GGL previews Fallout 3

Salkinius said:
Well I believe you can combine the two genres and make a really good FPRPG.
Like Deus Ex, Bloodlines or System Shock 2. Great hybrids, those, but due to the nature of their implementation not full-on RPGs.

Salkinius said:
I do not however, know if Fallout 3 will be that title. Don't mind them trying though.
I do. Fallout is an RPG franchise, not a hybrid franchise. They could name this Fallout: Finally in First-person for all I care, but it simply should not be called Fallout 3 when it isn't a real sequel to the first games.

Salkinius said:
It won't be a complete FPS, I know I will be using the VATS more than roaming around twitch playing... I at least hope so.
If I play it, that's what I'll be doing. But, as I said, they've noted that they want to make both ways of playing viable.

Salkninius said:
I don't see why BoS in Capital W couldn't have disbanded their original ideas and values after another 30 years.
Which isn't the point. There's no reason to have the Brotherhood of Steel there as the Brotherhood of STeel. All the technology was already available, the BoS have little reasons and even fewer means (unless they decide that they were now producing vertibirds, which seems counter-intuitive to the generally desolate feel of the games and counter to the 'no operable vehicles' statement Bethesda has made) to get to the East Coast. They *could* have changed into a vigilante group while there, but again this seems implausible and frankly unnecessary.

The only *real* reason to have the Brotherhood there is simply to pander to the masses who thought the Brotherhood was cool. The Brotherhood is in no way essential to Fallout.

Salkinius said:
Money! political, religious or economic factions would all have money enough to sponsor a radio station.
Yes, as I've now said three times already, it would make some sense if it were sponsored as propaganda for a faction. However, as I've also said three times already, this is not the case since it is a player-centric gimmick. And I know this, because I read the previews.

Salkinius said:
I don't know if it's going to be a player-centric gimmick, as you put it. I thought it would be a radio transmission which let you in on clues to as where you might make money (quests, hints and such).
That's mostly transmissions that your Pipboy will pick up, not a radio station.

Also, don't double post.
neopl said:
Man, I know you personally in real life and you always keep on saying this "Lets wait till its out" "who are you to decide what fallout is"

Very weak excuses or counter arguments, what have you. We have enough info that we do not need to wait, Bs-Nazi-Corp thankfully, gave us enough info by now to know exactly what the game is. It is just another Action RPG which should not be called Fallout.

Er, can you prove that Bethesda is a Nazi Corp? And you have very weak counter arguments. Why should it not be called Fallout?

neopl said:
We are nobody to decide as to what follout is,

Yes, you are nobody to decide what Fallout is. Yet then you say "It is just another Action RPG which should not be called Fallout." Um..?

neopl said:
it is NOT fallout, why? not because I said so, It just isnt, from the amount of info even a fool can see that it isnt.

Stop pursing your pointless argument and drop it, because you cannot come back at what I said. Its as plain as black and white.

Way to provide nothing to this argument. You're just saying "haha you can't argue the fact, the fact, the fact" without supporting yourself. "It's set in stone, you can't change it, I can't decide what's Fallout and what's not, but Fallout 3 is not Fallout!"

Good Lord.

NukaColaClassic said:
Er, can you prove that Bethesda is a Nazi Corp? And you have very weak counter arguments. Why should it not be called Fallout?
As I said before, do some reading.
Calling a first-person, real-time game Fallout is tantamount to calling a tennis game 'Pro Evolution Soccer 7' because, hey, they're both sports games, right?

NukaColaClassic said:
Way to provide nothing to this argument. You're just saying "haha you can't argue the fact, the fact, the fact" without supporting yourself. "It's set in stone, you can't change it, I can't decide what's Fallout and what's not, but Fallout 3 is not Fallout!"
And all you seem to be able to say is 'it's all relative'. Which is bullshit. Fallout's core design has been very well-defined, and boils down to a Pen and Paper emulation on the PC, with a post-apocalyptic retro-future 50s setting. The Pen and Paper emulation obviously includes turn-based combat and an isometric perspective.
Sander said:
And all you seem to be able to say is 'it's all relative'. Which is bullshit. Fallout's core design has been very well-defined, and boils down to a Pen and Paper emulation on the PC, with a post-apocalyptic retro-future 50s setting. The Pen and Paper emulation obviously includes turn-based combat and an isometric perspective.

Not that some people on the Bethesda boards think that. One guy even said "I don't care if Tim Cain or Jesus Christ says Fallout is a pnp simulation. It's not".
And then I got suspended for calling him delusional. Because insulting Todd Howard counts as flaming, but insulting Tim Cain doesn't. Go figure.
And I'm pretty sure if you insult Tim Cain here you'll get banned, while insulting Todd Howard will net you brownie points.
NukaColaClassic said:
And I'm pretty sure if you insult Tim Cain here you'll get banned, while insulting Todd Howard will net you brownie points.

Also, people, no cross-site trolling here.
The whole "Big 'ole radioactive dustbowl" thing IMO, serves to promote the feeling of desolation and destruction of Fallouts wasteland. To strengthen the idea that civilisation as it used to be is dead. Even if say NCR successfully rebuilt the west coast, they could never rebuilt the United States because they could never spread out.
NukaColaClassic said:
And I'm pretty sure if you insult Tim Cain here you'll get banned, while insulting Todd Howard will net you brownie points.

No you won't, you can insult anyone you want, as long as you don't break the rules.

Believe me, we have a proud tradition of insulting devs. Even the ones we like :mrgreen:
1. Don't quote me out of context NukeCola.
2. Sander already answered you. (Because why should anyone argue that? YOu seem to be the only one in the gray area)
3. You're right, person can't argue a proven or long established (since 1997) fact. As it is what it is, a fact. And the fact is that Fallout is not an Action RPG. I am nobody to decide, I nor anyone else can't decide what fallout is, we all know what Fallout is as I said before. And as Sander said do some reading ;

Good Lord...
FeelTheRads said:
You've been Bethesdized.

Good God, no. In case you didn't see my post where I introduced myself, I mentioned having played Oblivion for 80 hours. it took me that much time to realize the game's huge shortcomings, and that left me feeling pretty dead inside.

So yes, I found Bethesda's Oblivion to be full of suckage and its shortcomings made me really change my view on the game.

But that was Oblivion. We're talking Fallout now. Fallout is Bethesda's baby now, whether you like it, or not. I'm not siding with Bethesda on everything, I'm giving them a fucking chance because I, as a Fallout fan am not going to lose all hope after seeing a limited amount of screenshots and previews. I don't care what you think, there's not enough info on this game. The most important aspect is the gameplay, and nobody here has played this game nor seen videos of how it works. Judging a book by its cover is always an incredibly foolish thing to do as a gamer. But yes, there are a few aspects of Fallout 3 that got me worried. Among them being:

1) The Fatman
2) Dialogue Trees (we still really don't know whether our player character can say full sentences or one-word answers)
3) I still fear that the game might be dumbed down, but you never know, I've heard that the PC BioShock is more difficult than the Xbox 360 BioShock, so perhaps the "real" Fallout 3 will be the PC version.
4) ) The game only takes place in Washington D.C. and the surrounding area. I feel that a Fallout game should at least encompass a state or two.

And I am concerned with how Bethesda is going to explain the Super Mutants and the BoS. But I trust that they can do this. They are Fallout fans, after all.
NukaColaClassic said:
FeelTheRads said:
You've been Bethesdized.

Good God, no. In case you didn't see my post where I introduced myself, I mentioned having played Oblivion for 80 hours. it took me that much time to realize the game's huge shortcomings, and that left me feeling pretty dead inside.

So yes, I found Bethesda's Oblivion to be full of suckage and its shortcomings made me really change my view on the game.

But that was Oblivion. We're talking Fallout now. Fallout is Bethesda's baby now, whether you like it, or not. I'm not siding with Bethesda on everything, I'm giving them a fucking chance because I, as a Fallout fan am not going to lose all hope after seeing a limited amount of screenshots and previews. I don't care what you think, there's not enough info on this game. The most important aspect is the gameplay, and nobody here has played this game nor seen videos of how it works. Judging a book by its cover is always an incredibly foolish thing to do as a gamer.
The gameplay, at least combat-wise, has been pretty decently explained by now. Short story: it sucks.
NukaCola said:
But yes, there are a few aspects of Fallout 3 that got me worried. Among them being:

1) The Fatman
2) Dialogue Trees (we still really don't know whether our player character can say full sentences or one-word answers)
3) I still fear that the game might be dumbed down, but you never know, I've heard that the PC BioShock is more difficult than the Xbox 360 BioShock, so perhaps the "real" Fallout 3 will be the PC version.
Nope, primary development platform: X-Box 360. Why? 'Because it's easier'.
Last time I checked they were working on all 3 versions equally. And if it was primary developed on 360, it won't mean it'll be dumbed down. Consoles have been creeping up to the level of PC's. Sure, DX10 and games like Crysis show that PC is still ahead but with a game like Fallout you won't need to worry about superior graphics or superior AI.
NukaColaClassic said:
1) The Fatman

You know, an eskimo who can wield a helicopters machine gun, an emaciated psychic, a cybernetic ninja, a master of disguise who goes so far as to replace his own blood with the blood of whomever he is impersonating, a 65 year old russian cowboy and a bipedal nuclear tank are all normal. Ugh, but a bisexual vampire who can walk on water? You really dropped the ball there Konami, thats just STUPID.

Fan reactions to Vamp in Metal Gear Solid 2 remind me so much of the way people are freaking out about the nuclear catapult. Its just a cute name they gave to a grenade launcher!
That shoots miniature *nuclear weapons*, asstard. Read the fucking article.
Juiced said:
Fan reactions to Vamp in Metal Gear Solid 2 remind me so much of the way people are freaking out about the nuclear catapult. Its just a cute name they gave to a grenade launcher!

No it isn't, it's clearly described as a launcher that fires nuclear grenades, in every preview.

Also, do me a favour and look up verisimilitude, because the argument you just made is sometimes referred to as "the worst argument on the internets."

"Lulz it has supermutants so it should have elves too!" Yeah, that's right.
Wooz said:
That shoots miniature *nuclear weapons*, asstard. Read the fucking article.

You know, a gauss rifle, powered armor, nuclear powered cars, radiation turning people into ghouls, plasma weaponry, and an army of super mutants bearing down on the world are all normal. Ugh, but a mininuke? You really dropped the ball there Bethesda, thats just STUPID.

Brother None said:
Also, do me a favour and look up verisimilitude, because the argument you just made is sometimes referred to as "the worst argument on the internets."

"Lulz it has supermutants so it should have elves too!" Yeah, that's right.

Theres a difference between continuing having different over the top weaponry (or in the case of MGS2 larger than life bosses) and a complete nonsequiter.
Theres a difference between continuing having different over the top weaponry (or in the case of MGS2 larger than life bosses) and a complete nonsequiter.

All the over the top weapons in Fallout 1 fit because they fit Retro50s verisimilitude.

Please explain to me how a nuclear grenade launcher does the same.
Juiced said:
You know, a gauss rifle, powered armor, nuclear powered cars, radiation turning people into ghouls, plasma weaponry, and an army of super mutants bearing down on the world are all normal. Ugh, but a mininuke? You really dropped the ball there Bethesda, thats just STUPID.
Ever heard of *context* stupid?
Or, in other words: just because one thing fits doesn't mean everything else automagically fits.

NukaCola said:
Last time I checked they were working on all 3 versions equally.
Then where did you check that? Because one of the interviews with Todd Howard clearly stated that they were developing it concurrently, but the 360 was their primary development platform.
I never said that other thing you quoted :?

Sander said:
Juiced said:
You know, a gauss rifle, powered armor, nuclear powered cars, radiation turning people into ghouls, plasma weaponry, and an army of super mutants bearing down on the world are all normal. Ugh, but a mininuke? You really dropped the ball there Bethesda, thats just STUPID.
Ever heard of *context* stupid?
Or, in other words: just because one thing fits doesn't mean everything else automagically fits.

Before I go into my little rant of what I've noticed from lurking here for a while I just want to restate what I said a few posts up, its just continuing in a line of over the top weaponry and thats what I'm trying to get across.

I don't know it just feels to me like people are latching onto whatever they can to complain, since a lot of everyones WORST fears have been alleviated. SPECIAL, branching paths, and the fallout feel have all been preserved so everyone is looking for the most inconsequential bullshit to complain about.

My advice is to be happy we are getting as much as we are getting and remain guarded optimistic instead of vehemently pessimistic :) It makes life so much easier
Juiced said:
You know, a gauss rifle, powered armor, nuclear powered cars, radiation turning people into ghouls, plasma weaponry, and an army of super mutants bearing down on the world are all normal. Ugh, but a mininuke? You really dropped the ball there Bethesda, thats just STUPID.

Because it really doesn't fit the game, yes it has energy weapons and Power Armour but at least some of those are feasable.

The idea of a small nuclear weapon you actually use in personal combat is absurd, even the original Fallout designers knew that.
You mentioned Metal Gear stuff, did they ever in Metal Gear Solid 3 use a Davy Crocket in a personal fight with Snake?

Also, Bethesda brought up the cars that appear to be powered by small atomic bombs, they weren't in the previous games.
Cars running on small energy cells yes, but these do not detonate into small atomic explosions when shot at.