Gun Control

>Liberal Socialist
I mean, not that I expect any better from Crowder, but
Please fucking PICK ONE AND ONLY ONE.
It's just buzzwords to scare their fans.
Reminds me that Steven Crowder also thinks that Alex Jones is still relevant:


I had wondered if people had forgotten about bumpstocks. Apparently they haven't.
Bumpstocks are quite useless unless you want to be an embarassment at the shooting range or want to shoot at a large crowd. I still don't quite like banning them, though.
Bumpstocks are quite useless unless you want to be an embarassment at the shooting range or want to shoot at a large crowd. I still don't quite like banning them, though.
Paint them bright pink with shiny glitter and a cute fluffy animal drawn on them. Problem solved.
Paint them bright pink with shiny glitter and a cute fluffy animal drawn on them. Problem solved.
According to those who think gun control is wanted only because the weapons are scary looking, yes.
There are arguments for banning "assault weapons" besides them looking scary, but they're not very good. Yes, they're technically designed for efficient people-killing and really do a good job, but they're also expensive and less common. Gun crime is committed mostly with handguns, and handguns are almost as good at killing people at close range as "assault rifles" are. But while "assault rifles" are basically useless besides the cool factor, handguns are useful as self defense weapons. So while banning "assault rifles" would benefit none and hurt only a vocal minority, heavily restricting handguns would benefit more, but also hurt a lot more.
What would need to be done would be a really strict cost-benefit analysis to see if the benefits of restricting handguns would outweigh the negatives.
And then you have to realize that the ubiquity of handguns would immediately lead to a massive black market so that a ban would do something between jack and shit, really.
So gun control in the US remains basically pointless. Violence and crime committed with firearms is a symptom, not a root cause. Instead of annoying a large part of society with what is perceived as a massive injustice or at least harsh inconvenience for no real benefit, politics need to focus on improving economy and living conditions for the impoverished masses. The Opioid epidemic needs to be fixed, and not by simply banning all opioids (although there should something be done about handing out painkillers like candy for the slightest ailment), but by fixing the root causes, unemployment and bad living conditions. In many parts people have no perspective whatsoever, and once they get hooked on painkillers shit's basically over.
Trump is trying that, even though his methods might be questionable. We'll see what comes of it, but I'm not sure if fixing the problems caused by unrestrained capitalism can be fixed with even more unrestrained capitalism.
But we'll see. Even if Trump is LITERALLY HITLER, Hitler did improve the economy, too, at least for a while. Never mind the cheating and forced labour to clean up the unemployment statistics, you get my point ;)
After reconsidering, I have actually changed my opinion on this topic somewhat.

I'm not very comfortable with the idea of guns as a casual thing that people just parade around like it's nothing. I think that many people have lost their lives in attacks with weapons like these, and it would probably be a lot better for the state of minds of people who knew victims of attacks if the gun crowd was maybe a little more tactful about how they parade around their weapons.


I think we ought to consider that many people in rural parts of the US where the police can't reach, or in communities that have traditionally had trouble with the police may not be able to rely on the police to protect them, and in such situations we need to have them able to protect themselves.

In addition, I know that the "government tyranny" argument may seem ridiculous, but there is some legitimacy to the claim: Take the Zapatistas of Mexico for instance, it's been 20 years since they first declared war on the Mexican government and they are still alive and kicking, mostly due to them being heavily armed. It'd be foolish to assume that western nations are immune to corruption and tyranny, so I don't blame people for wanting to prepare for the worst.

I'm incredibly uncomfortable with the mass shootings that take place so often, and I totally see the legitimacy of wanting stricter gun control, however I kinda think we need a more centrist approach, that respects some people may need to protect themselves a lot more than we admit.

You realise that the US is very right wing compared to the rest of the world right?

Most Democrat politicians would be considered centrists in a lot of countries if they spouted the same policies.
Some will sure do. But do you really want a society where the safety of the people depends on the willingness of a stranger to put his life on the line, who might or might not be actaully trained and proficient in the use of weapons? Do you want situations like in Beslan, where civilians start shooting their shotguns and rifles at the terrorists holding the hostages in a school?

A key negotiator from the school siege in Beslan, south Russia, has said shooting by armed civilians provoked the final slaughter of the hostages.
A lot of pro-guners make the argument that if everyone was armed, there would be less or even no crime, this sounds to me like people already accept a situation where they live in a society where a gun is seen as a necessity. And that's, sorry a bit fucked up in my opinion, at least for a nation that is one of the richest in the world. Now, I am not blaming any of this on weapons, but shouldn't the target be, to create a society where you have the freedom to own a weapon, but not actually feel the need for it? Is the only realistic and viable solution here, to have more characters like Zimmerman runing around in their communities? Or should schools have now armed guards with assault rifles in every corridor, with bullet proof wests? Children 'protected' by bulletproof back packs to eventually save their lifes and the buildings protected like prissons with metal detectors at every corner. What a wonderfull world.

That really can't be the best the american society has to offer ...
Given that this gun control debate mostly affects the US, I don't think you have to worry about pseudo-marxists highjacking it.

The US doesn't really have any major marxist political voices, given that their "left wing" party the Democrats are basically just mild conservatives.
Throwback thursday.

Rememeber when I said...
Remember, more people die from obesity in America every year than they do from violent gun crime. The rate of mass shootings goes down every year, you just think it's an ongoing and ever-worsening crisis because the liberal media makes it seem like it is. Teaching little boys to resent masculinity and see it as a stupid unhealthy toxic thing makes them worse at dealing with their emotions, because people rarely help boys, let alone men, when they ask for it. If you want the world to put less stigma on stressed and potentially mentally ill people who need to see therapists, acting like a tumblrite and yelling "I'm Misses Mentally-Ill, look at me!" won't help matters. Trying to criminalize using the wrong pronouns won't help matters. If you want the world to put less stigma on stressed and potentially mentally ill people who need to see therapists, sitting around and letting therapists charge exorbitant fees for consultations won't help matters. If you want the world to put less stigma on stressed and potentially mentally ill people who need to see therapists, sitting around and letting the social media panopticon force our kids into a mindset of "I have to look the best online! I have to seem to be the most interesting and moral and rich and cool or I'm nothing! I have to shame people online, and be seen shaming people online! In this world, it's shame or be shamed!" is not going to help.

There's a reason why homeschooled kids are smarter, happier, and healthier than kids who aren't.

Stress is higher than ever in shitty schools because so many of our kids don't have hope for the future. If they don't go to a good school, they're fucked. The housing market is fucked. The economy might be getting better under Trump but it's still pretty bad. And kids... They know most of that. Some know more than others, but a lot of them honestly don't have the words to describe what they think. They're either propagandized by their parents or considered too stupid for political thoughts by their parents, which means they get their beliefs from the first talker they percieve as willing to give them the time of day and treat them like adults. Even if that talker is a SJW teacher who says being male is bad, being masculine is bad, being white is bad, being feminine is perfect, women mentally and emotionally mature faster than men, women are better than men, males are worth nothing unless you can attract and please a mate who has no responsibilities or cares in the world and shouldn't ever have any(Or else it's ur fault!), and you should always believe a woman no matter what.

School hates you, and school says that's your fault. Sure, school might not actually matter at all, but a surprising number of kids have yet to notice that. Especially when the entrepreneurial spirit is bullied out of them, removing their willingness to try and make their own jobs. And when they're convinced by liberal teachers that the current subverted pseudo-capitalism we live under now is as good as Capitalism can ever get while only a communist society can give them everything they'll need. Besides, it's not like kids these days have the cash needed for trying to start their own businesses. Or the resources needed to ever make any product they might dream up. Sure, you can download some game-making programs, dick around, try to make money from selling games, and hope you can hide all of this from your parents, who want you to "Try hard in school" and bring home the shiny gold participation trophies all the other kids take home, but is it any wonder why that kind of double-life puts so much stress on the kids who attempt it?

Of course, blaming the bleak future our culture sees in the future would be disingenuous, if we didn't name the people who own and control our culture and tell us to repent for being white.

Liberals think a sinful rapacious genocidal triple-Hitler runs the white house, and when they had a liberal in office, he spent his term race-baiting and shaming white people and making them feel worse than ever. Conservatives know they can't admit to having the views they hold in public for fear of getting attacked by libtards who think suckerpunching people in maga hats will "Save gay people" somehow. Schools are designed for women, by women, which is why they're built around rote memorization, the one edge women have on men, biologically speaking. Don't look at me like that, I know the biological differences between men and women aren't politically correct to talk about but we need to put leftist ideas like political correctness down and start dealing in facts again. Boys are failed by the education system, which shames them and bullies them at every turn, while telling them they have it easy and they're just worthless if they can't hack it.

The Boy Scouts was an organization about teaching boys how to be masculine in healthy ways, while instilling good values like teamwork and assorted survival skills. Feminists wanted that torn down and corrupted because "Lol males like it so it must be a sexist patriarchal heteronormative institution we must smash!". If we're going to make schools better places for men, we need to stop feminists from bullying boys until they snap. They will do this, if you let them, because they hate men that much and they still think they're making the world a better place.

We need to have an honest conversation about why kids these days hate these schools so much, and why kids these days sometimes choose to be "Cool criminals who go down in history instead of more overlooked bricks in the wall". And we just can't have that honest conversation while liberals are still trying to use these events as clubs to bash legal gun owners, white people, western society, and everything else they hate for irrational reasons. Why? Because sane people like myself are forced to spend their time disagreeing with liberals instead of discussing possible solutions with fellow adults.

They need to stop trying to make up for the "Victory Deficit" between the ideology of liberal and conservative, and start admitting their ideology has devolved into spiteful subversive unhinged tribalism, so they can stop attacking the western world and start trying to make the world a better place.

The shootings are almost beginning to blend into one big shooting. I said that there might be a civil war in US in the Trump thread I think and folks didn't believe me. Well looks like I'm not alone. Why should I feel more positively about US than one third of yanks themselves?

Is a Second American Civil War Likely? 31% of Americans Think So
A Rasmussen Reports poll finds that nearly a third of Americans believe a second civil war is likely in the next five years. 11% believe it is very likely
Hmm... I wonder why so many Americans think a civil war will be likely in the future.

And everyone's favourite victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome responded with...
Yeah man! You now blamed everything and everyone, except for excessive gun culture now. And those damn libtarts! Always out there to destroy the fun of peace loving patriotic americans.

That's how you sound to me right now:

Truly, truly enlightening. I want everyone to look at this.

God, this thread is a wild ride.
After someone said "I'm a leftist and the left doesn't exist so stop hating on the left", and I responded with "I can tell..."

If you could, we wouldn't have this discussion.

If there was actually criticism on 'my' political party - there is none by the way since I was talking about political ideology, big difference in my book, then I would have adressed it. My point was, 'Leftism' is thrown around a lot these days and it's used to describe groups that are not leftist or don't represent the left. For example, some in the Antifa might be leftists, but that doesn't make Amtifa a leftist movement just as how Punk doesn't become liberal, because there is a liberal in the Punk movement. And as long we have this issue isn't adressed, we will always spin around in circles because then I am continiously arguing about Straw Men over and over again. And honestly, I am bored of that shit.

I am all open to a honest debate about the dangers extreme leftism can pose to a society, I am not THAT full of my self to believe that characters like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge do not exist on the left. Extremism is bad. And leftist ideals can disrubt a society, particularly one that's heavily based on hirachy and the chaos can be used by some individuals to cause all kinds of attrocities. Particularly when the once opressed parts of society actually get some serious power.

Ok, can you name some of those 'faulty' ideas and where they have lead to issues please? I have yet to actaully read some. - It is not my problem when you or others mix authoriatarianism with leftism by the way.

By some it is. I never said everyone does it. It's simply a rehtoric that was often used in the United States - historically speaking - to scare the public of leftists with the intention to silence critical voices. Don't believe it? Google 'Red Menace' or 'Red Scare'. If Mc Carthinism wasn't an extreme display of that, then I don't know what is. You had people denouncing all sorts of people in the US with the intention to blame them as 'Communists'.

Quote me please, where did I say they are all 'alt-right'. You're displaying very nicely right now, why it is such a problem to have a meaningfull discussion about the left and left ideology in the United States.

Quote me please where have I called you stupid? Besides, if you get leftism wrong, then how am I supposed to take your criticism about it serious?

You and Pariah Dog are throwing terms and ideologies around, without even undestanding what the underlying principles are.
Let's play a game.

You're going to stop being intellectually-dishonest. You're going to stop insulting me. You're going to stop playing the "We're playing different games which means you lose by default, I'm not an X and you know nothing about The Xs and you're total Ys!" game.

You're going to raise your level of discussion above the level of a spiteful, subversive, slippery little rat desperate to undermine his opponents and anyone else who doesn't think he's cool.

You're going to promise me you're never going to use that "You don't like leftism which means your view on it is inherently wrong, you're strawmanning it!" lie again.

And then you're going to contribute something intelligent and positive to a discussion on whether the liberal party is stupid for still thinking gun-free zones work after Pulse, Ohio or not.

You're standing on the side of libtards when you insult me for not liking libtards. You're acting like a libtard when you attack me and my new best friend instead of any of the points we bring up. You're going to stop acting like, and being, a libtard. And you're going to stop projecting.


Because if you can do that, I'll show you a really funny meme. Doesn't that sound nice? You act like an adult, and I reward you with a really nice meme.
If you want to see what posts brought that on, check out pages 100 and 99.

Check out pages 101-103 if you want to see desperate and dishonest liberals out of options start mocking me for my pony avatar, only to get rekt in song form by an anti-communist song that was featured in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

And now, to keep this conversation moving forward while we rememeber the past...


Modern Liberalism is socialist, what's the difference? Tell me you weren't duped into thinking the right is communist or some bullshit.
Good, I don't necessarily agree with everything but that's besides the point, because nothing of what you mentioned requires from people to be authoritarian or violent, yet this is what has been mentioned a few times by now, as like it would be some inherent part of The Left, like the moment you're a leftist you're suddenly turning in to an authoritarian or violent person. Which is also interesting when you consider that extreme right wing violence is much more common in the United States than extreme left wing violence.
Stop lying, kid. You asked what the left is, he explained all the different morally reprehensible things the left are.

Don't try and weasel out of this with "You never explained how we magically become violent", because you never asked. And where did you get those "Right wing attacks are more common than left wing attacks" lie, Wikipedia or Buzzfeed?

But since you're asking for it now:

LIBERAL: I am pure and good and holy and liberal.
LIBERAL: I believe liberal things so I am a good person.
LIBERAL: All my liberal friends and sources agree with me so I am right.
LIBERAL: It does not matter that conservative and centrist sources and people do not agree with me. They are far-right and unreasonable because they are not left and reasonable like me.
LIBERAL: Enemies of liberalism are not human. They are racist sexist xenophobic transphobic environment-hating baby-killing gun-toting murderers on the wrong side of history!
LIBERAL: White people are inherently racist and sexist! Down with the patriarchy! That's my funny-sounding word for western civilization! Fuck the west, the middle east is so much nicer!
LIBERAL: Enemies of liberalism are not human. They are nazis! Fascist nazis!
LIBERAL: Enemies of liberalism must be violently attacked and beaten into submission! They must be too scared to speak out against us!


Now somebody reply to this so I can post some videos to explain this and give evidence of the terrorist attacks liberals carry out.


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If someone is socialist THEY AREN'T A LIBERAL. If someone is liberal THEY ARE NOT A SOCIALIST. Ever since dumbfucks decided to conflate liberal with leftist this shit has been going on and we've consequently needed stupid juryrigged terms like "classical liberal" to differentiate. I'm tired of the wordfuckery coming from both sides.

Bumpstocks are quite useless unless you want to be an embarassment at the shooting range or want to shoot at a large crowd. I still don't quite like banning them, though.

Most people will agree they're dumb toys. That said, the mechanism by which they work is effectively unbannable (or should be, at least) - you might as well ban index fingers while you're at it. The comments on the article are marginally interesting. The NRA is basically doing a PR stunt here, not seriously addressing any of the issues the NRA's donors presumably care about. You could say the NRA is just picking its battles, but I'm inclined to disagree with that given their history.
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If someone is socialist THEY AREN'T A LIBERAL. If someone is liberal THEY ARE NOT A SOCIALIST. Ever since dumbfucks decided to conflate liberal with leftist this shit has been going on and we've consequently needed stupid juryrigged terms like "classical liberal" to differentiate. I'm tired of the wordfuckery coming from both sides.
Dude, Liberalism is a leftist belief, and so is socialism.
Socialism was invented by a liberal named Karl Marx who thought a free society was too "Systemically Opressive", and thought human rights were a "Social Construct" an all-powerful centralized Communist government should "Do away with", so the all-powerful state can control everyone's thoughts and feelings through state-run propaganda, and forcefully keep them equal by redistributing wealth.
Socialism was invented by a liberal named Giovanni Gentile who thought human rights were a "Social Construct" an all-powerful centralized Fascist government should "Do away with", so the all-powerful state can enslave everyone and force them to work for the benefit of the all-powerful Comm- I mean Fascist state.
Anyone who says "Communism and Fascism are two sides of the same coin" is right, because they are both leftist.
Anyone who tries to pin Fascism on the right and blame the right for its misdeeds is a historical revisionist.
Anyone who tries to downplay the deaths the Communists caused through gulags, purges, and starvation by comparing it to the deaths "Capitalism allowed to happen" in third-world non-capitalist countries many decades later when there are more people running around is an idiot.
"Classical Liberal" is the term for people who genuinely believe in the ideals and values Liberals once said they believed in, and they chose to leave the left because the modern left has no ideals or values. It just hates Trump, hates white people, hates the western world, and wants power.

There is no "Wordfuckery on both sides" here. There is liberal wordfuckery, and liberal historyfuckery designed to obscure the fact that the inventors of fascism and communism were both Liberals.

By the way, a certain liar in this thread claims right-wing terrorism is more common than left-wing terrorism, because he isn't very good at lying. But to make the lives of future historians easier, here is left-wing terrorism...


1. [Muslim Gangs Continue To Terrorize 55 Neighborhoods, Police Powerless](

2. [Leading Swedish mall turned into ‘no-go zone’ by migrant teen gangs](

3. [Three police officers injured after being ATTACKED by thugs](

4. [Adult Refugees Enrolled In Canadian High School, Harassing Young Girls](

5. [Interview with a Syrian Refugee who wanted an education, had to hide it from her husband, married to him at 14](

6. [Syrian Refugee Enrolled In Canadian High School Sexually Assaulted 14-Year-Old Girl](

7. [180 rapes, assaults and robberies by migrants in just ONE German city](

8. [Sharia Law in America](

9. [2 asylum seekers suspected of sexually harassing 5 girls in German swimming pool](

10. [A female must wear a Hijib because to Muslim men her entire body is a “SEX ORGAN”](

11. [Moroccan immigrant drugs and rapes up to 230 women in Belgium.](

12. [99.6% of Suicide Attacks in 2015 Were Committed by..... Muslims](

13. [1,500 British schoolgirls kidnapped and raped by Muslims in England, covered up for years.](

14. [Grenade attacks in Sweden over the years]( [Link to Wikipedia page](

15. [Swedish women in a wheel-chair gets gangraped by 6 refugees.](

16. [Muslims are 12% of France's population, but make up 70% of their prisoners](

17. [More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps](

18. [380 of 580 Terrorism Cases From 2001-2014 Involved Foreign-Born Islamists](

19. [Japan decides to let in 27 muslims. 2 of them immediately commit rape and robbery.](

20. [16-year-old girl among four arrested for allegedly plotting terror attack in Paris.](

21. [Syrian refugee touches multiple teen girls in Edmonton waterpark.](


23. [Swedish Police Chief advises girls: "Don't go out after sunset or you'll be raped"](

24. [Minnesota Teen Attacked By Knife Wielding Somali Mumbling in Another Language](

25. [Migrant breaks girl's nose for refusing sex advances - then knocks out her rescuer](

26. [Islam is NOT a religion of peace](

27. [Muslim carrying "Islamic writings" shoots, kills transit officer in Denver, CO](

28. [Liberal Teacher Houses Refugee and His Family, Refugee Murders Him](

29. [Muslim "refugees" attack German guards with iron bars and knives in incident at refugee center.](https://www.latest-news-headlines.e...-in-shock-incident-at-refugee-shelter/2823121)

30. [Canadian teen sexually assaulted by 2 Syrian Refugees at school dance, left traumatized](

31. [Syrian Refugee fights 2-month sentence after raping two underage Swedish girls. Thinks punishment is too severe.](

32. [Sweden is burning - Electrical company can't get in to parts of Malmo due to security concerns of 'refugee' population](

33. [Sudanese Refugee in Utah Impregnates 13 year old child](

34. [Refugee Stabbed Girlfriend 30 Times, Beheaded Her During 'Horrific Ritual Killing'](

35. [Muslim Refugee Who Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Gets Pass Because He Didn't Know It Was Wrong](

36. [FAMILY of nine Iraqi asylum seekers 'gang raped drunk Austrian woman for hours as she begged and pleaded them to stop in one of the most violent rape cases in AUSTRIA](

37. [Refugee from Afghanistan Charged With Assault After Blocking DeVos From Entering School](




A list displaying the liberal violence

1. [Female Trump supporter pepper sprayed while being interviewed at Berkeley]()

2. [Compilation of Trump supporters being beaten by leftist thugs]()

3. [Protesters in vandalize a Trump supporter's Jeep.]()

4. [INSANE leftists maniacs ravage the streets of DC; break storefront windows]()

5. [Anti-Trump protester sets Trump supporter's hair on fire](

6. [Anti-Trump Protesters Attack San Diego Police at Trump Rally](

7. [ANTIFA SCUM pepper spray elderly man in Berkeley](

8. [Girl gets a backpack thrown in her face for supporting our President](

9. [9 Deadliest Leftist/Anti-Trump Attacks](

10. [Jewish reporter tries to interview ANTIFA. Gets called a Nazi and violently attacked!](



1. [Young white, mentally ill male kidnapped, beaten, tortured, forced to drink toilet water, and threatened with death, as his kidnappers scream about Trump and repeatedly insist that he denounce Trump and white people; his kidnappers livestreamed their racist hate crime on Facebook as if it was perfectly natural.](

2. [Trump supporter (from above) forced to drink toilet water](

3. [Trump supporter (from above) threatened to get shanked](

4. [69 year old woman left with bloody head wound after 27 year old man brutally beats her with a chair for supporting Trump, tolerant leftist charged with attempted homicide](

5. [15 Year-old punched and kicked by several classmates for wearing MAGA hat, punched, thrown to the ground and kicked, charges filed](

6. [Man beaten by multiple assailants for voting Trump as they taunt him; His description](

7. [Hispanic man chased and beaten by a mob for wearing MAGA hat](

8. [11 Year old elementary student beaten by classmates, left in crutches, for voting Trump in mock election](

9. [Trump supporter shot during political argument](

10. [Female in high school being beaten by another student for posting pro-Trump Instagram comment, as classmates cheer]( [British national tries to assassinate Donald Trump, tries to steal gun from Las Vegas police officer at Trump rally](

11. [Bloody violence against Trump supporters outside San Jose rally](

12. [Teen chased by mob, tackled, hit multiple times for supporting Trump at a rally; two arrested.](

13. [Man sucker punched, knocked to ground for supporting Trump at a rally](

14. [Man struck with object from behind ends up bleeding, for supporting Trump at a rally](

15. [Not sure if this is all San Jose, but appears to document multiple individual assaults.](

16. [Anti-police rioters kicking a homeless man for being white near anti-police riot, all cheer](

17. [Anti-police protestors beat reporter unconscious, then try to drag him into a fire, because they're mad](

18. [Man left bloody for attending a Trump rally, rocks thrown at cars, etc, in Costa Mesa. 17 arrests from the riot.](

19. [Two men beat Trump supporter for holding sign, police intervene to save him](

20. [62 year old man beaten with crowbar for wearing Trump shirt, in front of witnesses](

21. [Mob of anti-police rioters attacking a young white man, cheering as they beat, drag and strip him](

22. [High school student beaten into critical condition for posting BlueLivesMatter on Facebook. Police arrest four men who previously attended his High School](

23. [High School Senior Beaten by mob for wearing American flag hat at UW Milo Yiannopoulos event, drenched with paint, dragged into crowd of "peaceful protestors"](

24. [Trump supporter attacked by rioters for trying to extinguish fires lit by rioters at Trump Inauguration](

25. [Kansas City Man beat by six teens after they ask him who he voted for](

26. [32 year old Mitchell Mormon shot and killed during already raging argument where he voiced support for Trump](32 year old Mitchell Mormon shot and killed during already raging argument where he voiced support for Trump). [Witnesses claim that the murder victim's antagonistic statement regarding Trump escalated the argument](

27. [A crowd surrounding, menacing, bumping and yelling at an old, homeless black lady, for supporting Trump who eventually falls over then jeer at her](

28. [Anti-Trump protesters throw eggs at female Trump supporter](

29. [Chicago police officer beaten by anti-Trump animals](

30. [Trump supporter beaten by anti-Trump rioters in California](

And here is right-wing terrorism.


1. [Black Jersey City high school student sent himself racist text messages while running for student council president - 5/2013](

2. [Black minister of music at Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia had his house set on fire and told the media it was because he was black. After investigating, police determined he set the fire - 3/15/2013](

3. [Long string of anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Muslim graffiti and swastikas at Oberlin College was perpetrated by liberal Democrat activists who worked for Obama's Organizing for Action - 8/23/2013](

4. [Gay New Jersey waitress lies about receiving anti gay slurs and no tip from a customer - 11/28/2013](

5. [Mother of Lunenburg high school football player painted racist graffiti on her own home - 12/4/2013](

6. [Transgender student at Hercules Middle School lied about being attacked, beaten and sexually molested by other students in the bathroom - 3/3/2014](

7. [University of Chicago student made up story about people hacking his Facebook account and threatening to rape him. He posted the message himself - 11/18/2014](

8. [Muslim student at UT Arlington fabricated story of being threatened with a gun by white men in a pickup truck decorated with "large Texan flags" - 2/13/2015](

9. [Gay activist in Ohio claimed he had been abducted, later revealed to be a hoax - 3/2/2015](

10. [Jewish student at George Washington University admitted to posting a swastika on Jewish fraternity’s bulletin board - 3/18/2015](

11. [Gay man in Utah carves "Die Fag" into his own arm, claims to be victim of hate crime - 4/25/2015](

12. [Baltimore woman received $43,000 in donations after claiming she received homophobic hate mail, later revealed as hoax - 6/16/2015](

13. [White woman in Texas invented story of being attacked by three black people in front of her 3-year old daughter - 6/22/2015](

14. [Black man in Colorado Springs left racist messages outside black church - 6/30/2015](

15. [Muslim woman lied about being forced by police to remove hijab - 7/2015](

16. [Mexican-American man in Palo Alto attacked by rival gang, blamed it on white racists - 7/17/2015](

17. [Gay man falsely accused a University of North Dakota fraternity of throwing him out of a party because he was gay - 8/2015](

18. [Lesbian professor at Central Michigan University admitted she punched her own face and claimed bruises to be the result of a hate crime - 8/19/2015](

19. [White only and black only signs at the University of Buffalo turned out to be a campus activist’s "art project" - 9/17/2015](

20. [Students at the University of Delaware claim “nooses” were hung from trees on campus, later revealed to be remnants of paper lanterns - 9/25/2015](

[**CONTINUED - 40+**](




1. [Madonna Says She Wants To Blow Up the White House](

2. [Crazy SJW thinks microscope in a classroom is a KKK rally](

3. [LIBERAL THUGS Attack Navy SEAL Widow At Congressional Address!](

4. [Jailed Illegal Alien Rosa Ortega Says What She Did Is Not a Real Crime – After Illegally Voting 5 Times!](

5. [Standing Rock Protesters Leave Behind Enough Trash to Create Environmental Crisis](

6. ["Environmentalists" leave behind 250 truckloads worth of trash at Dakota pipeline protest site](

7. [Zombified Liberals Go Insane](

8. [INSANE SJW goes ballistic after Trump gets sworn in as President](

9. [Mom kicks kid out of house for voting Trump in school election](

10. [Liberals believe Trump's kids killed a dinosaur and Saber Tooth Tiger](

11. [Nanci Pelosi still thinks Bush is President](

12. [Gay Liberal freaks out when touched by a female CNN panelist](



1. [New York Times reporting on made up quotes from Trump's CPAC Speech](

2. [Yahoo falsely claims Clinton got most votes ever](

3. [Time Magazine falsely reported that Trump had removed the Martin Luther King Jr. Bust from the Oval Office](

4. [ABC News Admits To Editing Ari Fleischer’s Praise Of Trump’s Press Secretary To Sound Like Attack](

5. [Media Was SILENT When Leaked Audio Revealed Hillary Wanted To Rig Foreign Elections!]


7. [Illegal Immigrant Mom Kills Own 4yo Daughter 'For Not Brushing Her Teeth,' Media Hides Illegal Status](

8. [Man Who Claimed Mom Died In Iraq Due to Trump’s ‘Ban’ FUCKING LIED!](

9. [NBC Blows Up Truck for Fake News Story](

10. [ABC Fakes Crime Scene for Fake News Story](

11. [Nancy Pelosi Uses Fake Tweet as "Evidence" of Watergate-sized Conspiracy in the Trump Administration](


13. [CNN tells voters what to say](

14. [CNN thinks Trump using forks to eat KFC is more important than a poisonous gas attack](

15. [CNN Reporter Whines On Live TV About Trump Ignoring His Questions!](

16. [CNN Won't Report That It Costs $64,370 To Resettle Just ONE Refugee. CNN Is Fake News](

Ok I kinda lied lol there is no right-wing terrorism in the US, but it's ok because liberals don't look beneath the surface so it isn't like they're going to click these and see what I did here.
No, you can't blame mass stabbings performed by liberal-voting black criminal gangs in liberal cities on the right.
No, you can't blame Muslim fathers killing their daughters for not being Muslim enough on the right when liberals imported them and intimidated the cops into letting them do as they please.
If you want to blame one Christian in 2008 shooting up an abortion clinic on the entire right, I get to blame every terrorist attack since 9/11 on the left. Of course, I really should be blaming the constant muslim terrorist attacks on the left anyway, because they're the ones importing these terrorists and encouraging their violent anti-woman pro-slavery pro-rape religion of evil.
And when Antifa shows up with grenades and rocks and shivs and ice picks to attack the Trump supporters at rallies and marches who march for human rights, Antifa gets its shit kicked in by honest americans with bare fists and american flags, and that does not make the right terrorist.

See the difference?
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I think those Brownies don't even like guns. I mean isn't that cartoon supposed to be about friendship, love and all that leftist stuff?
Sorry just catching up on this thread, so kinda an old post now but just to let you know there is a brownies thread on the gun forum I am a member of (but yes lots of stuff gets said in there). Also look into the pink pistols. Trying to label a gun owner by what you base a gun owner should be is not all that accurate.
Dude, Liberalism is a leftist belief?

So what world do you live where people like Stalin are waving pride parade flags?

How would you classify the difference between the left and the right? The right supports freedom even though you don't want muslims in the country despite that being against freedom of religion and many right wing people in the US want evangellical Christianity taught in the schools?

Classical Liberal" is the term for people who genuinely believe in the ideals and values Liberals once said they believed in, and they chose to leave the left because the modern left has no ideals or values. It just hates Trump, hates white people, hates the western world, and wants power.

The modern west has values? You mean like leaving veterans without healthcare, obesity, and a gossip culture based around consuming drama and sensationalism that never stops?
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Sorry just catching up on this thread, so kinda an old post now but just to let you know there is a brownies thread on the gun forum I am a member of (but yes lots of stuff gets said in there). Also look into the pink pistols. Trying to label a gun owner by what you base a gun owner should be is not all that accurate.
I was talking about the horses.

My guess would be, gun owners who also love that cartoon must be pretty chill.

Dude, Liberalism is a leftist belief, and so is socialism.
Socialism was invented by a liberal named Karl Marx who thought a free society was too "Systemically Opressive", and thought human rights were a "Social Construct" an all-powerful centralized Communist government should "Do away with", so the all-powerful state can control everyone's thoughts and feelings through state-run propaganda, and forcefully keep them equal by redistributing wealth.
Socialism was invented by a liberal named Giovanni Gentile who thought human rights were a "Social Construct" an all-powerful centralized Fascist government should "Do away with", so the all-powerful state can enslave everyone and force them to work for the benefit of the all-powerful Comm- I mean Fascist state.
See the difference?


So you got your degree from the Prager Universty. That explains actually a lot.

And to prove that there is more 'left-wing' terrorism you show some muslim gangs comitting crimes? Next you will probably prove with undeniable facts, how the KKK was a communist and extreme leftist organisation.

If it rains in your town, do you blame that on us leftists as well?
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Yeah well when you argue with lunatics ...


>Liberals are leftists are socialists hurrdeedurr it's all the same
>Fascism is a leftist ideology (what the actual fuck, it ranges from center to center-right to far right depending on whether you're dealing with something like Strasserism or Mussolini's fascism or NatSoc or whatever, but I would NEVER describe it as leftist)

he basically folds in the authoritarian/libertarian axis as another flavor of left-right which is so pants on head retarded, unhelpful and mendacious it beggars belief

EDIT: god damn it I am not letting this get derailed

I agree with the decision made here. (In before Florida Man jokes)
We'll see what the state attorney does.
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I was talking about the horses.

My guess would be, gun owners who also love that cartoon must be pretty chill.

Oh he is full on weird and not all that chill, one of the more extreme on the Libertarian side of things almost full on free-man of the land kinda dude who started it (talking about the pony thread guy). As for the pink pistols well I just figured I would bring up a gun rights advocacy group that is directly catered to the LGTQ crowd (fuck I don't know if that acronym is right anymore).
Tfw you believe in absolute individual rights, but you autisted yourself into believing that liberalism is leftist so you hate it.
>Fascism is a leftist ideology (what the actual fuck, it ranges from center to center-right to far right depending on whether you're dealing with something like Strasserism or Mussolini's fascism or NatSoc or whatever, but I would NEVER describe it as leftist)
Economically speaking it's squarely in the "leftist" block. Good Ol' Benito himself called it the ultimate form of communism or's all a bunch of crap.
Economically speaking it's squarely in the "leftist" block. Good Ol' Benito himself called it the ultimate form of communism or's all a bunch of crap.
It depends on how you look at it. If you define "left" as revolutionary and going against the current order, and "right as the conservative side, then Italian fascism was quite right wing, while national socialism was left wing. Fascism sought to reinstate the old monarchist ways, while national socialism, being inspired by fascism as well as socialism, sought to make something completely new.
Economically it's of course a different story. Both fascism and national socialism were not just right wing or just left wing. They were clearly inspired by socialism, but focused on national identity.
It depends on how you look at it. If you define "left" as revolutionary and going against the current order, and "right as the conservative side, then Italian fascism was quite right wing, while national socialism was left wing. Fascism sought to reinstate the old monarchist ways, while national socialism, being inspired by fascism as well as socialism, sought to make something completely new.
Economically it's of course a different story. Both fascism and national socialism were not just right wing or just left wing. They were clearly inspired by socialism, but focused on national identity.
Now this sounds like it all boils down to nobody wanting to take ownership of Fascism.
Now this sounds like it all boils down to nobody wanting to take ownership of Fascism.
Well, it is its own thing. It's both extreme left and extreme right. Both sides don't want It, but both sides own it.