NukaColaClassic said:
and btw. i dont think Bethesda will include many of those things into Fallout 3,
50's style? Well they've got those licensed music tracks, they've got the Inkspots. They have Vault Boy and the 50's-esque billboards. The teaser alone made me sure that Bethesda can pull off the 50's vibe in the game.
licensing music tracks ain't all,.. as you might now such music tracks were just played in intros.. the background music during Fo1 and 2 was great though,.. it played a great part in making a great atmosphere
however, aside from the intro i couldn't see anything 50s style in that game.. not even Fallout-style, the "mutants" look like resident evil monsters mixed with orcs, that's just totally wrong!
also the graphic style was TOTALLY different from that one we had in the both original fallouts; they were post-apocalyptic (and that's what i like) but not fallout-y (which annoys me as it calls itself "FALLOUT 3")
NukaColaClassic said:
The great atmosphere. The previews have been saying how leaving the Vault and entering the wasteland in Fallout 3 is an exhilarating transition.
i think they possibly can make the atmosphere good
i was just listing things that made fallout good, and one of them was the fallout-atmosphere
NukaColaClassic said:
The wonderful graphics. I think Bethesda has it nailed down. I like the graphics of Fallout 3.
I don't
principially they are "good", means better than the average, and totally fit into a post apocalyptic game and look therefore fine, BUT, and here is the but, this is FALLOUT, and as i said already, the graphics should be done in the style of Fallout 1 and 2 if they make a game called Fallout THREE, and not in the style of _any_ post-apocalyptic game or something they just made up
they really should have called it differently
NukaColaClassic said:
We can't get the "feeling" until we actually play Fallout 3, so that one's up in the air.
sure, the feeling also has to do much with the credibility of the game and how much heart they put into it and also it's a lot about the atmosphere
but i think they just can't cope with the feeling the good old fallouts have given us... unless they totally focus on making a great game and not something just for the mainstream
NukaColaClassic said:
he choices which had concequences that couldn't be changed (i don't mean choices like "olol, i nuked megaton, now i cant make teh questz0rs there anymore to raize my XXXXpPPp")
I found the Megaton consequence to be incredible. I don't recall Fallout 1 & 2 ever having the option of obliterating an entire town via an atom bomb.
Fallout 1 and 2 submitted the notion of nuclear devastation being something bad and not being reproduced
so why the heck put it in..?
NukaColaClassic said:
the possibility to totally go your own way in both creating your character, evolving it and making choices
The developers have been talking about the replay value of Fallout 3 and the different ways a player can approach situations. I don't think there's anything to be afraid of there.
They have been "talking" about it.. and they also said you can't finish the game without shooting (like in Fallout you had the choice to just let you words "fight" for you), this is one thing you can't do anymore, which is okay, but somehow it gives me the feeling that they won't really care about the other stuff as well, that it will be just about shooting and nuking cities...
NukaColaClassic said:
I saw Nuka Cola in the teaser.
good that you saw it!
NukaColaClassic said:
As for story, sure, the "go out and find your father" seems rather cliche, but so did "save your Vault" and "save your tribe."
never heard "save your Vault" before, but okay.. also i didn't see "save your tribe" in any post-apocalyptic game.. but .. okay...
NukaColaClassic said:
The good dialogue we still really haven't seen due to the limited amount of screenshots we've got, but I did read about the Sheriff of Megaton threatening you and such, and the choice for your character to call him a "dick."
I hope the sentence will be a bit longer than just "Dick!"
NukaColaClassic said:
That all sounds rather interesting.
Yes, calling people "dick" sounds indeed interesting (no offence, just making fun all the time

NukaColaClassic said:
And yes, turn-based tactics were great, but what makes you think there will be no tactic involved in Fallout 3? I really don't think this is going to be the "run n' gun" game many of you have been talking about. Complain about V.A.T.S. all you want, but there's tactics involved in its system.
please explain this more broadly
NukaColaClassic said:
And when fighting in realtime, there's tactics in trying to find cover, quickly deciding what you should do to get rid of the enemy.
this doesn't apply to most FPS games...
in the "slower" FPS games (like tactic shooters, which i btw. like a lot) it's of course about taking cover and getting to good positions and aiming and crouching and all that stuff.. but the most FPS are faster so that you don't have time to get cover or can't do sniping or aiming specifically at all.. mostly you jump around so it's harder to hit you and stuff.
Of course it was said that Fallout 3 will partly be a kind of "slow FPS" or something like that... or that it would be good for FPS gamers looking for a slower paced game like that, i think that was what one of the writers wrote,yes.
well, the latter statement would mean that those FPS gamers formerly played faster first person shooters as they would find in Fallout 3 a slower paced Shooter, slower paced probably because you don't shoot all the time but talk and stuff, which would then again mean that the fighting parts could be pretty quick so they would please those FPS gamers and not those who play tactical first person shooting games...
probably i am just caring to much about it
but however, i think when a giant orc... errr... super mutant from the east coast will come to get you in melee, you will probably not think about hiding next to a box and shooting him until he got so close he can tear you in parts
you will probably more likely go backwards and shoot at him while that...
and also pauses in which you aim for a body part (not the grain or the eyes) don't get more tactics involved, because that's not what "tactics" are...
just my sight of the things
and dont care if something sounded offending to you, it surely wasn't meant like that, i m just very sarcastic and stuff...