Gun Control

Do you think it would have helped the people in the Las Vegas shooting if the crowd was armed?

It wouldn't hurt. Until someone can wave a magical wand and make all the guns in the world go poof in an instant then we can start worrying about bombs and runaway vehicles.
Well it was a country music concert in the US, they probably were armed and no it would not. There is nothing that could have been done to prevent that tragedy, He had no criminal record or bad mental evaluations. He used firearms that are perfectly legal throughout most of the world (semi-auto rifles) and lets face it "bump" stocks are not high tech stuff and could easily be made on there own if someone wanted to they are just sliding stocks. He had an elevated position and was not visible to the crowd. No gun or gun control could have stopped that. That was a perfect storm of fuckery, and lets face it if someone wants to cause mass amounts of fuckery and plans for it no matter where in the world and what laws are in place they could pull it off. Throwing a fuck ton of Molotov cocktails into a crowded area with few exits from an elevated window probably would have the same effect. Renting vans, making bombs, etc.... The truly fucked will find away to bring about their fuckery.
So you say there is absolutely nothing we can do about it?

If weapons are not the issue here - as many pro-gun people claim - then they can also not be the solution. That's what I wanted to say. That was my intention with the comment. What the US is facing here is a social issue. So there won't be one single solution or one single policy to solve it. Which of course also means that simply banning weapons is not solution as well.

What it requires would be a more healthy approach on gun culture in general. You can and should have the right to own fire arms and there can be a great fun in it as a sport, hobby, hunting or just in collecting them. Or keeping them for your safety. But we have to educate people on them. And gun owners have to push back against toxic gun culture. They are the only ones that can do that.

Second, mental health has to be finally addressed as a serious issue in the United States. Which means a lot more resources have to be spend here to help the people in need and their relatives. But we at least we both already agree on that part.

Even if everyone would be armed everywhere at every moment, it would still not solve the underlying problem. That's the point. Not to mention that just like removing all weapons it comes with its own potential issues. Moving from one extreme to another is in my opinion not a good idea.
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Huh, I thought Germany had more strict gun control.
But then again, it's Berlin, the lawless wasteland of Germany.
The world doesn't need any control, except for mind control.

Yeah, different type of gangs.

I know new years is crazy in Berlin and some other cities in Europe, but they shouldn't use guns though. Those rockets can fug you up too though, so maybe need to chill a little.

On a related note, they've been replacing fireworks in some places in Finland with laser shows like the one below. Right up your proverbial alley.

Finns hate trees, that's why we shoot them with lasers.
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Is the whole Berlin like this or just the eastern part?
Berlin is the largest city in Germany, so no not all of it is like that. But it's a hot spot for a lot of crime. Someone I know lost a good friend in his youth to neo-nazis when they beat him up. He died in a hospital. Then his family moved to Munich. But Berlin has also areas like the Prenzlauer Berg which is a middle class area.
"A man tried to stage a robbery in a Florida suburb last Tuesday. He was thwarted by the toddler and his M240 light machine gun mounted to his Power Wheels electric truck. The Toddler had this to say:

Goo goo gah gah

Roughly translated, it means 'so anyways, I started blasting.'"
Not only did Crni make a normal people sized post, he made sense too.

We are all doomed.
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They should forgo conventional recruitment, and focus on twitch-gamer controlled robotics; nasty stuff though. It's the plot of Ender's Game, and Toys.

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