Gun Control

I fucking wish you told the truth.

Unfortunately, leftists are pro-leftism and that's it. They want to be the only ones allowed to own guns and speak freely, so they can rape and rob freely as communists do.
Unfortunately, leftists are pro-leftism

Funny how you said something obvious and true and then the rest is the leftists that burned down your village, ransacked your gold piles, and kidnapped the women and children. Again.

Funny how you said something obvious and true and then the rest is the leftists that burned down your village, ransacked your gold piles, and kidnapped the women and children. Again.
You should stop aiding and abetting Communists.

edit: fuck it, I'll take your bait and try to educate you.

Go and listen to some people who survived the Communist takeover of Russia, and listen to their stories. Listen to stories of what your ideology has done, criminal.
Not having schizophrenic or deranged thoughts about anyone to the left of me is aiding and abetting Communists?
I want to start a petition to Hassknecht to get SilverStarApple/Epsilon7 name changed to Leftists REEEEE.
Just REEEEEE in general will do just fine. He has attacked others who are on his side, so that might be better.
while straight up REEEEE would be be succinct, I think Leftists REEEEE has pazazz to it. it really conveys how much Leftists make him reeee.
You can't start petitions in NMA. You can only put forth strongly worded sentiments.
what about a briefly worded statement that says Hey change this dorks name to this. hell it has been done before. remember Cliffy McEdgeface anyone?
You are the biggest 2008 jobber here. Barely 2,000 posts like you had a life or something. Look at you now. :whistle:
If it was quality I would have remembered it. You did not become quality until you put on that face. Must be the flag. ;)
If it was quality I would have remembered it.
No, I think that is called that drug abuse. the quality was always there you just missed it and that is a shame. Brother None would occasionally vat my comments for being too spicy. the news section wasn't the place for that or something. But now that you mention it. I didn't really start posting in General until the the big switch and I change to this avatar and for that you get a gold star.
My memory of this place has always been clear. It's a product of being on here too much. Anyway stop taking shit so personally. You are acting like a JaBrony.
Well type right then it makes you look like you are sperging out all the time. Reminds me of this guy at Codex.

So this guy will type like this.then just keep on fucking typing without any sense of grammar structure.without even a fucking space.this is too painful I have to stop.