Gun Control

I think they mean that it was a weapon of the same type, because the one used in Munich 2016 was an illegally reactivated prop gun without serial numbers. No way this guy could have now bought it legally.
Also, I don't see how guns from the evidence locker would get back into circulation. They stay there for ages and usually get destroyed.
Yeah, it seems also possible that some confiscated weapons are auctioned off in Germany. But guns used in crimes are usually destroyed, I think.
They do keep some of those in the police museums and places like that, especially if there's a historical significance. Maybe after a long time they could be auctioned off.

I remember when I was in 3rd grade our school class visited a local police station and they had like a little museum. One of the pieces was the metal part of an axe. Some guy had used it to kill himself, hit himself repeatedly in the head with it. And they told that to a bunch of third graders. Welcome to the Finnish school system. :D
He was seriously fucked in the head, though, like serious schizophrenia and paranoia fucked.
Dude was going on about secret bunkers under the US where the military sacrifices babies to THE DEVIL and uses mind control machines to enslave the population. Standard conspiratard bullshit but mix in some Paranoid Schizophrenia and you get one of those chucklefucks who think they are in They Live.
Dude was going on about secret bunkers under the US where the military sacrifices babies to THE DEVIL and uses mind control machines to enslave the population. Standard conspiratard bullshit but mix in some Paranoid Schizophrenia and you get one of those chucklefucks who think they are in They Live.

And yet they sold him a gun. In Germany.
Well because even in Germany we have not developed mind reading machines yet and as long as someone hasn't done something illegal the authorities won't notice them so if they have been members of a gun club and acted relatively "normal" they can get a weapon permit.

Look, I am all for sensible gun regulations but this is not a gun issue. And such cases can not be solved by stronger laws. We have already very strict laws in Germany. The shooter had severe psychological issues and he has spend reading a lot of extreme right wing propaganda. Some of what wrote down can be found on pretty much any right wing conspiracy website out there - German people getting replaced by Africans and such stuff. You can hear such nonsense on every extreme right wing demonstration out there.
Well because even in Germany we have not developed mind reading machines yet and as long as someone hasn't done something illegal the authorities won't notice them so if they have been members of a gun club and acted relatively "normal" they can get a weapon permit.

Look, I am all for sensible gun regulations but this is not a gun issue. And such cases can not be solved by stronger laws. We have already very strict laws in Germany. The shooter had severe psychological issues and he has spend reading a lot of extreme right wing propaganda. Some of what wrote down can be found on pretty much any right wing conspiracy website out there - German people getting replaced by Africans and such stuff. You can hear such nonsense on every extreme right wing demonstration out there.

What if he did have a criminal record? Would that even stop him from getting a gun in Germany? Or if he was an 'official' member of a, say, a neo-nazi group or something?

And yea, gun clubs. The cost of having gun clubs is getting to be quite high in Germany. How many more massacres like this are needed before one can even criticize that hobby?

The authorities checked his fitness for owning a gun just last year. No idea how long his schizophrenia had been brewing, but apparently the regular checks are not too thorough. The guys at his gun club said he was completely normal, though. If he's aware enough he'll be easily capable of faking his way through the system. Nothing can stop that from happening. As for criticising gun clubs, sure. Not sure what would be fixed by restricting or outright banning those, but one can make arguments.
What if he did have a criminal record? Would that even stop him from getting a gun in Germany? Or if he was an 'official' member of a, say, a neo-nazi group or something?

Mind you I am not an expert on this. But as far as my knowledge goes, yes a criminal record means no gun for you. To get a gun permit you're required to have a clean record. For such cases we have in Germany what is known as "Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis". Ever citizen can get one for a small fee, it tells you in detail your criminal record. Some employers and organisations even require it for applications. I am working with a charity organisation and they demand each year a new one. You can be pretty sure that if your record is full of criminal charges because of violent behaviour or anything similar you're not getting a gun permit.
And yea, gun clubs. The cost of having gun clubs is getting to be quite high in Germany. How many more massacres like this are needed before one can even criticize that hobby?

They are criticised very often particularly after such incidents where someone starts shooting others with a gun. So I am not sure what your issue here is. Again we have good gun laws and we have a gun culture that is far away from being radical or unhealthy. And yes I am sure not everything is perfect, it never is and we will need to take a closer look at certain groups, recently the extreme right wing group Combat 18 was for example outlawed which should have happend years ago. I am the first one to say that our authorities have ignored the problem for far to long. There has been a neglect of monitoring extremist right wingers and their organisations. No doubts about it. But as I said earlier this is not an issue of gun laws or gun clubs in particular. They are for the most part responsible.
Well it's about where the line is drawn, would a speeding or parking ticket or many of them stop one from getting a gun? Maybe not.

Also, there are a lot of illegal guns circulating in Europe. Luckily they are not used for violent crimes as often as in North or South America, could be that we are doing something right to prevent violent crime in Europe. That Breivik-guy tried to get a gun from Czech Republic I think but wasn't able to, but eventually got a gun in Norway. We never know how many of these are prevented, the media only sees the ones that happen.
It's not like German guns laws stopped that Doorcuck guy who shot up a town over there last year. That goof built his own shotgun and automatic Sub-Machine Gun. Sure he couldn't get past a wooden door but he did shoot people who walked up to guy throwing pipe bombs at Synagogue.
The gun laws don't stop EVERY shooting. That was and never is the intention. The intention is to LOWER the number of gun violence and murders. If I think about how bad the situation is already now I do not want to imagine what it would be like if the number of available guns would be doubled and if the access to guns would be made easier. We Germans simply do not have the same kind of gun culture as how it is present in North America for example where weapons are seen as a right. In Germany weapon ownership is understood as a privilege. What ever if that's a good or bad thing, but that's how we understand it here. And it works for us.
The authorities checked his fitness for owning a gun just last year. No idea how long his schizophrenia had been brewing, but apparently the regular checks are not too thorough. The guys at his gun club said he was completely normal, though. If he's aware enough he'll be easily capable of faking his way through the system. Nothing can stop that from happening. As for criticising gun clubs, sure. Not sure what would be fixed by restricting or outright banning those, but one can make arguments.

The system is dishonest and corrupt in general. This is the sign of a leaky ship to be honest. I would recommend countries to get rid of guns, but I would recommend people buy and hide as many as they can afford.
This chucklehead had some shit out there.

  • Americans did 9/11.
  • Hollywood hides clues of their schemes in movies just to fuck with him.
  • Starship Troopers told him that the US uses Telepathic Soldiers.
  • Donald Trump stole all his slogans and political platforms from him.

Claimed the shadow cabal began tracking him when he dialed 911 in Germany because he wanted to call the cops. Why he dialed 911 for emergency services instead of the German equivalent was not mentioned.
Well it's bullshit in this case. It's all over the news and discussed in every talk-show here in Germany that this incident is also clear extreme right wing terrorism. It's actually surprising how clear some news report it as such and how there is at least equally much talk about the racist views of the killer next to his psychological problems.
Well it's bullshit in this case. It's all over the news and discussed in every talk-show here in Germany
Because the news doesn't lie in Germany? Or apparently you can't be a racist and think Look Who's Talking Too is sending you secret messages that the CIA is planing on putting gay microbes in the town reservoir at the same time.