Gun Control

Lefties want us disarmed and dead or in chains
Yeah, they do.


In other news New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says the city's become safer than ever since releasing people from its jails, even though shootings, lootings and crime has skyrocketed more than 200% in the past year.

The washington Post is claiming the surge in crimes are due to.... increased gun sales. Not releasing thousands of prisoners. Not ordering the police to stand down Not defunding the police. Not encouraging violent rioting Not continuously releasing rioters Not months of social isolation Not economic devastation Not cancelling every event But gun sales... Of course its the gun sales.
Dude nothing is getting anywhere. Ever. We will be arguing over weapons 100 years from now.

I mean it'll be mini-missiles and drones and suicide drones and one-shot drones by then; [personal] lasers require battery tech we don't have and particle guns emit backscattering radiation (and require huge power packs as well). We're stuck with guns~~
Man, personal lasers have so many issues... Chemically propelled projectiles won't be replaced for quite a while.
I'm going to be real with you, I have no idea why we argue over this.

Lefties want us disarmed and dead or in chains, and they don't offer anything in return when they demand we compromise with them.

I'm starting to think they don't even care how their ways bring death, poverty, destruction, and failure.
We argue over it because of ignorance. The misguided belief that weapons cause violence, that people are taught and brought up to believe. I’d say education would help, but people are so fucking brainwashed that trying to educate a Democrat about guns is like me trying to teach my dog to read.

It’s a waste of everyone’s time and ends with them shitting on the floor.

I believe Lefties have their hearts in the right place. They want to help people. But they’re looking at the wrong issues entirely in that attempt.
We argue over it because of ignorance. The misguided belief that weapons cause violence, that people are taught and brought up to believe. I’d say education would help, but people are so fucking brainwashed that trying to educate a Democrat about guns is like me trying to teach my dog to read.

It’s a waste of everyone’s time and ends with them shitting on the floor.

I believe Lefties have their hearts in the right place. They want to help people. But they’re looking at the wrong issues entirely in that attempt.
I wish they did have hearts in their right place. But if they did, then why would evidence that they're wrong make them react in such a hostile, aggressive manner? Why would they demean and abuse people who are right and actually want to do right? Why do they want to believe they're the only ones who want to do right, even in the face of evidence that they're doing bad things? Why would they still want the "Red Flag laws" system even after it's been proven to only ever affect Conservatives who say the wrong thing around Commies, and never affect Commies who get to brag openly about wanting to genocide innocents during violent coups?

Really makes you think about why they want control so badly.
Perhaps, but I’d argue that’s a minority of Leftists. The majority are just parroting what they’ve been taught. They’re not evil or bad so much as misguided, in my honest opinion. Every faction has problems; I’m loath to use the term “side” because that just cultivates an “us versus them” mentality, when what we need is union.
Right now, the only way to stem the tide of the far left is to let them wreck shit.

It took murder, rape, extortion, and infighting among the city council, to shut down what everyone in their heart, knew, was a terrible idea, the CHOP.

It took the death of an innocent 8 year old girl to show how BLM are too cowardly to report the agent provocateurs. To show how BLM are no different than cops who protect dirty cops by 'not snitching'. To show that BLM also believes might makes right.

Now the country needs more far left rulings that will eventually cause a bigger rift within the democratic establishment. Women will rail against transgender men invading their sports and bathrooms. Moderates of clean energy will fight the nature hippies who believe mother earth cannot be violated even one iota. Left leaning business owners will fight the homeless lovers who drive away customers. Moderate dems who do not want their city to turn out like Seattle or Detroit, will fight the Jenny Durkins and Kshama Sawants.

The embrace of far left ideas by the democratic establishment has permanently fractured the party and only when the far left has been excised will things start getting better.

It is sad but humans only change in times of crisis.
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Maybe you’re right on that count. I just find it... a bit pathetic, really. Makes me wonder why people choose to believe in a pipe dream like a communist system. All the power to them, but Revolution rarely works out the way people initially plan. They’d do well to remember that Robespierre was decapitated too.
Revolutions worked so well that the French had 5 plus I think.

People need to understand that revolutions are an act of desperation, where the people would choose anarchy over living with some semblance of order with the existing regime. There is a reason why the saying exists, 'You cannot make an omelet without breaking a few eggs'. Are revolutions needed sometimes, sure. But the reasons have to be worth the heavy price paid. Just because one doesn't have free tuition or universal healthcare or open borders does not mean a revolution is needed.

The reason why Communism succeeds is usually because Communists take advantage of desperate people. In a way, they are no different than the rich, who do the same thing. China for example, Mao told the people that the Nationalists didn't care for the majority and only defended people in the cities. The uneducated poor had no idea that with tight resources, and Japanese attacks primarily targeting cities, that is where the much better equipped nationalists would be. Mao turned a strategic necessity into something of class struggle. It wasn't pragmatism, it was the rich abusing the poor. Communists have always been about keeping people dumb and eliminating the intelligent that were AGAINST the revolution.

Maos father Marx was upper middle class. Lenins family were wealthy. The fathers of Communism were nothing but hypocrites. They all got educated while the actual poor hardly ever got a chance to attend school.

As Animal Farm pointed out, in real life, there will always be 'some who are more EQUAL than others'. Human nature always finds itself needing a leadership caste. Even with anarchy, the majority of a group will be de facto leadership, if not de jure. It is inescapable.
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I wish they did have hearts in their right place. But if they did, then why would evidence that they're wrong make them react in such a hostile, aggressive manner? Why would they demean and abuse people who are right and actually want to do right? Why do they want to believe they're the only ones who want to do right, even in the face of evidence that they're doing bad things? Why would they still want the "Red Flag laws" system even after it's been proven to only ever affect Conservatives who say the wrong thing around Commies, and never affect Commies who get to brag openly about wanting to genocide innocents during violent coups?

Really makes you think about why they want control so badly. must grasp the,allowed to command the Party.

Leftists are pro gun you doofus.
Did you read what you sent? They weren’t “pro-gun”, they saw them (especially in Mao’s case) as a means to an end. Marx thought disarmament would come at the last stage of “true” communism, in which government and the concept of war are left behind.

I’ll grant it that Euro liberals are more... liberal... than American ones, but socialists/communists aren’t a fan of guns in any fashion besides revolutionary ones.
Did you read what you sent? They weren’t “pro-gun”, they saw them (especially in Mao’s case) as a means to an end. Marx thought disarmament would come at the last stage of “true” communism, in which government and the concept of war are left behind.
That's really a distinction without a difference, the goal stated was one to reach a world were violence would be unnecessary, and as such, gun owners would voluntarily disarm themselves. This says nothing about state confiscation like how he is trying to portray leftists as. Your argument is really reaching and doesn't take away from the fact that leftists (at least bona fide leftists that aren't liberals roleplaying as leftists) overwhelmingly support guns, and gun ownership. Also, leftism is an inherently revolutionary ideology, they may advocate for harm reduction voting, but the belief requires revolution to implement.

Look into the black panthers, a group of black marxists, which the NRA literally helped to disarmed because they were armed black people, which posed a threat to white hegemony.

PS: Liberals are not leftists.
I wouldn’t call it reaching to say that they only want to arm the proletariat for a power grab. An armed working class = possibly successful revolution doesn’t = own a gun because you like guns. The intention is to USE THE GUN FOR REVOLUTION. There’s a clear distinction between keeping a gun for fun, and keeping a gun to overthrow the fucking government.

As for the Black Panthers, yeah, the NRA is bullshit and no one should listen to them ever. American Republicans and Democrats alike miss the mark on gun issues, one wanting to disarm everyone and the other wanting to disarm minorities. They’re both parties of idiots imo, but unfortunately we need them to work together to accomplish ANYTHING, unless we wanna grease more palms than we have money in the coffers, leading to debt.

Oh wait.
I wouldn’t call it reaching to say that they only want to arm the proletariat for a power grab. An armed working class = possibly successful revolution doesn’t = own a gun because you like guns. The intention is to USE THE GUN FOR REVOLUTION. There’s a clear distinction between keeping a gun for fun, and keeping a gun to overthrow the fucking government.
That's a fair point, I'll concede. I'm certainly one of the leftists who loves guns tho, that shit is sick as fuck.

As for the Black Panthers, yeah, the NRA is bullshit and no one should listen to them ever. American Republicans and Democrats alike miss the mark on gun issues, one wanting to disarm everyone and the other wanting to disarm minorities. They’re both parties of idiots imo, but unfortunately we need them to work together to accomplish ANYTHING, unless we wanna grease more palms than we have money in the coffers, leading to debt.
The entirety of the American political system is just rich pedophiles.