No they don't.SuAside said:That's a weird thing to say. The people decide upon the laws, and we can change them.Crni Vuk said:Laws give the government the chance to fight crime. What ever if we now think those laws are right or not.
People decide who has the power/right to decide upon laws. In other words you go and vote the party or certain people to decide for you. If you vote for representative of the people which decide against laws to limit the use of weapons then they will do that. I don't see where the problem is if people vote for lawmakers which want restrictions.
I am sure there are laws in your area which you don't like and/or agree with. Yet you decided to deal with them. That is how things work. Nothing is perfect. Neither is democracy or politics. The question is how much we can accept it before it bothers us. If we of course always think with extreme cases then we have to life with such. But that is not how it works as the consensus is or should be always to find a compromise.
What a way to blow my comment out of proportion.SuAside said:So you'd be fine with 1984?
There is absolutely no line that the government can cross where you'd say: "THIS IS ENOUGH, I WANT MY FREEDOM"?
So if people get access to all kind of weapons would be suddenly freedom ?
But if people decide to vote eventually for lawmakers which want laws to limit the use of certain weapons then it is 1984 ?
Then why oh why cant I finally get a law which allows me to own a nuclear weapon. No seriously now! I want my bomb!
Why can you have your damn machine gun firing 1200 rounds per minute but I am not allowed to own a damn nucleal bomb! I don't even want to use it! I promise! I am just collecting nuclear weapons. Is that so wrong ? sure some people might go nuts. But ... but I am not responsible for them. Not nuclear bombs kill people! Its the red button! When you push it. So they should ban buttons!
Com on Sua. You can do better then that. I am not going in here telling you guns kill people. We both know the cases.
But lets assume for a minute you have a crazy guy armed with a 9mm glock and another one armed with a 5.56mm assault rifle or even a machine gun. Who do you think has more potential ?
Remember there was a case where police officers complained about the lack of high powered automatic weapons. This simply tells me at least that different weapons have a different efficiency in the hands of the same user be it a police officer, soldier or criminal. One does not bring a knife to a gunfight even though both can be used (but dont have to) as weapons.
The military is trying to make weapons more effective already since humans started to record history and killing each other. And it has simply shown itself in combat that certain weapons are more efficient in killing people the others. The same is true for other inmate objects. Hence why I don't have a problem with people owning hunting rifles for their intended use or if you want even just for "sport" and collecting but I get a rather fishy feeling when people would cry for owning dynamite or even more powerful military explosives.
What has the limitation or even baning of objects with a very high potential for damage to do with the Orwellian state ? As most people know a state has many tasks. One of them is to protect its civilians. Not just the individual but also on a large scale. This includes for example to even take measures like fighting terrorists - even though the use of force is prohibited and rather frowned upon for the individual a state has to make sure that its citizens have a certain level of safety this includes the threat of strike to any force/group which seeks to harm those citizens the question arise if a state has for example now the right to kill terrorists with assasination either as reaction to their assault or with the premise that doing so would prevent more crimes or act as example that they have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
Another question. What do you think police officers prefer. Criminals armed with handguns or assault rifles ? Sure a ban will NOT prevent those weapons to get in the wrong hands. But laws against explosives does not stop terrorists or crazy people to build bombs. But that does not mean we should now throw all laws away because it might still happen. There are cases where those laws might have prevented crimes or at least made it very difficult for criminals so they fall back to weapons/tools with less damage and thus lowering eventually the overall damage which was done.
We can not hope to ever have solutions which will be perfect. But we can sure try to improve things. If it works in the end or not. That is a different question. There are definitely many different ways and views how to achieve the improvement.