So why we need to talk about who is left or right in a topic that is about gun control?
1. "Gun Control" is something liberals want.
2. Gun Control is a faulty non-solution to an exaggerated problem.
3. The rabid brownshirts who want my rights restricted think I'm alt-right, so it's ok for them to lie and insult me while they engage in all kinds of "Him so meen! Him think everyone leftist! Him a typical crazy person" bullshittery to avoid having to think too hard about what I said in the last two pages. Read those last two pages, by the way. My favourite part is where they start insulting me for having an MLP avatar while claiming I "should" hate it because MLP is supposedly leftist in their heads because ponies are kind. Yeah, the people calling my mixed-race ass a Nazi think they're kind people.
4. Liberals need to own up to their failures and failings if they're ever going to improve, stop attacking human rights, turn their lives around, and become something good for the world. They voted against freeing the slaves, they rioted when a cop-attacking thug was shot, they cheered when a communist Bernie fan shot Steve Scalise at a baseball game, and they cried treason and impeacement when Trump attended peace talks with North Korea and then attended more peace talks with Russia. Their fake news lies to the people, and they need to own up to that. Their fake news lies to protect Antifa and BLM terrorists, and they need to own up to that.
Gun Control is a failure because disarming good people won't make bad people harmless, despite what liberal politicians say. They'll never own up to that and they'll never admit that they're wrong, but they are. And they need to own up to that, and seriously analyze their own beliefs and ideology.
Why are so many people choosing to #WalkAway from the left? The left has no solutions, only a desire to create problems and lower the level of discussion.
Look at the insults leftists have thrown at me during the last 3 pages. Look at them, and look at how reluctant they are to actually address the points I make. Look at how desperate they are to muddy the water with this "There is no left", "Everyone looks left to you", "You're just saying that because you're racist", "It's anti-semetic to not love the left" bullshit. They're desperate, they're angry, they aren't fit to have mature debates, and that's why they've gone from "Of course gun control works!" to "Military guns are better so having guns is pointless" to "Everyone in this thread who isn't as left as me is a nazi!".