Yes, the topic is about gun ownership but one often given argument is that americans have to be an armed population to defend themself form a tyrannical government. So discussing that as a part of the argument is kinda relevant.
Given our dislike of authority and nanny states here, along with out cultural and religious background, I would say naw, fuck totalitarianism. Our access to guns would simply make any type of takeover even more risky and therefore unnecessary.
Well, I would say, it depends what topic we're talking about.
Take Republicans/Conservatives for example. When it comes to corporations, taxes and regulations they are for the small government and big people! Governments should fear their own citizens and so on. When it comes to religion and abortion though, they are about tough laws and regulations and giving all the money and power to the military. Cuz, christian nation and support your damn troops!
The way how this all works right now, seems very schizophrenic to me.
The whole point of bread and circuses is that you do not piss off the populace enough to cause a revolution, which a coup would precisely do, piss people off. You must have an absolute shit idea of Americans if you truly believe we would just take Hitler/Stalin/whatever the fuck totalitarianism just lying down like that. An spare me the increase spying or what the fuck ever as I remember the euro governments spying on their own people and people not giving a shit. AGAIN, stupid ass spying that won't amount to anything is a FAR CRY from people getting black bagged in the middle of the night ALA 1984. AGAIN, big difference between spying and literally stripping away every right an American is used to having, which is pretty much what totalitarian governments do.
Well, to use your words, I have a shitty opinion about the average voter, regardless if they are American, French or German though, Europeans are NOT the better, more educated or moraly supperior people compared to Americans mind you, when it comes to making informed decisions, which is what a democracy requires to function proberly or you just end up with mob rule.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill
Infact, we Europeans can be even more tribial and racist than America, as showcased by the shit-show that's going on in the mediterranean where people are drowing for no real reason, because of petty nationalism.
And we shouldn't forget that Hitler and his party was voted in to power after all, where they had the majority in the parliament. But that's not the point anyway.
This is what I actually said :
Honestly, I think in most countries today, people would actually support authoritarian governments, as long as those promise them stability and prosperty and don't become right away Stalinist or Hitler-Regimes.
Without the intention to attack you, but this happens so many times in this topic, where someone puts words in my mouth and creates arguments I never made or claimed.
What I am talking about are governments like in Russia or Turkey where the press is opressed, and critics silenced and eventually
imprisoned, and not conceration camps and gulags for millions of people or a regime like North Korea where the own citizens are starved to death. But as Hass said, most of the people are rather apolitical, easy to satisfy and as long as they don't feel opressed they don't really give much about what happens to some minority, some reporters and so on. As long as people don't see a reason to rise up, why should they?
How will the Americans know the totalitarians will be coming for them? Well its pretty simple man. The president attempts to change how many years they can stay in office. Political repression. Repression of journalists. Repression of THOUGHT. Best example was abut how the fear mongers said Trump was going to be dictator for life, which was just plain silly.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was ellected 4 times in a row even though he died shortly after in his fourth term and was succeeded by his Vice President, the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which was ratified in 1947 limits a president to two terms in office, but Roosevelt was ellected 4 times, due to his poularity and a majority of Americans continued to support him.
If a president with the right support and popularity by the majority of americans would attempt to change it and succeed with it, why do you think the people would see this as tyrannical or even rise up against it?
Keep the taxes low, free guns for everyone and the flags flying high and very few will care if some special camps are introduced.
You missed an important point, I fixed it for you
