Like Atom said, you're having a bit of a trouble to actually read what someone writes. I never said citizens should be 'disarmed', mind you I am not against your right to get a firearm, just the idea that everyone owning one solves all the issues of criminals and assholes doing shitty stuff.
Then why bring up the "think of the cops!" thing? That's where I assumed you were arguing (if in a roundabout fashion, perhaps) for disarmament to avoid confusing the cops/giving them more cause to cap people.
You're also not really addressing my point of 'accidents' here, maybe you mixed it up or it's a language thing? No clue. I am not talking about the crazy guys getting shoot, but INNOCENT BYSTANDERS caught in the crossfire. I mean seriously, you're making so many assumptions, that every citizen will be a sharpshooter, that would be always easy to tell the crazy ones from the good ones apart and so on.
Innocent people already get caught in crossfires between police and criminals and reducing or eliminating the amount of privately owned firearms won't decrease it. It's then a question of "how much would more firearms being present actually INCREASE it?" which is going to be a really difficult hypothetical to answer and basically only serves to cast Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt over the prospect of an armed citizenry. I don't know if you actually know this or not, but pretty much EVERYONE was packing some flavor of heat in the days of the Wild West and you might be surprised to know that while there were some notable incidents we actually managed not to choke the streets with blood constantly. Fancy that.
Even armed conflicts where people wear uniforms, can be damn confusing, and soldiers are usually trained for it. Now imagine the average citizen here in a dangerous situation. And shooting at demonstrators because they panic? That's a little bit crazy, don't you think? Even if it would be a riot, people do not deserve the death penality for burning a car or throwing a trash can around. Let that one sink in for a minute. I mean this is exactly the point I am trying to make here, you would have to deal with many very confusing situations where you can not tell who is who.
Re: confusion - valid point, though if my brother's stories are any indication the confusion rarely has anything to do with uniforms, rather it stems from civvie randos who do exceedingly stupid shit compounded by things like language barriers. Re: shooting at demonstrators who panic - I was not arguing for that. I was saying that if the Charlottesville driver were indeed pulling a Car of Peace Maneuver then he should have been shot repeatedly, but I strongly suspected that he was just a panicky dumbfuck who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Re: rioters and the death penalty - fuck 'em. The moment you go from peaceful protests to "let's commit mass property damage and maybe fuck some people up", as far as I'm concerned, you have no reasonable expectation of safety. Cry more.
So why do people that didn't actually even have a gun yet complying keep getting shot?
Because sometimes cops are huge dumbfucks and that has nothing to do with whether a citizen is armed or not. Solution: don't let dumbfucks become cops.
Oh, because of what they THINK. The fuck is that supposed to mean? And why do cops need to cope with something that isn't, and shouldn't be a reality? They're not soldiers, they're telling directions to tourists and old ladies and waiting at the entrance of high schools to see nobody's trying to sell weed, not be sure they haven't accidentally stepped into a warzone. That one's pretty good though. "The cops are entitled, with all that 'their lives' pussy shit!"
"Isn't, shouldn't". The fuck is this pie-in-the-sky shit? Genie's out of the bottle and it's never going back in. It absolutely SHOULD be a reality that everyone has the right and ability to carry a firearm. They're free not to exercise that right if they don't want to, but I'm not interested in divesting law-abiding citizens of that right because some cop thinks "To Protect and Serve" should have "As Long As It's Not Too Dangerous" written under it in fine print. If EVERYONE decides to exercise that right, then cops need to fucking adapt to that reality. What the fuck is this notion that a cop's life is somehow worth more than the collective rights of an entire populace? Get the fuck out with that shit. You know how many people died to make sure those rights were put into place? God damn Euros.
Hold there, Texas Red. The assholes still have those rights you keep yappering about. They haven't become some sort of subhuman homunculus that not only should you feel okay about shooting but that you should shoot period. That one's dangerously close to the brony's "the Orlando club dudes should've been packing", too.
You fucking try to violate someone else's right to life, liberty and property, you should have NO reasonable expectation of your rights to those things being honored. Get fucked, brosef. Try not being a criminal asshole, it fucking works 99.9 percent of the time.