, "toilets of youth" .. that's with the best, ofcause. :)
lisac2k said:
Salkinius said:
What you have is not hope, it's an unsubstantiated faith that it will not be called Fallout 3.
You'd be better reading Beths staff interviews and analyse them a bit more, Dr. Freud. Then you'd know what's it all about. But, then again, I guess I'm more interesting than Beths imps.
Salkinius said:
That's something that goes for anything in the game except the super mutants, which I, from what I've seen is a total screw up. The nuclear rocket launcher is another one.
Only two of those? Good! I abandoned every hope about finding someone liking the "toilets of youth" around here. Cheers, I'll take a beer.

It's pointless. Stop it. I know I will.

I should borrow your eyes when reading them, right?

Well I would drink from toilets if water was scarce. And water is healthy for you (depending on what the water contains), right?

Beside the fact that we, in the real world, KNOW that water doesn't heal any wounds, but neither does any drugs or shots you might take. So what's your point?

Nevermind, I know what your point is. If it wasn't in the two origianal games, it shouldn't be in Fallout 3. Right?
I hope that radio doesn't prevent them from implementing ambient music, even if it is unimpressive.

I would rather they make a better Fallout game, whatever it might be called, but by naming it Fallout 3, it helps to reinforce changes that I don't like and is misleading to consumers.
Beside the fact that we, in the real world, KNOW that water doesn't heal any wounds, but neither does any drugs or shots you might take. So what's your point?

Um. Antibiotics?

Stimpaks, while a bit overboard, are more believable than holy water suddenly having the ability to heal. Water only hydrates.
Salkinius said:
Nevermind, I know what your point is. If it wasn't in the two origianal games, it shouldn't be in Fallout 3. Right?
No, the point is that healing food is moronic. In Fallout, only stimpacks and strange fruits could heal wounds. It was because in the Fallout setting they had healing properties. On the other hand water, Nuca Cola, beer, etc. don't have healing properties.
I told him to stop it Pope, but some people never learn.

Anyway, don't you find it interesting that both stimpaks in Fallout and Starcraft carry the same name? Though, the effect is quite different... But the essence is there. I wonder what influenced such an occurrence..?
Salkinius said:
I should borrow your eyes when reading them, right?

Well I would drink from toilets if water was scarce. And water is healthy for you (depending on what the water contains), right?

Beside the fact that we, in the real world, KNOW that water doesn't heal any wounds, but neither does any drugs or shots you might take. So what's your point?

Nevermind, I know what your point is. If it wasn't in the two origianal games, it shouldn't be in Fallout 3. Right?
Verisimilitude, is his point. And mine as well. Magical healing toilet water has little place in Fallout's setting (50s retro-future), scientific medicinal drugs do.