Gripes about the writing


'Pete Hines: It's old school. After a certain point, when you're taking on a project of this magnitude, you've got to pick your battles, and you can't pick them all because you just end up trying to be everything and not being anything. Dialogue wasn't a battle we wanted to pick. It is a bit old-school, but it works well for what we're trying to do, and there were other things that were more important for us to spend time and energy on, like trying to incorporate VATS into a real world combat system and still incorporate the stats and not unbalance the game. That's a big undertaking, and spending time from a development standpoint on the actual dialogue and the camera angle it's being presented on - we just don't have unlimited monkeys and typewriters.'
I still stand by the fact that saying you are using monkeys and typewriters to write dialogue is a very blunt way to say, "We don't give a shit about the writing."
quant said:

'Pete Hines: It's old school. After a certain point, when you're taking on a project of this magnitude, you've got to pick your battles, and you can't pick them all because you just end up trying to be everything and not being anything. Dialogue wasn't a battle we wanted to pick. It is a bit old-school, but it works well for what we're trying to do, and there were other things that were more important for us to spend time and energy on, like trying to incorporate VATS into a real world combat system and still incorporate the stats and not unbalance the game. That's a big undertaking, and spending time from a development standpoint on the actual dialogue and the camera angle it's being presented on - we just don't have unlimited monkeys and typewriters.'

oh what a lame excuse! What a wrong approach
This is a kind of game and genre where story and dialogue matter as much as combat. Even for plot-thin shooters with maybe 10 spoken lines they hire capable writers (no to speak of games like Half Life2, which still has little story, compared to an RPG) And what Beth does? Hires a good writer? No way! They let the lead designer - Emil - do the writing.
And of course lead designer is so busy with other stuff he has no time to sleep. And there you have it - the idiocy of main quest as a stark example.
And whats that about priority on VATS and the stats and not unbalance... come on, Beth failed at that (again)... ok thats another topic altogether.
Dialogue does not sell games

Head shots, gore, and more guns sells games

at least to the console kiddies

Beth did everything right for their bank account, and everything wrong to the legend of fallout :(
Tom_Sawyer said:
Dialogue does not sell games

Head shots, gore, and more guns sells games

at least to the console kiddies

Beth did everything right for their bank account, and everything wrong to the legend of fallout :(
By the way, what always wonders me is in which way on-screen sex is worse than blasting one's head off and watching him die. The first is connected with love and lust the latter with violence and death. Which one is better one can ask? And sex is always, and I mean always censored. :) That is what eludes me.
Tom_Sawyer said:
Dialogue does not sell games

Right on, man. Think of it from the marketing perspective. Screenies sell games. Screenies go on the back of the box. Screenies go on the websites and in the paid-off magazines. Screenies go through consumers eyes, into their brains and make them go 'ohhhh. omgz nice graphix lol'

Now think about how you'd market good dialogue ....
quant said:
Pliskin said:
FO3 is sorely lacking in any chance to garner xp except through the unmitigated slaughter of just about everyone / thing you meet.

You didn't play the game, did you? Cause your statement as a whole is utterly wrong. My first evil character now being level 5 has actually gained more experience by pickpocketing, disarming mines, lock picking and other non-violent stuff (exploring gives EXP either).

Go and play the already!

Played long enough to make it to level 15 --- so, yah, I do have some familiarity with how xp is awarded: Yes, while hacking / lockpicking will net you a substantive bolus of xp (more than is warranted, IMHO), there are far more things you must kill than there are things you must hack.

As for exploring giving you xp --- huh? Only thing I know of that gets you xp for exploring is if you hook up with Riley's Rangers, and they pay you for any urban sites discovered.

Again, the vast majority of xp in this game is derived from killing.

Lvl 5? OK, Ghandi, Let's see how far you make it above that just hacking and wandering the wasteland.
Pliskin said:
As for exploring giving you xp --- huh? Only thing I know of that gets you xp for exploring is if you hook up with Riley's Rangers, and they pay you for any urban sites discovered.
Discovering a new point of interest nets you some exp. A message pops up in the top left corner with "You've discovered [Location X]!" and you get a small amount of EXP for it. Try it out, and pay closer attention. :)
Man and I was worried that their would be no dumb dialogue, appearantly it s all dumb dialogue (I ve played the game too, not just red these posts). Bethesda lied, when they said they wouldn't put dumb dialogue in the game. They forgot to put intelligent dialogue in though.
I just started a Fallout 1 game, with a totally brain-dead character. In the first 5 minutes, 5 MINUTES of playing I had laughed more and enjoyed the responses of the bemused residents of Shady Sands than throughout the entire game of Fallout 3! When one resident complained that his sleep was being interrupted by the moaning beast from the wastes it brought home just what a labour of love this game was, how so much attention was paid to even making the dialogue fit if you played as a retard.

Game set and fucking match...Play Fallout for 5 minutes and see how shit the writing is in Bethesda's turd.
About XP: I get 44 EXP for opening a difficult (75) lock. I got 55 EXP for killing a Mutant Behemoth. Hmm...

I'm also playing a thief so i pickpocket everything that moves, and I'd almost say that it nets me more XP than killing, if there wasn't so much useless dungeon-crawl.
Pliskin said:
Played long enough to make it to level 15 --- so, yah, I do have some familiarity with how xp is awarded: Yes, while hacking / lockpicking will net you a substantive bolus of xp (more than is warranted, IMHO), there are far more things you must kill than there are things you must hack.

Nah...and...nah. Must kill? Nah. What are you? I mean in the game, character wise? It matters.

Pliskin said:
As for exploring giving you xp --- huh?

Answered already. Level 15, eh? And you didn't even notice once? Don't rush! This is not the kind of game to rush, dude. Really not.

Pliskin said:
Again, the vast majority of xp in this game is derived from killing.

Wrong, it depends. It depends on your playing stile.

Pliskin said:
Lvl 5? OK, Ghandi, Let's see how far you make it above that just hacking and wandering the wasteland.

I am now at level 6.5. And I admit the last EXP were gained by killing. Nothing else but killing. Approx. 10 BOS-Queens. Wonderful. Fun. Satisfaction. They kall me Marauder now. Fortunatelly, I didn't like to be called a 'fat cat' tbh.
quant said:
I am now at level 6.5. And I admit the last EXP were gained by killing. Nothing else but killing. Approx. 10 BOS-Queens. Wonderful. Fun. Satisfaction. They kall me Marauder now. Fortunatelly, I didn't like to be called a 'fat cat' tbh.

I still am a little bewildered about that fat cat title. Garfield somehow jumps to my mind. But I just don't know. It just doesn't fit the wasteland evil.


That little spasm of rage aside. I'd honestly have preferred a lower budget, all text based dialogue and Goldeneye level graphics to what they have now. Hell, I'd rather the graphics they had in the old Fallout game. Infact, I do rather the graphics in the old Fallout games, I think I'll play them again.
Ausdoerrt said:
About XP: I get 44 EXP for opening a difficult (75) lock.

Which is very funny, because this means its almost impossible to gain a high level without fighting. so the game is all about fighting. quant maybe lying, or his game (and only his game, because mine surely doesn't) has an insane amount of safes/consoles/places.

seriously quant, get real, stop making thing up.