No, I'm saying that gunning down assholes has the danger of anyone being an asshole in the eyes of someone else.
That old lady that gives some money to homeless people? Well in some people's eyes, she is just making society worst by rewarding a lazy bum that doesn't work and has no motivation to improve their own life, because they get free money. Gun down the old lady because she is an asshole, but then, someone sees that person who shot the old lady, and considers them a asshole for shooting an old lady, so they shoot the shooter, then the friends and family of the guy that was shot will see the shooter as an asshole and go to shoot them...
Everyone is an asshole in someone else's eyes.
Not to mention that without the "shoot assholes" society. In the middle of the night, in a quiet street, a thief might point a knife or gun at you, demand your wallet, phone and jewelry, you obey and he runs away with your stuff. You lost your stuff.
Now in a society where people shoot assholes, that thief will just be out of sight, shoot you without you even seeing him, and then steal your stuff. You're dead. Because a thief will still be a thief, and it will not risk it anymore, it will hide, ambush and then shoot to kill to get the loot.