Great Storyline Games


Vault Senior Citizen
Alright, I've been a little bit bored lately and now I'm looking for some games with a terrific story (not just atmosphere and background, but story development) and lots and lots of juicy dialogue. Something along the lines of Dreamfall.

Any suggestions? Doesn't necessarily have to be recent, can be in the last 7 years or so.
There is a new Broken Swords game out now. Called Broken Swords The Angel of Death, might be something? Broken Sword 1&2 is very good, dont know about this one yet...
Specialist said:
Alright, I've been a little bit bored lately and now I'm looking for some games with a terrific story (not just atmosphere and background, but story development) and lots and lots of juicy dialogue. Something along the lines of Dreamfall.

Any suggestions? Doesn't necessarily have to be recent, can be in the last 7 years or so.

i mean dreamfall is an adventure i think, so i´ll say some adventures:

Monkey Island (All Parts)
Beneth of a Steel Sky (I hope this is Correct)
Day of the Tentacle
Sam and Max
Simon the Sorcerer
DiG ( i think)
Grim Fandango (little strange)
mhh, yeah maybe i know more, but not atm.

Great Story:
(I didnt played it, but i heard this has a kind of nice story.)
SimpleMinded said:
I'm assuming you've played Planescape Torment?

And Arcanum?

Others with great storylines and blocks of dialogue would include the Realms of Arkania games and pretty much anything by Spiderweb.

But those are all cRPGs.
Grim Fandango has the best story evar, period.

Torment's story is mostly convoluted.
Per said:
Grim Fandango has the best story evar, period.

Torment's story is mostly convoluted.

Yes, I've played Torment.

I've almost obtained a copy of Arcanum (they're so hard to nab here).

Couldn't get into Grim Fandago.
If it's a classic point & click adventure that you're after, you should definitely try Syberia and its sequel. They have awesome storylines and incredible gameplay.

If it's an RPG you're after, and you really really want to read a hell of a lot, you should give Arcanum or Planescape Torment a shot. Arcanum has TB combat options. Planescape Torment lacks that sort of thing.
There is a new Broken Swords game out now. Called Broken Swords The Angel of Death, might be something? Broken Sword 1&2 is very good, dont know about this one yet...

Actually there is another one. The Sleeping Dragon.. which was complete crap. Almost like Syberia 2, in fact. (I have the feeling I've said that already about these two games around here)
But this one, from what I've read so far, gives me some hope, if only for the fact that mouse control is back.
Actually there is another one. The Sleeping Dragon.. which was complete crap. Almost like Syberia 2, in fact. (I have the feeling I've said that already about these two games around here)
But this one, from what I've read so far, gives me some hope, if only for the fact that mouse control is back.

Yes i know. The reason i didn't mention it was just because it sucks :)
Fahrenheit is awesome (you get to bang hawt digital chicks by strategicaly playing a guitar) but it gets extremely weird towards the end. If you're looking for a good story and don't care to spend lots of time on a complex game, that's the one I'd recommend.
Don't forget banging the hot digital chick by ignoring your hot digital boss who you also get to bang, and being late for work.

Really, you get to bang pretty much everyone in that game.
The Commissar said:
Don't forget banging the hot digital chick by ignoring your hot digital boss who you also get to bang, and being late for work.

Really, you get to bang pretty much everyone in that game.

Shit. I must have macked all the wrong ladies or something. In my defense, I only remember the character's ex-girlfriend scene because it was so hilariously bad.
keyser Soeze said:
There is a new Broken Swords game out now. Called Broken Swords The Angel of Death, might be something? Broken Sword 1&2 is very good, dont know about this one yet...

I am afraid, broken sword 4 - the angel of death is the worst of the broken sword series.

  • The puzzles give no reward and they are extremely hard and illogical.
  • The environments (apart from 2 of them) are boring.
  • The story is so cliche that I almost threw my monitor out the window when the ending credits came up.
  • The control system and the games ending are really really, bad.

Revolution have done a complete 180 with this game.

I am very dissapointed

Games with good storys:


Blackstone Chronicles

Gabriel Knight series

Thief series

System Shock II

Full Throttle *any lucas point and clicky*



Vampire the masquerade - bloodlines

The moment of silence

Still life


Max payne I

Gothic II

Tachyon - the fringe