Please do tell, dear sir, what the fuck we care? They know as well as anyone else that a takedown notice would not only have no legal ground to stand on whatsoever, it would also be useless. We could easily take down those assets, because everything that they can demand to take down is a bunch of images that are mirrored across thousands of websites.Francis said:Fair Use? Tell me, do you also still believe in the tooth fairy?
If they wanted something removed, they'd slap you with a DMCA takedown notice so hard you wouldn't remember your own name anymore. And if that wasn't enough, their legal department would engage you in legal battle until you were too poor to live on the street.
Wake up, man.
Aside from that, there's the free legal help from instances that loathe these DMCA takedown notices.
The big gripe wasn't just the artwork, there was the ridiculously faulty introduction (which claimed a shitload of weird stuff, including a 'scientific community' in Redding) they published, or the ridiculously unbalanced rules.Havok said:I dunno, they may be on to something. None of use have seen it. The big gripe last year was the artwork. But who knows, it might have great game play.