James Snowscoran said:
SuAside said:
And no, I'm not afraid of communists. They're the least of my concerns.
I'm confused. Then who excactly are you ranting against?
The thing I'm most afraid of is the civilized, wellmeaning and politically correct people who feel that their opinions about freedoms of other people should be enforced simply because they personally don't see the point of something and don't feel it a necessary freedom.
Freedom erodes easily that way... I'm not adverse to some regulation, but we're creating more and more pointless rules, more and more restrictions on what it means to be a free man. It saddens me.
James Snowscoran said:
SuAside said:
Strictness of gun control CANNOT be measured by the quantity of guns available in a country. I'll let you figure out yourself why that's a logical falacy.
My claim wasn't as strong as that though. I merely asserted that your claim that a country with one of the highest rates of civilian gun ownership in the world has comparatively stringent gun control laws is puzzling at best. Given that gun control laws attempt to restrict the ability of civilians to own firearms, they can by definition not be very strict if ownership is widespread.
Strictness can only be measured or interpreted by the rules themselves.
What if a rule states that you have to go to Mekka and be over 25 years old to be allowed to get a driver's license? Would you say that this is a strict law? Yet, if enforced, you'll still find that the majority of your countrymen will indeed own a car.
Aside from a total ban on semi-automatics, there is little that you could make stricter about Norwegian gunlaws and that would actually matter in the difficulty of acquiring a gun.
People already jump all kinds of hoops. Do you think another will make any difference?
Besides, a country that requires safety courses, exams, background checks, medical checks and whatnot is already a fairly strict country. Not only that, but Norway also enforces a list of weapons that can be bought, all not on it cannot be legally owned (even if they're functionally exactly the same as others that are not on this list).
That's pretty strict. As said, next step is an even smaller list or an outright ban on semi-automatic weapon ownership.
James Snowscoran said:
Well, driving a car requires a license with more stringent requirements than obtaining a firearm. Dog ownership and cigarette smoking are also subject to regulations.
Again: I've never said weapons should be totally unregulated... Nor that it was a universal right.
Only a right to be cherished and protected.
James Snowscoran said:
PS: What would you do if someone steps over your line in the sand? Take up arms against the government?
Peaceful protest, political action, legal action, and ultimately moving out of the country to move somewhere where my personal liberties and freedoms are respected if I cannot get these guarantees in my own country. If a country like Switzerland would have me, I'd move there.
But aside from civil disobedience and refusal to pay taxes, I would not take action against "the people" or "the government". The poor cop that comes confiscate my guns has no choice himself.
Loxley said:
Its quite simple math suaside. You do not need a semi automatic for hunting deer or whatnot. Since you should only need one shot.
If you had read the thread, you'd know I don't hunt. And you'll find most gun owners don't hunt. So yeah, your comment is pretty meaningless.
Loxley said:
So what do one really need a semi automatic for? Not for hunting. And not for marksmanship shooting as far as I know. Can do that just well with a normal rifle. And by doing that one take away the ability to rapidly kill people by alot.
You personally don't need anything but food and shelter. So what are you doing on the internet? Datacenters around the world represent about 10% of all power usage on Earth. Let's ban the internet, Kyoto will be within reach.
I can kill just as many people with my car as I can with my guns. Just needs a tiny bit of re-enforcing. I can poison the water treatment plant in my town. Or I can fairly easily make a bomb, I've got the skills & knowledge required.
Or I could murder hundreds of people with a simple kitchen knife, with nothing but a little planning and lots and lots of patience.
Just because I can, doesn't mean I will, Loxley.
Loxley said:
Also the norwegian labour party is not communist. Seriously..they are the typical talk left move right party you will find anywhere..the only people that think they are communist are right wing extremists like Breivik.
The USSR wasn't even actually communist btw. Also, try reading the thread before commenting, we already covered this.
Loxley said:
As for "oh he can get it other ways" argument. The shooter did try that. He tried to get a illegal autmatic and did not manage it.
He went on one trip and failed. Just because you try once and fail doesn't mean it's actually hard to do right.
Loxley said:
The big thing however is. There is no real need for people to have semi automatics.
You'll find that most things you own or do in life, you "don't really need". And nearly everything you own or do in life comes at a cost for either the planet or the people on it. So yeah... Where do people like you eventually stop? Which line do you draw in the sand?
Crni Vuk said:
imagine the rioters in London being all armed with assault rifles.
I think it cuts their freedom that they are not allowed to have one! I am sure that is the first thing the police would be thinking.
Yes. I know its a hyperbole.
And what if the store keepers and home owners had guns? Nevermind your precious 'assault rifles' that you keep bringing up. Just handguns.
LA riots. Korean-American shop keepers. Look it up.
The looters DID have guns. The shop keepers DID have guns. They DID shoot it out.
The shop keepers succesfully defended themselves and their stores (though they were first half plundered before the store owners resorted to violence). Those without guns were plundered and sometimes burned to the ground.
It's funny that this gets brought up in this thread. Your position with James Snowscoran is largely that the government will protect you when shit hits the fan. Well sorry, but your own example shows quite the opposite. People DEAD. Homes BURNED. Stores PLUNDERED. Where is your precious government? Oh, right, the police retreated and/or just stood by watching. Hell, London police is saying they don't even want to use a more powerful water cannon because "that's not how we do things. here we work with the community.", haha, yeah, that's worked so great so far.
And as said before, legal gun owners are quite unlikely to loot for obvious reasons...