Gun Control

Some quotes:

$62 million in payments.

Whoa, didn't know they're handing out that much. I wouldn't pay anything, I'd just enact the law and then those with guns would be criminals.

However, New Zealand's collection thus far still represents meaningful gains, especially when compared to how the U.S. has fared when trying to regulate assault weapons.

When analogous programs have been proposed in U.S. states, results have often been far less encouraging. New York passed the landmark SAFE Act in 2013, which required gun owners to register assault weapons as part of the state's newly expanded definition for those types of military-style rifles. One estimate put the registration rate at around 4 percent.

A majority of the American public largely supports banning assault weapons. Some polling suggests a majority of Americans also support buyback programs, even mandatory ones.

NZ is successful, US isn't.

Ok so majority of yanks would want the gun loonies to hand over their semi-auto rifles, even by force. That about seals it in my view. I guess majority of yanks have had their fill of school shootings etc.

Btw, I wasn't expecting a US-based weekly news magazine to even be in favor of reducing guns in the world.
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Some quotes:

Whoa, didn't know they're handing out that much. I wouldn't pay anything, I'd just enact the law and then those with guns would be criminals.

NZ is successful, US isn't.

Ok so majority of yanks would want the gun loonies to hand over their semi-auto rifles, even by force. That about seals it in my view. I guess majority of yanks have had their fill of school shootings etc.

Btw, I wasn't expecting a US-based weekly news magazine to even be in favor of reducing guns in the world.

Wow a what 30% at best turn in rate is considered successful to you just because the US does worse? In essence all you did is make 70% of guns that would never be used in a crime now crime guns that since the owners are now criminals in your eyes they might as well just sell them to people with more nefarious means, oh but that is why they offer them a "fair" (not what I consider fair) compensation. And of course you would go the facist/authoritarian route of seizing legal acquired property. But oh yeah those rifles are legal in your country right? They are also legal in a large portion of the EU. Hell I just watched the slingshot guy from Germany's video about all his wonderful handguns and semi auto rifles, but the rifle is the problem even if they are involved in less than 5% of gun crimes pretty much anywhere in the world.

You know what is involved in 100% of school shooting? Mental health.... sometimes I question yours Mutant.
Yes let us talk about mental health and how that is even doing worse than the gun culture. Are you for free health care Gonzo?
Yes let us talk about mental health and how that is even doing worse than the gun culture. Are you for free health care Gonzo?

I am for universal health care access yes, I do not go for how Canada or the UK do it with all government services as I think the private industry has a place, but yeah I consider it an essential service and good for the all round health and livability of a country. Do not call it free though, I pay a hefty amount of taxes for that access. I think that we need to have a lot more discussions about mental health and I think most politicians gloss over that factor as it has no easy answer or is as cheap as just banning guns. Improving mental health access will reduce homelessness, addiction, and crime in general. In the long run it is the best solution for most of societies ills.
Wow a what 30% at best turn in rate is considered successful to you just because the US does worse? In essence all you did is make 70% of guns that would never be used in a crime now crime guns that since the owners are now criminals in your eyes they might as well just sell them to people with more nefarious means, oh but that is why they offer them a "fair" (not what I consider fair) compensation. And of course you would go the facist/authoritarian route of seizing legal acquired property. But oh yeah those rifles are legal in your country right? They are also legal in a large portion of the EU. Hell I just watched the slingshot guy from Germany's video about all his wonderful handguns and semi auto rifles, but the rifle is the problem even if they are involved in less than 5% of gun crimes pretty much anywhere in the world.

You know what is involved in 100% of school shooting? Mental health.... sometimes I question yours Mutant.

Even 30 % requires the 62 million bucks, only goes to show how large the problem is. Still, NZ is safer than US where things are the way you want them to be, although you don't even live there.
Even 30 % requires the 62 million bucks, only goes to show how large the problem is. Still, NZ is safer than US where things are the way you want them to be, although you don't even live there.

See you know how i know you are a authoritarian. You consider guns a problem. You have zero compromise which gun owners have been doing for around 90 years now. The thing is if you cant trust someone with a gun it does not matter if its semi, full, or a manual action they can be dangerous. But they are the vast minority and need to be weeded out of owning them, not everyone. I am not for US style ownership even when iI say you cant change the laws there the way you think as they actually have real rights that are protected.

I do think having permits to own guns is a great idea. I can point to way more countries that allow the ownership of semi's without all the school shootings you focus on while you just go on with your bigotry of Americans. Watch what happens in New Zealand over the next couple of years. I expect nothing really changes in murder rates and the mighty leftist army can go pat themselves on there virtue signalling backs that they did good as they got semis banned. Useful idiots.
Sorry, and I speak for millions here, if the government wants to me to give up even more then it should give me something for it once in a while, and not be a completely corrupt oligarchy.

The ideas of permits and regulations are nice, but America is fucked. If the government wanted to prevent terrorism and mass-shootings, then perhaps it should stop provoking them with its actions.

The people who think that more bureaucracy is going to solve the plight of the common man, have never experienced it.
Sorry, and I speak for millions here, if the government wants to me to give up even more then it should give me something for it once in a while, and not be a completely corrupt oligarchy.

"A college student hailed by police as a hero for preventing more injuries and deaths after a gunman opened fire in a classroom has been immortalized as a Jedi by the production company behind the Star Wars franchise."

Texas shooter had a Finnish last name, Kinnunen. Kind of rare.

It is amazing how quickly a shooting can end when those being shot at have the ability to defend themselves. Seconds. Too bad the college student did not have a gun, maybe we would not have had to name a jedi after him in his memory.
Do you think it would have helped the people in the Las Vegas shooting if the crowd was armed?

Well it was a country music concert in the US, they probably were armed and no it would not. There is nothing that could have been done to prevent that tragedy, He had no criminal record or bad mental evaluations. He used firearms that are perfectly legal throughout most of the world (semi-auto rifles) and lets face it "bump" stocks are not high tech stuff and could easily be made on there own if someone wanted to they are just sliding stocks. He had an elevated position and was not visible to the crowd. No gun or gun control could have stopped that. That was a perfect storm of fuckery, and lets face it if someone wants to cause mass amounts of fuckery and plans for it no matter where in the world and what laws are in place they could pull it off. Throwing a fuck ton of Molotov cocktails into a crowded area with few exits from an elevated window probably would have the same effect. Renting vans, making bombs, etc.... The truly fucked will find away to bring about their fuckery.
How many of these would be solved if everybody just wore suicide vests around? Would you try to mass shoot people who you know can just suicide bomb you?